package core import ( "context" "errors" "net/url" "sort" "strings" "time" "" "" "" _ "" _ "" _ "" "" "" "" . "" "" "" ) const ( unavailableArtistID = "-1" maxSimilarArtists = 100 refreshDelay = 5 * time.Second refreshTimeout = 15 * time.Second refreshQueueLength = 2000 ) type ExternalMetadata interface { UpdateAlbumInfo(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Album, error) UpdateArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.Artist, error) SimilarSongs(ctx context.Context, id string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) TopSongs(ctx context.Context, artist string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) ArtistImage(ctx context.Context, id string) (*url.URL, error) AlbumImage(ctx context.Context, id string) (*url.URL, error) } type externalMetadata struct { ds model.DataStore ag *agents.Agents artistQueue chan<- *auxArtist albumQueue chan<- *auxAlbum } type auxAlbum struct { model.Album Name string } type auxArtist struct { model.Artist Name string } func NewExternalMetadata(ds model.DataStore, agents *agents.Agents) ExternalMetadata { e := &externalMetadata{ds: ds, ag: agents} e.artistQueue = startRefreshQueue(context.TODO(), e.populateArtistInfo) e.albumQueue = startRefreshQueue(context.TODO(), e.populateAlbumInfo) return e } func (e *externalMetadata) getAlbum(ctx context.Context, id string) (*auxAlbum, error) { var entity interface{} entity, err := model.GetEntityByID(ctx, e.ds, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } var album auxAlbum switch v := entity.(type) { case *model.Album: album.Album = *v album.Name = clearName(v.Name) case *model.MediaFile: return e.getAlbum(ctx, v.AlbumID) default: return nil, model.ErrNotFound } return &album, nil } func (e *externalMetadata) UpdateAlbumInfo(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Album, error) { album, err := e.getAlbum(ctx, id) if err != nil { log.Info(ctx, "Not found", "id", id) return nil, err } updatedAt := V(album.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt) if updatedAt.IsZero() { log.Debug(ctx, "AlbumInfo not cached. Retrieving it now", "updatedAt", updatedAt, "id", id, "name", album.Name) err = e.populateAlbumInfo(ctx, album) if err != nil { return nil, err } } if time.Since(updatedAt) > conf.Server.DevAlbumInfoTimeToLive { log.Debug("Found expired cached AlbumInfo, refreshing in the background", "updatedAt", album.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt, "name", album.Name) enqueueRefresh(e.albumQueue, album) } return &album.Album, nil } func (e *externalMetadata) populateAlbumInfo(ctx context.Context, album *auxAlbum) error { start := time.Now() info, err :=, album.Name, album.AlbumArtist, album.MbzAlbumID) if errors.Is(err, agents.ErrNotFound) { return nil } if err != nil { log.Error("Error refreshing AlbumInfo", "id", album.ID, "name", album.Name, "artist", album.AlbumArtist, "elapsed", time.Since(start), err) return err } album.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt = P(time.Now()) album.ExternalUrl = info.URL if info.Description != "" { album.Description = info.Description } if len(info.Images) > 0 { sort.Slice(info.Images, func(i, j int) bool { return info.Images[i].Size > info.Images[j].Size }) album.LargeImageUrl = info.Images[0].URL if len(info.Images) >= 2 { album.MediumImageUrl = info.Images[1].URL } if len(info.Images) >= 3 { album.SmallImageUrl = info.Images[2].URL } } err = e.ds.Album(ctx).Put(&album.Album) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Error trying to update album external information", "id", album.ID, "name", album.Name, "elapsed", time.Since(start), err) } else { log.Trace(ctx, "AlbumInfo collected", "album", album, "elapsed", time.Since(start)) } return nil } func (e *externalMetadata) getArtist(ctx context.Context, id string) (*auxArtist, error) { var entity interface{} entity, err := model.GetEntityByID(ctx, e.ds, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } var artist auxArtist switch v := entity.(type) { case *model.Artist: artist.Artist = *v artist.Name = clearName(v.Name) case *model.MediaFile: return e.getArtist(ctx, v.ArtistID) case *model.Album: return e.getArtist(ctx, v.AlbumArtistID) default: return nil, model.ErrNotFound } return &artist, nil } // Replace some Unicode chars with their equivalent ASCII func clearName(name string) string { name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "–", "-") name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "‐", "-") name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "“", `"`) name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "”", `"`) name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "‘", `'`) name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "’", `'`) return name } func (e *externalMetadata) UpdateArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, similarCount int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.Artist, error) { artist, err := e.refreshArtistInfo(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = e.loadSimilar(ctx, artist, similarCount, includeNotPresent) return &artist.Artist, err } func (e *externalMetadata) refreshArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string) (*auxArtist, error) { artist, err := e.getArtist(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } // If we don't have any info, retrieves it now updatedAt := V(artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt) if updatedAt.IsZero() { log.Debug(ctx, "ArtistInfo not cached. Retrieving it now", "updatedAt", updatedAt, "id", id, "name", artist.Name) err := e.populateArtistInfo(ctx, artist) if err != nil { return nil, err } } // If info is expired, trigger a populateArtistInfo in the background if time.Since(updatedAt) > conf.Server.DevArtistInfoTimeToLive { log.Debug("Found expired cached ArtistInfo, refreshing in the background", "updatedAt", updatedAt, "name", artist.Name) enqueueRefresh(e.artistQueue, artist) } return artist, nil } func (e *externalMetadata) populateArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, artist *auxArtist) error { start := time.Now() // Get MBID first, if it is not yet available if artist.MbzArtistID == "" { mbid, err :=, artist.ID, artist.Name) if mbid != "" && err == nil { artist.MbzArtistID = mbid } } // Call all registered agents and collect information g := errgroup.Group{} g.SetLimit(2) g.Go(func() error { e.callGetImage(ctx,, artist); return nil }) g.Go(func() error { e.callGetBiography(ctx,, artist); return nil }) g.Go(func() error { e.callGetURL(ctx,, artist); return nil }) g.Go(func() error { e.callGetSimilar(ctx,, artist, maxSimilarArtists, true); return nil }) _ = g.Wait() if utils.IsCtxDone(ctx) { log.Warn(ctx, "ArtistInfo update canceled", "elapsed", "id", artist.ID, "name", artist.Name, time.Since(start), ctx.Err()) return ctx.Err() } artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt = P(time.Now()) err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).Put(&artist.Artist) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Error trying to update artist external information", "id", artist.ID, "name", artist.Name, "elapsed", time.Since(start), err) } else { log.Trace(ctx, "ArtistInfo collected", "artist", artist, "elapsed", time.Since(start)) } return nil } func (e *externalMetadata) SimilarSongs(ctx context.Context, id string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) { artist, err := e.getArtist(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } e.callGetSimilar(ctx,, artist, 15, false) if utils.IsCtxDone(ctx) { log.Warn(ctx, "SimilarSongs call canceled", ctx.Err()) return nil, ctx.Err() } weightedSongs := random.NewWeightedChooser[model.MediaFile]() addArtist := func(a model.Artist, weightedSongs *random.WeightedChooser[model.MediaFile], count, artistWeight int) error { if utils.IsCtxDone(ctx) { log.Warn(ctx, "SimilarSongs call canceled", ctx.Err()) return ctx.Err() } topCount := max(count, 20) topSongs, err := e.getMatchingTopSongs(ctx,, &auxArtist{Name: a.Name, Artist: a}, topCount) if err != nil { log.Warn(ctx, "Error getting artist's top songs", "artist", a.Name, err) return nil } weight := topCount * (4 + artistWeight) for _, mf := range topSongs { weightedSongs.Add(mf, weight) weight -= 4 } return nil } err = addArtist(artist.Artist, weightedSongs, count, 10) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, a := range artist.SimilarArtists { err := addArtist(a, weightedSongs, count, 0) if err != nil { return nil, err } } var similarSongs model.MediaFiles for len(similarSongs) < count && weightedSongs.Size() > 0 { s, err := weightedSongs.Pick() if err != nil { log.Warn(ctx, "Error getting weighted song", err) continue } similarSongs = append(similarSongs, s) } return similarSongs, nil } func (e *externalMetadata) ArtistImage(ctx context.Context, id string) (*url.URL, error) { artist, err := e.getArtist(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } e.callGetImage(ctx,, artist) if utils.IsCtxDone(ctx) { log.Warn(ctx, "ArtistImage call canceled", ctx.Err()) return nil, ctx.Err() } imageUrl := artist.ArtistImageUrl() if imageUrl == "" { return nil, agents.ErrNotFound } return url.Parse(imageUrl) } func (e *externalMetadata) AlbumImage(ctx context.Context, id string) (*url.URL, error) { album, err := e.getAlbum(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } info, err :=, album.Name, album.AlbumArtist, album.MbzAlbumID) if errors.Is(err, agents.ErrNotFound) { return nil, err } if utils.IsCtxDone(ctx) { log.Warn(ctx, "AlbumImage call canceled", ctx.Err()) return nil, ctx.Err() } // Return the biggest image var img agents.ExternalImage for _, i := range info.Images { if img.Size <= i.Size { img = i } } if img.URL == "" { return nil, agents.ErrNotFound } return url.Parse(img.URL) } func (e *externalMetadata) TopSongs(ctx context.Context, artistName string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) { artist, err := e.findArtistByName(ctx, artistName) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Artist not found", "name", artistName, err) return nil, nil } return e.getMatchingTopSongs(ctx,, artist, count) } func (e *externalMetadata) getMatchingTopSongs(ctx context.Context, agent agents.ArtistTopSongsRetriever, artist *auxArtist, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) { songs, err := agent.GetArtistTopSongs(ctx, artist.ID, artist.Name, artist.MbzArtistID, count) if errors.Is(err, agents.ErrNotFound) { return nil, nil } if err != nil { return nil, err } var mfs model.MediaFiles for _, t := range songs { mf, err := e.findMatchingTrack(ctx, t.MBID, artist.ID, t.Name) if err != nil { continue } mfs = append(mfs, *mf) if len(mfs) == count { break } } if len(mfs) == 0 { log.Debug(ctx, "No matching top songs found", "name", artist.Name) } else { log.Debug(ctx, "Found matching top songs", "name", artist.Name, "numSongs", len(mfs)) } return mfs, nil } func (e *externalMetadata) findMatchingTrack(ctx context.Context, mbid string, artistID, title string) (*model.MediaFile, error) { if mbid != "" { mfs, err := e.ds.MediaFile(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.Eq{"mbz_recording_id": mbid}, }) if err == nil && len(mfs) > 0 { return &mfs[0], nil } return e.findMatchingTrack(ctx, "", artistID, title) } mfs, err := e.ds.MediaFile(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.And{ squirrel.Or{ squirrel.Eq{"artist_id": artistID}, squirrel.Eq{"album_artist_id": artistID}, }, squirrel.Like{"order_title": utils.SanitizeFieldForSorting(title)}, }, Sort: "starred desc, rating desc, year asc, compilation asc ", Max: 1, }) if err != nil || len(mfs) == 0 { return nil, model.ErrNotFound } return &mfs[0], nil } func (e *externalMetadata) callGetURL(ctx context.Context, agent agents.ArtistURLRetriever, artist *auxArtist) { artisURL, err := agent.GetArtistURL(ctx, artist.ID, artist.Name, artist.MbzArtistID) if err != nil { return } artist.ExternalUrl = artisURL } func (e *externalMetadata) callGetBiography(ctx context.Context, agent agents.ArtistBiographyRetriever, artist *auxArtist) { bio, err := agent.GetArtistBiography(ctx, artist.ID, clearName(artist.Name), artist.MbzArtistID) if err != nil { return } bio = utils.SanitizeText(bio) bio = strings.ReplaceAll(bio, "\n", " ") artist.Biography = strings.ReplaceAll(bio, " images[j].Size }) if len(images) >= 1 { artist.LargeImageUrl = images[0].URL } if len(images) >= 2 { artist.MediumImageUrl = images[1].URL } if len(images) >= 3 { artist.SmallImageUrl = images[2].URL } } func (e *externalMetadata) callGetSimilar(ctx context.Context, agent agents.ArtistSimilarRetriever, artist *auxArtist, limit int, includeNotPresent bool) { similar, err := agent.GetSimilarArtists(ctx, artist.ID, artist.Name, artist.MbzArtistID, limit) if len(similar) == 0 || err != nil { return } start := time.Now() sa, err := e.mapSimilarArtists(ctx, similar, includeNotPresent) log.Debug(ctx, "Mapped Similar Artists", "artist", artist.Name, "numSimilar", len(sa), "elapsed", time.Since(start)) if err != nil { return } artist.SimilarArtists = sa } func (e *externalMetadata) mapSimilarArtists(ctx context.Context, similar []agents.Artist, includeNotPresent bool) (model.Artists, error) { var result model.Artists var notPresent []string // First select artists that are present. for _, s := range similar { sa, err := e.findArtistByName(ctx, s.Name) if err != nil { notPresent = append(notPresent, s.Name) continue } result = append(result, sa.Artist) } // Then fill up with non-present artists if includeNotPresent { for _, s := range notPresent { sa := model.Artist{ID: unavailableArtistID, Name: s} result = append(result, sa) } } return result, nil } func (e *externalMetadata) findArtistByName(ctx context.Context, artistName string) (*auxArtist, error) { artists, err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.Like{"": artistName}, Max: 1, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(artists) == 0 { return nil, model.ErrNotFound } artist := &auxArtist{ Artist: artists[0], Name: clearName(artists[0].Name), } return artist, nil } func (e *externalMetadata) loadSimilar(ctx context.Context, artist *auxArtist, count int, includeNotPresent bool) error { var ids []string for _, sa := range artist.SimilarArtists { if sa.ID == unavailableArtistID { continue } ids = append(ids, sa.ID) } similar, err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.Eq{"": ids}, }) if err != nil { log.Error("Error loading similar artists", "id", artist.ID, "name", artist.Name, err) return err } // Use a map and iterate through original array, to keep the same order artistMap := make(map[string]model.Artist) for _, sa := range similar { artistMap[sa.ID] = sa } var loaded model.Artists for _, sa := range artist.SimilarArtists { if len(loaded) >= count { break } la, ok := artistMap[sa.ID] if !ok { if !includeNotPresent { continue } la = sa la.ID = unavailableArtistID } loaded = append(loaded, la) } artist.SimilarArtists = loaded return nil } func startRefreshQueue[T any](ctx context.Context, processFn func(context.Context, T) error) chan<- T { queue := make(chan T, refreshQueueLength) go func() { for { time.Sleep(refreshDelay) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, refreshTimeout) select { case a := <-queue: _ = processFn(ctx, a) cancel() case <-ctx.Done(): cancel() break } } }() return queue } func enqueueRefresh[T any](queue chan<- T, item T) { select { case queue <- item: default: // It is ok to miss a refresh } }