package core import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "image" _ "image/gif" "image/jpeg" "image/png" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" _ "" ) type Artwork interface { Get(ctx context.Context, id string, size int) (io.ReadCloser, error) } func NewArtwork(ds model.DataStore) Artwork { return &artwork{ds: ds} } type artwork struct { ds model.DataStore } func (a *artwork) Get(ctx context.Context, id string, size int) (io.ReadCloser, error) { r, _, err := a.get(ctx, id, size) return r, err } func (a *artwork) get(ctx context.Context, id string, size int) (reader io.ReadCloser, path string, err error) { artId, err := model.ParseArtworkID(id) if err != nil { return nil, "", errors.New("invalid ID") } // If requested a resized image if size > 0 { return a.resizedFromOriginal(ctx, id, size) } switch artId.Kind { case model.KindAlbumArtwork: reader, path = a.extractAlbumImage(ctx, artId) case model.KindMediaFileArtwork: reader, path = a.extractMediaFileImage(ctx, artId) default: reader, path = fromPlaceholder()() } return reader, path, nil } func (a *artwork) extractAlbumImage(ctx context.Context, artId model.ArtworkID) (io.ReadCloser, string) { al, err := a.ds.Album(ctx).Get(artId.ID) if errors.Is(err, model.ErrNotFound) { r, path := fromPlaceholder()() return r, path } if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Could not retrieve album", "id", artId.ID, err) return nil, "" } return extractImage(ctx, artId, fromExternalFile(al.ImageFiles, "cover.png", "cover.jpg", "cover.jpeg", "cover.webp"), fromExternalFile(al.ImageFiles, "folder.png", "folder.jpg", "folder.jpeg", "folder.webp"), fromExternalFile(al.ImageFiles, "album.png", "album.jpg", "album.jpeg", "album.webp"), fromExternalFile(al.ImageFiles, "albumart.png", "albumart.jpg", "albumart.jpeg", "albumart.webp"), fromExternalFile(al.ImageFiles, "front.png", "front.jpg", "front.jpeg", "front.webp"), fromTag(al.EmbedArtPath), fromPlaceholder(), ) } func (a *artwork) extractMediaFileImage(ctx context.Context, artId model.ArtworkID) (reader io.ReadCloser, path string) { mf, err := a.ds.MediaFile(ctx).Get(artId.ID) if errors.Is(err, model.ErrNotFound) { r, path := fromPlaceholder()() return r, path } if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Could not retrieve mediafile", "id", artId.ID, err) return nil, "" } return extractImage(ctx, artId, fromTag(mf.Path), a.fromAlbum(ctx, mf.AlbumCoverArtID()), ) } func (a *artwork) fromAlbum(ctx context.Context, id model.ArtworkID) func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { return func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { r, path, err := a.get(ctx, id.String(), 0) if err != nil { return nil, "" } return r, path } } func (a *artwork) resizedFromOriginal(ctx context.Context, id string, size int) (io.ReadCloser, string, error) { r, path, err := a.get(ctx, id, 0) if err != nil || r == nil { return nil, "", err } defer r.Close() usePng := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(path)) == ".png" r, err = resizeImage(r, size, usePng) if err != nil { r, path := fromPlaceholder()() return r, path, err } return r, fmt.Sprintf("%s@%d", path, size), nil } func extractImage(ctx context.Context, artId model.ArtworkID, extractFuncs ...func() (io.ReadCloser, string)) (io.ReadCloser, string) { for _, f := range extractFuncs { r, path := f() if r != nil { log.Trace(ctx, "Found artwork", "artId", artId, "path", path) return r, path } } log.Error(ctx, "extractImage should never reach this point!", "artId", artId, "path") return nil, "" } // This is a bit unoptimized, but we need to make sure the priority order of validNames // is preserved (i.e. png is better than jpg) func fromExternalFile(files string, validNames ...string) func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { return func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { fileList := filepath.SplitList(files) for _, validName := range validNames { for _, file := range fileList { _, name := filepath.Split(file) if !strings.EqualFold(validName, name) { continue } f, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { continue } return f, file } } return nil, "" } } func fromTag(path string) func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { return func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { if path == "" { return nil, "" } f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil, "" } defer f.Close() m, err := tag.ReadFrom(f) if err != nil { return nil, "" } picture := m.Picture() if picture == nil { return nil, "" } return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(picture.Data)), path } } func fromPlaceholder() func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { return func() (io.ReadCloser, string) { r, _ := resources.FS().Open(consts.PlaceholderAlbumArt) return r, consts.PlaceholderAlbumArt } } func resizeImage(reader io.Reader, size int, usePng bool) (io.ReadCloser, error) { img, _, err := image.Decode(reader) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Preserve the aspect ratio of the image. var m *image.NRGBA bounds := img.Bounds() if bounds.Max.X > bounds.Max.Y { m = imaging.Resize(img, size, 0, imaging.Lanczos) } else { m = imaging.Resize(img, 0, size, imaging.Lanczos) } buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if usePng { err = png.Encode(buf, m) } else { err = jpeg.Encode(buf, m, &jpeg.Options{Quality: conf.Server.CoverJpegQuality}) } return io.NopCloser(buf), err }