# This file controls the MIME types that are used by the Navidrome. # You can add or modify entries to match your needs. # Any "audio/*" MIME type is considered a valid audio file for Navidrome, but will only work properly if # supported by `taglib` and/or `ffmpeg`. # Any "image/*" MIME type is considered a valid image file to be used as cover art. types: # Audio .mp3: audio/mpeg .ogg: audio/ogg .oga: audio/ogg .opus: audio/ogg .aac: audio/mp4 .alac: audio/mp4 .m4a: audio/mp4 .m4b: audio/mp4 .flac: audio/flac .wav: audio/x-wav .wma: audio/x-ms-wma .ape: audio/x-monkeys-audio .mpc: audio/x-musepack .shn: audio/x-shn .aif: audio/x-aiff .aiff: audio/x-aiff .m3u: audio/x-mpegurl .pls: audio/x-scpls .dsf: audio/x-dsf .wv: audio/x-wavpack .wvp: audio/x-wavpack .tak: audio/tak .mka: audio/x-matroska # Image .gif: image/gif .jpg: image/jpeg .jpeg: image/jpeg .webp: image/webp .png: image/png .bmp: image/bmp # List of audio formats that are considered lossless lossless: - .flac - .alac - .ape - .shn - .dsf - .wv - .wvp - .tak - .wav