package persistence import ( "context" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "" "" "" "" "" "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("AlbumRepository", func() { var repo model.AlbumRepository BeforeEach(func() { ctx := request.WithUser(log.NewContext(context.TODO()), model.User{ID: "userid", UserName: "johndoe"}) repo = NewAlbumRepository(ctx, orm.NewOrm()) }) Describe("Get", func() { It("returns an existent album", func() { Expect(repo.Get("103")).To(Equal(&albumRadioactivity)) }) It("returns ErrNotFound when the album does not exist", func() { _, err := repo.Get("666") Expect(err).To(MatchError(model.ErrNotFound)) }) }) Describe("GetAll", func() { It("returns all records", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll()).To(Equal(testAlbums)) }) It("returns all records sorted", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll(model.QueryOptions{Sort: "name"})).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumAbbeyRoad, albumRadioactivity, albumSgtPeppers, })) }) It("returns all records sorted desc", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll(model.QueryOptions{Sort: "name", Order: "desc"})).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumSgtPeppers, albumRadioactivity, albumAbbeyRoad, })) }) It("paginates the result", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll(model.QueryOptions{Offset: 1, Max: 1})).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumAbbeyRoad, })) }) }) Describe("getMinYear", func() { It("returns 0 when there's no valid year", func() { Expect(getMinYear("a b c")).To(Equal(0)) Expect(getMinYear("")).To(Equal(0)) }) It("returns 0 when all values are 0", func() { Expect(getMinYear("0 0 0 ")).To(Equal(0)) }) It("returns the smallest value from the list", func() { Expect(getMinYear("2000 0 1800")).To(Equal(1800)) }) }) Describe("getComment", func() { const zwsp = string('\u200b') It("returns empty string if there are no comments", func() { Expect(getComment("", "")).To(Equal("")) }) It("returns empty string if comments are different", func() { Expect(getComment("first"+zwsp+"second", zwsp)).To(Equal("")) }) It("returns comment if all comments are the same", func() { Expect(getComment("first"+zwsp+"first", zwsp)).To(Equal("first")) }) }) Describe("getCoverFromPath", func() { testFolder, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "album_persistence_tests") if err := os.MkdirAll(testFolder, 0777); err != nil { panic(err) } if _, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(testFolder, "Cover.jpeg")); err != nil { panic(err) } if _, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(testFolder, "FRONT.PNG")); err != nil { panic(err) } testPath := filepath.Join(testFolder, "somefile.test") embeddedPath := filepath.Join(testFolder, "somefile.mp3") It("returns audio file for embedded cover", func() { conf.Server.CoverArtPriority = "embedded, cover.*, front.*" Expect(getCoverFromPath(testPath, embeddedPath)).To(Equal("")) }) It("returns external file when no embedded cover exists", func() { conf.Server.CoverArtPriority = "embedded, cover.*, front.*" Expect(getCoverFromPath(testPath, "")).To(Equal(filepath.Join(testFolder, "Cover.jpeg"))) }) It("returns embedded cover even if not first choice", func() { conf.Server.CoverArtPriority = "something.png, embedded, cover.*, front.*" Expect(getCoverFromPath(testPath, embeddedPath)).To(Equal("")) }) It("returns first correct match case-insensitively", func() { conf.Server.CoverArtPriority = "embedded, cover.jpg, front.svg, front.png" Expect(getCoverFromPath(testPath, "")).To(Equal(filepath.Join(testFolder, "FRONT.PNG"))) }) It("returns match for embedded pattern", func() { conf.Server.CoverArtPriority = "embedded,, front.png" Expect(getCoverFromPath(testPath, "")).To(Equal(filepath.Join(testFolder, "Cover.jpeg"))) }) It("returns empty string if no match was found", func() { conf.Server.CoverArtPriority = "embedded, cover.jpg, front.apng" Expect(getCoverFromPath(testPath, "")).To(Equal("")) }) // Reset configuration to default. conf.Server.CoverArtPriority = "embedded, cover.*, front.*" }) Describe("getAlbumArtist", func() { var al refreshAlbum BeforeEach(func() { al = refreshAlbum{} }) Context("Non-Compilations", func() { BeforeEach(func() { al.Compilation = false al.Artist = "Sparks" al.ArtistID = "ar-123" }) It("returns the track artist if no album artist is specified", func() { id, name := getAlbumArtist(al) Expect(id).To(Equal("ar-123")) Expect(name).To(Equal("Sparks")) }) It("returns the album artist if it is specified", func() { al.AlbumArtist = "Sparks Brothers" al.AlbumArtistID = "ar-345" id, name := getAlbumArtist(al) Expect(id).To(Equal("ar-345")) Expect(name).To(Equal("Sparks Brothers")) }) }) Context("Compilations", func() { BeforeEach(func() { al.Compilation = true al.Name = "Sgt. Pepper Knew My Father" al.AlbumArtistID = "ar-000" al.AlbumArtist = "The Beatles" }) It("returns VariousArtists if there's more than one album artist", func() { al.AlbumArtistIds = `ar-123 ar-345` id, name := getAlbumArtist(al) Expect(id).To(Equal(consts.VariousArtistsID)) Expect(name).To(Equal(consts.VariousArtists)) }) It("returns the sole album artist if they are the same", func() { al.AlbumArtistIds = `ar-000 ar-000` id, name := getAlbumArtist(al) Expect(id).To(Equal("ar-000")) Expect(name).To(Equal("The Beatles")) }) }) }) })