package persistence import ( "fmt" "strconv" "testing" "" . "" ) type TestEntity struct { Id string Name string ParentId string `parent:"parent"` } func shouldBeEqual(actualStruct interface{}, expectedStruct ...interface{}) string { actual := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", actualStruct) expected := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", expectedStruct[0]) return ShouldEqual(actual, expected) } func createRepo() *ledisRepository { repo := &ledisRepository{} repo.init("test", &TestEntity{}) return repo } func TestBaseRepository(t *testing.T) { tests.Init(t, false) Convey("Subject: NewId", t, func() { repo := createRepo() Convey("When I call NewId with a name", func() { Id := repo.NewId("a name") Convey("Then it should return a new Id", func() { So(Id, ShouldNotBeEmpty) }) }) Convey("When I call NewId with the same name twice", func() { FirstId := repo.NewId("a name") SecondId := repo.NewId("a name") Convey("Then it should return the same Id each time", func() { So(FirstId, ShouldEqual, SecondId) }) }) Convey("When I call NewId with different names", func() { FirstId := repo.NewId("first name") SecondId := repo.NewId("second name") Convey("Then it should return different Ids", func() { So(FirstId, ShouldNotEqual, SecondId) }) }) }) Convey("Subject: saveOrUpdate/loadEntity/CountAll", t, func() { Convey("Given an empty DB", func() { repo := createRepo() Convey("When I save a new entity and a parent", func() { entity := &TestEntity{"123", "My Name", "ABC"} err := repo.saveOrUpdate("123", entity) Convey("Then saving the entity shouldn't return any errors", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("And the number of entities should be 1", func() { count, _ := repo.CountAll() So(count, ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("And the number of children should be 1", func() { children := make([]TestEntity, 0) err := repo.loadChildren("parent", "ABC", &children) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(children), ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("And this entity should be equal to the the saved one", func() { actualEntity, _ := repo.readEntity("123") So(actualEntity, shouldBeEqual, entity) }) }) }) Convey("Given a table with one entity", func() { repo := createRepo() entity := &TestEntity{"111", "One Name", "AAA"} repo.saveOrUpdate(entity.Id, entity) Convey("When I save an entity with a different Id", func() { newEntity := &TestEntity{"222", "Another Name", "AAA"} repo.saveOrUpdate(newEntity.Id, newEntity) Convey("Then the number of entities should be 2", func() { count, _ := repo.CountAll() So(count, ShouldEqual, 2) }) }) Convey("When I save an entity with the same Id", func() { newEntity := &TestEntity{"111", "New Name", "AAA"} repo.saveOrUpdate(newEntity.Id, newEntity) Convey("Then the number of entities should be 1", func() { count, _ := repo.CountAll() So(count, ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("And the entity should be updated", func() { e, _ := repo.readEntity("111") actualEntity := e.(*TestEntity) So(actualEntity.Name, ShouldEqual, newEntity.Name) }) }) }) Convey("Given a table with 3 entities", func() { repo := createRepo() for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ { e := &TestEntity{strconv.Itoa(i), fmt.Sprintf("Name %d", i), "AAA"} repo.saveOrUpdate(e.Id, e) } Convey("When I call loadAll", func() { var es = make([]TestEntity, 0) err := repo.loadAll(&es) Convey("Then It should not return any error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("And I should get 3 entities", func() { So(len(es), ShouldEqual, 3) }) Convey("And the values should be retrieved", func() { for _, e := range es { So(e.Id, ShouldBeIn, []string{"1", "2", "3"}) So(e.Name, ShouldBeIn, []string{"Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3"}) So(e.ParentId, ShouldEqual, "AAA") } }) }) Convey("When I call GetAllIds", func() { ids, err := repo.getAllIds() Convey("Then It should not return any error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("And I get all saved ids", func() { So(len(ids), ShouldEqual, 3) for k, _ := range ids { So(k, ShouldBeIn, []string{"1", "2", "3"}) } }) }) Convey("When I call DeletaAll with one of the entities", func() { ids := make(map[string]bool) ids["1"] = true err := repo.DeleteAll(ids) Convey("Then It should not return any error", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("Then CountAll should return 2", func() { count, _ := repo.CountAll() So(count, ShouldEqual, 2) }) Convey("And the deleted record shouldn't be among the children", func() { children := make([]TestEntity, 0) err := repo.loadChildren("parent", "AAA", &children) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(children), ShouldEqual, 2) for _, e := range children { So(e.Id, ShouldNotEqual, "1") } }) }) }) Reset(func() { dropDb() }) }) }