package subsonic import ( "context" "errors" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" . "" . "" ) func newGetRequest(queryParams ...string) *http.Request { r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?"+strings.Join(queryParams, "&"), nil) ctx := r.Context() return r.WithContext(log.NewContext(ctx)) } func newPostRequest(queryParam string, formFields ...string) *http.Request { r, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/ping?"+queryParam, strings.NewReader(strings.Join(formFields, "&"))) if err != nil { panic(err) } r.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; param=value") ctx := r.Context() return r.WithContext(log.NewContext(ctx)) } var _ = Describe("Middlewares", func() { var next *mockHandler var w *httptest.ResponseRecorder var ds model.DataStore BeforeEach(func() { next = &mockHandler{} w = httptest.NewRecorder() ds = &tests.MockDataStore{} }) Describe("ParsePostForm", func() { It("converts any filed in a x-www-form-urlencoded POST into query params", func() { r := newPostRequest("a=abc", "u=user", "v=1.15", "c=test") cp := postFormToQueryParams(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(next.req.URL.Query().Get("a")).To(Equal("abc")) Expect(next.req.URL.Query().Get("u")).To(Equal("user")) Expect(next.req.URL.Query().Get("v")).To(Equal("1.15")) Expect(next.req.URL.Query().Get("c")).To(Equal("test")) }) It("adds repeated params", func() { r := newPostRequest("a=abc", "id=1", "id=2") cp := postFormToQueryParams(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(next.req.URL.Query().Get("a")).To(Equal("abc")) Expect(next.req.URL.Query()["id"]).To(ConsistOf("1", "2")) }) It("overrides query params with same key", func() { r := newPostRequest("a=query", "a=body") cp := postFormToQueryParams(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(next.req.URL.Query().Get("a")).To(Equal("body")) }) }) Describe("CheckParams", func() { It("passes when all required params are available", func() { r := newGetRequest("u=user", "v=1.15", "c=test") cp := checkRequiredParameters(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) username, _ := request.UsernameFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(username).To(Equal("user")) version, _ := request.VersionFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(version).To(Equal("1.15")) client, _ := request.ClientFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(client).To(Equal("test")) Expect(next.called).To(BeTrue()) }) It("fails when user is missing", func() { r := newGetRequest("v=1.15", "c=test") cp := checkRequiredParameters(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(w.Body.String()).To(ContainSubstring(`code="10"`)) Expect(next.called).To(BeFalse()) }) It("fails when version is missing", func() { r := newGetRequest("u=user", "c=test") cp := checkRequiredParameters(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(w.Body.String()).To(ContainSubstring(`code="10"`)) Expect(next.called).To(BeFalse()) }) It("fails when client is missing", func() { r := newGetRequest("u=user", "v=1.15") cp := checkRequiredParameters(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(w.Body.String()).To(ContainSubstring(`code="10"`)) Expect(next.called).To(BeFalse()) }) }) Describe("Authenticate", func() { BeforeEach(func() { ur := ds.User(context.TODO()) _ = ur.Put(&model.User{ UserName: "admin", NewPassword: "wordpass", }) }) It("passes authentication with correct credentials", func() { r := newGetRequest("u=admin", "p=wordpass") cp := authenticate(ds)(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(next.called).To(BeTrue()) user, _ := request.UserFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(user.UserName).To(Equal("admin")) }) It("fails authentication with wrong password", func() { r := newGetRequest("u=invalid", "", "", "") cp := authenticate(ds)(next) cp.ServeHTTP(w, r) Expect(w.Body.String()).To(ContainSubstring(`code="40"`)) Expect(next.called).To(BeFalse()) }) }) Describe("GetPlayer", func() { var mockedPlayers *mockPlayers var r *http.Request BeforeEach(func() { mockedPlayers = &mockPlayers{} r = newGetRequest() ctx := request.WithUsername(r.Context(), "someone") ctx = request.WithClient(ctx, "client") r = r.WithContext(ctx) }) It("returns a new player in the cookies when none is specified", func() { gp := getPlayer(mockedPlayers)(next) gp.ServeHTTP(w, r) cookieStr := w.Header().Get("Set-Cookie") Expect(cookieStr).To(ContainSubstring(playerIDCookieName("someone"))) }) It("does not add the cookie if there was an error", func() { ctx := request.WithClient(r.Context(), "error") r = r.WithContext(ctx) gp := getPlayer(mockedPlayers)(next) gp.ServeHTTP(w, r) cookieStr := w.Header().Get("Set-Cookie") Expect(cookieStr).To(BeEmpty()) }) Context("PlayerId specified in Cookies", func() { BeforeEach(func() { cookie := &http.Cookie{ Name: playerIDCookieName("someone"), Value: "123", MaxAge: cookieExpiry, } r.AddCookie(cookie) gp := getPlayer(mockedPlayers)(next) gp.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) It("stores the player in the context", func() { Expect(next.called).To(BeTrue()) player, _ := request.PlayerFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(player.ID).To(Equal("123")) _, ok := request.TranscodingFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(ok).To(BeFalse()) }) It("returns the playerId in the cookie", func() { cookieStr := w.Header().Get("Set-Cookie") Expect(cookieStr).To(ContainSubstring(playerIDCookieName("someone") + "=123")) }) }) Context("Player has transcoding configured", func() { BeforeEach(func() { cookie := &http.Cookie{ Name: playerIDCookieName("someone"), Value: "123", MaxAge: cookieExpiry, } r.AddCookie(cookie) mockedPlayers.transcoding = &model.Transcoding{ID: "12"} gp := getPlayer(mockedPlayers)(next) gp.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) It("stores the player in the context", func() { player, _ := request.PlayerFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(player.ID).To(Equal("123")) transcoding, _ := request.TranscodingFrom(next.req.Context()) Expect(transcoding.ID).To(Equal("12")) }) }) }) Describe("validateUser", func() { BeforeEach(func() { ur := ds.User(context.TODO()) _ = ur.Put(&model.User{ UserName: "admin", NewPassword: "wordpass", }) }) Context("Plaintext password", func() { It("authenticates with plaintext password ", func() { usr, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "wordpass", "", "", "") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(usr.UserName).To(Equal("admin")) }) It("fails authentication with wrong password", func() { _, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "INVALID", "", "", "") Expect(err).To(MatchError(model.ErrInvalidAuth)) }) }) Context("Encoded password", func() { It("authenticates with simple encoded password ", func() { usr, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "enc:776f726470617373", "", "", "") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(usr.UserName).To(Equal("admin")) }) }) Context("Token based authentication", func() { It("authenticates with token based authentication", func() { usr, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "", "23b342970e25c7928831c3317edd0b67", "retnlmjetrymazgkt", "") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(usr.UserName).To(Equal("admin")) }) It("fails if salt is missing", func() { _, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "", "23b342970e25c7928831c3317edd0b67", "", "") Expect(err).To(MatchError(model.ErrInvalidAuth)) }) }) Context("JWT based authentication", func() { var validToken string BeforeEach(func() { u := &model.User{UserName: "admin"} var err error validToken, err = auth.CreateToken(u) if err != nil { panic(err) } }) It("authenticates with JWT token based authentication", func() { usr, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "", "", "", validToken) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(usr.UserName).To(Equal("admin")) }) It("fails if JWT token is invalid", func() { _, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "", "", "", "invalid.token") Expect(err).To(MatchError(model.ErrInvalidAuth)) }) It("fails if JWT token sub is different than username", func() { u := &model.User{UserName: "hacker"} validToken, _ = auth.CreateToken(u) _, err := validateUser(context.TODO(), ds, "admin", "", "", "", validToken) Expect(err).To(MatchError(model.ErrInvalidAuth)) }) }) }) }) type mockHandler struct { req *http.Request called bool } func (mh *mockHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { mh.req = r mh.called = true } type mockPlayers struct { core.Players transcoding *model.Transcoding } func (mp *mockPlayers) Get(ctx context.Context, playerId string) (*model.Player, error) { return &model.Player{ID: playerId}, nil } func (mp *mockPlayers) Register(ctx context.Context, id, client, typ, ip string) (*model.Player, *model.Transcoding, error) { if client == "error" { return nil, nil, errors.New(client) } return &model.Player{ID: id}, mp.transcoding, nil }