package persistence import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" . "" "" "" "" "" ) type mediaFileRepository struct { sqlRepository sqlRestful } func NewMediaFileRepository(ctx context.Context, o orm.Ormer) *mediaFileRepository { r := &mediaFileRepository{} r.ctx = ctx r.ormer = o r.tableName = "media_file" r.sortMappings = map[string]string{ "artist": "order_artist_name asc, album asc, disc_number asc, track_number asc", "album": "order_album_name asc, disc_number asc, track_number asc", "random": "RANDOM()", } r.filterMappings = map[string]filterFunc{ "title": fullTextFilter, "starred": booleanFilter, } return r } func (r mediaFileRepository) CountAll(options ...model.QueryOptions) (int64, error) { return r.count(r.newSelectWithAnnotation(""), options...) } func (r mediaFileRepository) Exists(id string) (bool, error) { return r.exists(Select().Where(Eq{"id": id})) } func (r mediaFileRepository) Put(m *model.MediaFile) error { m.FullText = getFullText(m.Title, m.Album, m.Artist, m.AlbumArtist, m.SortTitle, m.SortAlbumName, m.SortArtistName, m.SortAlbumArtistName, m.DiscSubtitle) _, err := r.put(m.ID, m) return err } func (r mediaFileRepository) selectMediaFile(options ...model.QueryOptions) SelectBuilder { return r.newSelectWithAnnotation("", options...).Columns("media_file.*") } func (r mediaFileRepository) Get(id string) (*model.MediaFile, error) { sel := r.selectMediaFile().Where(Eq{"id": id}) var res model.MediaFiles if err := r.queryAll(sel, &res); err != nil { return nil, err } if len(res) == 0 { return nil, model.ErrNotFound } return &res[0], nil } func (r mediaFileRepository) GetAll(options ...model.QueryOptions) (model.MediaFiles, error) { sq := r.selectMediaFile(options...) res := model.MediaFiles{} err := r.queryAll(sq, &res) return res, err } func (r mediaFileRepository) FindByAlbum(albumId string) (model.MediaFiles, error) { sel := r.selectMediaFile().Where(Eq{"album_id": albumId}).OrderBy("disc_number", "track_number") res := model.MediaFiles{} err := r.queryAll(sel, &res) return res, err } // FindByPath only return mediafiles that are direct children of requested path func (r mediaFileRepository) FindByPath(path string) (model.MediaFiles, error) { // Query by path based on sel0 := r.selectMediaFile().Columns(fmt.Sprintf("substr(path, %d) AS item", len(path)+2)). Where(Like{"path": filepath.Join(path, "%")}) sel := r.newSelect().Columns("*", "item NOT GLOB '*"+string(os.PathSeparator)+"*' AS isLast"). Where(Eq{"isLast": 1}).FromSelect(sel0, "sel0") res := model.MediaFiles{} err := r.queryAll(sel, &res) return res, err } // FindPathsRecursively returns a list of all subfolders of basePath, recursively func (r mediaFileRepository) FindPathsRecursively(basePath string) ([]string, error) { // Query based on sel := r.newSelect().Columns(fmt.Sprintf("distinct rtrim(path, replace(path, '%s', ''))", string(os.PathSeparator))). Where(Like{"path": filepath.Join(basePath, "%")}) var res []string err := r.queryAll(sel, &res) return res, err } func (r mediaFileRepository) GetStarred(options ...model.QueryOptions) (model.MediaFiles, error) { sq := r.selectMediaFile(options...).Where("starred = true") starred := model.MediaFiles{} err := r.queryAll(sq, &starred) return starred, err } // TODO Keep order when paginating func (r mediaFileRepository) GetRandom(options ...model.QueryOptions) (model.MediaFiles, error) { sq := r.selectMediaFile(options...) sq = sq.OrderBy("RANDOM()") results := model.MediaFiles{} err := r.queryAll(sq, &results) return results, err } func (r mediaFileRepository) Delete(id string) error { return r.delete(Eq{"id": id}) } // DeleteByPath delete from the DB all mediafiles that are direct children of path func (r mediaFileRepository) DeleteByPath(path string) (int64, error) { path = filepath.Clean(path) del := Delete(r.tableName). Where(And{Like{"path": filepath.Join(path, "%")}, Eq{fmt.Sprintf("substr(path, %d) glob '*%s*'", len(path)+2, string(os.PathSeparator)): 0}}) log.Debug(r.ctx, "Deleting mediafiles by path", "path", path) return r.executeSQL(del) } func (r mediaFileRepository) Search(q string, offset int, size int) (model.MediaFiles, error) { results := model.MediaFiles{} err := r.doSearch(q, offset, size, &results, "title") return results, err } func (r mediaFileRepository) Count(options (int64, error) { return r.CountAll(r.parseRestOptions(options...)) } func (r mediaFileRepository) Read(id string) (interface{}, error) { return r.Get(id) } func (r mediaFileRepository) ReadAll(options (interface{}, error) { return r.GetAll(r.parseRestOptions(options...)) } func (r mediaFileRepository) EntityName() string { return "mediafile" } func (r mediaFileRepository) NewInstance() interface{} { return &model.MediaFile{} } func (r mediaFileRepository) Save(entity interface{}) (string, error) { mf := entity.(*model.MediaFile) err := r.Put(mf) return mf.ID, err } func (r mediaFileRepository) Update(entity interface{}, cols ...string) error { mf := entity.(*model.MediaFile) return r.Put(mf) } var _ model.MediaFileRepository = (*mediaFileRepository)(nil) var _ model.ResourceRepository = (*mediaFileRepository)(nil) var _ rest.Persistable = (*mediaFileRepository)(nil)