//go:build unix // TODO Fix snapshot tests in Windows // Response Snapshot tests. Only run in Linux and macOS, as they fail in Windows // Probably because of EOL char differences package responses_test import ( "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "time" "github.com/navidrome/navidrome/consts" . "github.com/navidrome/navidrome/server/subsonic/responses" . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) var _ = Describe("Responses", func() { var response *Subsonic BeforeEach(func() { response = &Subsonic{ Status: "ok", Version: "1.8.0", Type: consts.AppName, ServerVersion: "v0.0.0", OpenSubsonic: true, } }) Describe("EmptyResponse", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Describe("License", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.License = &License{Valid: true} }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Describe("MusicFolders", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.MusicFolders = &MusicFolders{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { folders := make([]MusicFolder, 2) folders[0] = MusicFolder{Id: 111, Name: "aaa"} folders[1] = MusicFolder{Id: 222, Name: "bbb"} response.MusicFolders.Folders = folders }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Indexes", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Indexes = &Indexes{LastModified: 1, IgnoredArticles: "A"} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { artists := make([]Artist, 1) t := time.Date(2016, 03, 2, 20, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC) artists[0] = Artist{ Id: "111", Name: "aaa", Starred: &t, UserRating: 3, AlbumCount: 2, ArtistImageUrl: "https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/300x300/2a96cbd8b46e442fc41c2b86b821562f.png", } index := make([]Index, 1) index[0] = Index{Name: "A", Artists: artists} response.Indexes.Index = index }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Child", func() { Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Directory = &Directory{Id: "1", Name: "N"} child := make([]Child, 1) t := time.Date(2016, 03, 2, 20, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC) child[0] = Child{ Id: "1", IsDir: true, Title: "title", Album: "album", Artist: "artist", Track: 1, Year: 1985, Genre: "Rock", CoverArt: "1", Size: 8421341, ContentType: "audio/flac", Suffix: "flac", TranscodedContentType: "audio/mpeg", TranscodedSuffix: "mp3", Duration: 146, BitRate: 320, Starred: &t, } response.Directory.Child = child }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Directory", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Directory = &Directory{Id: "1", Name: "N"} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { child := make([]Child, 1) child[0] = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", IsDir: false} response.Directory.Child = child }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("AlbumList", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.AlbumList = &AlbumList{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { child := make([]Child, 1) child[0] = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", IsDir: false} response.AlbumList.Album = child }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("User", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.User = &User{Username: "deluan"} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.User.Email = "navidrome@deluan.com" response.User.Folder = []int32{1} }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Users", func() { BeforeEach(func() { u := User{Username: "deluan"} response.Users = &Users{User: []User{u}} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { u := User{Username: "deluan"} u.Email = "navidrome@deluan.com" u.AdminRole = true u.Folder = []int32{1} response.Users = &Users{User: []User{u}} }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Playlists", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Playlists = &Playlists{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { timestamp, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2020-04-11T16:43:00Z04:00") BeforeEach(func() { pls := make([]Playlist, 2) pls[0] = Playlist{ Id: "111", Name: "aaa", Comment: "comment", SongCount: 2, Duration: 120, Public: true, Owner: "admin", CoverArt: "pl-123123123123", Created: timestamp, Changed: timestamp, } pls[1] = Playlist{Id: "222", Name: "bbb"} response.Playlists.Playlist = pls }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Genres", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Genres = &Genres{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { genres := make([]Genre, 3) genres[0] = Genre{SongCount: 1000, AlbumCount: 100, Name: "Rock"} genres[1] = Genre{SongCount: 500, AlbumCount: 50, Name: "Reggae"} genres[2] = Genre{SongCount: 0, AlbumCount: 0, Name: "Pop"} response.Genres.Genre = genres }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("AlbumInfo", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.AlbumInfo = &AlbumInfo{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.AlbumInfo.SmallImageUrl = "https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/34s/3b54885952161aaea4ce2965b2db1638.png" response.AlbumInfo.MediumImageUrl = "https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/64s/3b54885952161aaea4ce2965b2db1638.png" response.AlbumInfo.LargeImageUrl = "https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/174s/3b54885952161aaea4ce2965b2db1638.png" response.AlbumInfo.LastFmUrl = "https://www.last.fm/music/Cher/Believe" response.AlbumInfo.MusicBrainzID = "03c91c40-49a6-44a7-90e7-a700edf97a62" response.AlbumInfo.Notes = "Believe is the twenty-third studio album by American singer-actress Cher..." }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("ArtistInfo", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.ArtistInfo = &ArtistInfo{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.ArtistInfo.Biography = `Black Sabbath is an English band` response.ArtistInfo.MusicBrainzID = "5182c1d9-c7d2-4dad-afa0-ccfeada921a8" response.ArtistInfo.LastFmUrl = "https://www.last.fm/music/Black+Sabbath" response.ArtistInfo.SmallImageUrl = "https://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64/27904353.jpg" response.ArtistInfo.MediumImageUrl = "https://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/27904353.jpg" response.ArtistInfo.LargeImageUrl = "https://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/27904353/Black+Sabbath+sabbath+1970.jpg" response.ArtistInfo.SimilarArtist = []Artist{ {Id: "22", Name: "Accept"}, {Id: "101", Name: "Bruce Dickinson"}, {Id: "26", Name: "Aerosmith"}, } }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("TopSongs", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.TopSongs = &TopSongs{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { child := make([]Child, 1) child[0] = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", IsDir: false} response.TopSongs.Song = child }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("SimilarSongs", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.SimilarSongs = &SimilarSongs{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { child := make([]Child, 1) child[0] = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", IsDir: false} response.SimilarSongs.Song = child }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("SimilarSongs2", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.SimilarSongs2 = &SimilarSongs2{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { child := make([]Child, 1) child[0] = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", IsDir: false} response.SimilarSongs2.Song = child }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("PlayQueue", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.PlayQueue = &PlayQueue{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.PlayQueue.Username = "user1" response.PlayQueue.Current = "111" response.PlayQueue.Position = 243 response.PlayQueue.Changed = &time.Time{} response.PlayQueue.ChangedBy = "a_client" child := make([]Child, 1) child[0] = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", IsDir: false} response.PlayQueue.Entry = child }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Shares", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Shares = &Shares{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { t := time.Time{} share := Share{ ID: "ABC123", Url: "http://localhost/p/ABC123", Description: "Check it out!", Username: "deluan", Created: t, Expires: &t, LastVisited: t, VisitCount: 2, } share.Entry = make([]Child, 2) share.Entry[0] = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", Album: "album", Artist: "artist", Duration: 120} share.Entry[1] = Child{Id: "2", Title: "title 2", Album: "album", Artist: "artist", Duration: 300} response.Shares.Share = []Share{share} }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Bookmarks", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Bookmarks = &Bookmarks{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { bmk := Bookmark{ Position: 123, Username: "user2", Comment: "a comment", Created: time.Time{}, Changed: time.Time{}, } bmk.Entry = Child{Id: "1", Title: "title", IsDir: false} response.Bookmarks.Bookmark = []Bookmark{bmk} }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("ScanStatus", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.ScanStatus = &ScanStatus{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { timeFmt := "2006-01-02 15:04:00" t, _ := time.Parse(timeFmt, timeFmt) response.ScanStatus = &ScanStatus{ Scanning: true, FolderCount: 123, Count: 456, LastScan: &t, } }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("Lyrics", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Lyrics = &Lyrics{} }) Context("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Context("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.Lyrics.Artist = "Rick Astley" response.Lyrics.Title = "Never Gonna Give You Up" response.Lyrics.Value = `Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna say goodbye` }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) Describe("InternetRadioStations", func() { BeforeEach(func() { response.InternetRadioStations = &InternetRadioStations{} }) Describe("without data", func() { It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) Describe("with data", func() { BeforeEach(func() { radio := make([]Radio, 1) radio[0] = Radio{ ID: "12345678", StreamUrl: "https://example.com/stream", Name: "Example Stream", HomepageUrl: "https://example.com", } response.InternetRadioStations.Radios = radio }) It("should match .XML", func() { Expect(xml.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) It("should match .JSON", func() { Expect(json.Marshal(response)).To(MatchSnapshot()) }) }) }) })