
87 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Plugin to report service status
# Needs following minimal configuration in plugin-conf.d/nova:
# [nova_*]
# user nova
# Magic markers
#%# capabilities=autoconf
#%# family=auto
import sys
from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import flags
from nova import utils
except ImportError:
successful_import = False
successful_import = True
services = ['nova-compute', 'nova-volume', 'nova-scheduler', 'nova-vncproxy', 'nova-network', 'nova-cert', 'nova-console', 'nova-consoleauth']
def print_config():
global services
print 'graph_title Nova Services'
print 'graph_vlabel qty'
print 'graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0'
print 'graph_category nova'
print 'graph_scale no'
print 'graph_info Nova services - alive and active'
for service in services:
print '%s_alive.label %s alive' % (service, service)
print '%s_alive.draw LINE2' % service
print ' seen in last 30 seconds' % service
print '%s_active.label %s active' % (service, service)
print '%s_active.draw LINE2' % service
print ' alive and enabled' % service
def get_status():
global services
alive = {}
active = {}
for k in services:
alive[k] = 0
active[k] = 0
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
now = utils.utcnow()
services = db.service_get_all(ctxt)
for svc in services:
delta = now - (svc['updated_at'] or svc['created_at'])
if (delta.seconds <= 30):
alive[svc['binary']] += 1
if not svc['disabled']:
active[svc['binary']] += 1
return {'alive': alive, 'active': active}
def print_values():
status = get_status()
for (state, value) in status['alive'].iteritems():
print "%s_alive.value %s" % (state, value)
for (state, value) in status['active'].iteritems():
print "%s_active.value %s" % (state, value)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == "config":
elif sys.argv[1] == "autoconf":
if not successful_import:
print 'no (failed import nova module]'
print 'yes'
elif successful_import: