package engine_test import ( "testing" "time" "" "" "" . "" . "" "" ) func TestScrobbler(t *testing.T) { Init(t, false) mfRepo := persistence.CreateMockMediaFileRepo() npRepo := engine.CreateMockNowPlayingRepo() itCtrl := &mockItunesControl{} scrobbler := engine.NewScrobbler(itCtrl, mfRepo, npRepo) Convey("Given a DB with one song", t, func() { mfRepo.SetData(`[{"ID":"2","Title":"Hands Of Time"}]`, 1) Convey("When I scrobble an existing song", func() { now := time.Now() mf, err := scrobbler.Register(nil, 1, "2", now) Convey("Then I get the scrobbled song back", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(mf.Title, ShouldEqual, "Hands Of Time") }) Convey("And iTunes is notified", func() { So(itCtrl.played, ShouldContainKey, "2") So(itCtrl.played["2"].Equal(now), ShouldBeTrue) }) }) Convey("When the ID is not in the DB", func() { _, err := scrobbler.Register(nil, 1, "3", time.Now()) Convey("Then I receive an error", func() { So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("And iTunes is not notified", func() { So(itCtrl.played, ShouldNotContainKey, "3") }) }) Convey("When I inform the song that is now playing", func() { mf, err := scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "2", "deluan") Convey("Then I get the song for that id back", func() { So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(mf.Title, ShouldEqual, "Hands Of Time") }) Convey("And it saves the song as the one current playing", func() { info, _ := npRepo.Head(1) So(info.TrackID, ShouldEqual, "2") // Commenting out time sensitive test, due to flakiness // So(info.Start, ShouldHappenBefore, time.Now()) So(info.Username, ShouldEqual, "deluan") So(info.PlayerName, ShouldEqual, "DSub") }) Convey("And iTunes is not notified", func() { So(itCtrl.played, ShouldNotContainKey, "2") }) }) Reset(func() { itCtrl.played = make(map[string]time.Time) itCtrl.skipped = make(map[string]time.Time) }) }) } var aPointInTime = time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) func TestSkipping(t *testing.T) { Init(t, false) mfRepo := persistence.CreateMockMediaFileRepo() npRepo := engine.CreateMockNowPlayingRepo() itCtrl := &mockItunesControl{} scrobbler := engine.NewScrobbler(itCtrl, mfRepo, npRepo) Convey("Given a DB with three songs", t, func() { mfRepo.SetData(`[{"ID":"1","Title":"Femme Fatale"},{"ID":"2","Title":"Here She Comes Now"},{"ID":"3","Title":"Lady Godiva's Operation"}]`, 3) itCtrl.skipped = make(map[string]time.Time) npRepo.ClearAll() Convey("When I skip 2 songs", func() { npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "1", "deluan") npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime.Add(2 * time.Second)) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "3", "deluan") npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime.Add(3 * time.Second)) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "2", "deluan") Convey("Then the NowPlaying song should be the last one", func() { np, err := npRepo.GetAll() So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(np, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(np[0].TrackID, ShouldEqual, "2") }) }) Convey("When I play one song", func() { npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "1", "deluan") Convey("And I skip it before 20 seconds", func() { npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime.Add(7 * time.Second)) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "2", "deluan") Convey("Then the first song should be marked as skipped", func() { mf, err := scrobbler.Register(nil, 1, "2", aPointInTime.Add(3*time.Minute)) So(mf.ID, ShouldEqual, "2") So(itCtrl.skipped, ShouldContainKey, "1") So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("And I skip it before 3 seconds", func() { npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime.Add(2 * time.Second)) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "2", "deluan") Convey("Then the first song should be marked as skipped", func() { mf, err := scrobbler.Register(nil, 1, "2", aPointInTime.Add(3*time.Minute)) So(mf.ID, ShouldEqual, "2") So(itCtrl.skipped, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("And I skip it after 20 seconds", func() { npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime.Add(30 * time.Second)) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "2", "deluan") Convey("Then the first song should be marked as skipped", func() { mf, err := scrobbler.Register(nil, 1, "2", aPointInTime.Add(3*time.Minute)) So(mf.ID, ShouldEqual, "2") So(itCtrl.skipped, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) Convey("And I scrobble it before starting to play the other song", func() { mf, err := scrobbler.Register(nil, 1, "1", time.Now()) Convey("Then the first song should NOT marked as skipped", func() { So(mf.ID, ShouldEqual, "1") So(itCtrl.skipped, ShouldBeEmpty) So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) }) Convey("When the NowPlaying for the next song happens before the Scrobble", func() { npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "1", "deluan") npRepo.OverrideNow(aPointInTime.Add(10 * time.Second)) scrobbler.NowPlaying(nil, 1, "DSub", "2", "deluan") scrobbler.Register(nil, 1, "1", aPointInTime.Add(10*time.Minute)) Convey("Then the NowPlaying song should be the last one", func() { np, _ := npRepo.GetAll() So(np, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(np[0].TrackID, ShouldEqual, "2") }) }) }) } type mockItunesControl struct { itunesbridge.ItunesControl played map[string]time.Time skipped map[string]time.Time error bool } func (m *mockItunesControl) MarkAsPlayed(id string, playDate time.Time) error { if m.error { return errors.New("ID not found") } if m.played == nil { m.played = make(map[string]time.Time) } m.played[id] = playDate return nil } func (m *mockItunesControl) MarkAsSkipped(id string, skipDate time.Time) error { if m.error { return errors.New("ID not found") } if m.skipped == nil { m.skipped = make(map[string]time.Time) } m.skipped[id] = skipDate return nil }