package scanner import ( "context" "" "" "" "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("mapping", func() { Describe("MediaFileMapper", func() { var mapper *MediaFileMapper Describe("mapTrackTitle", func() { BeforeEach(func() { mapper = NewMediaFileMapper("/music", nil) }) It("returns the Title when it is available", func() { md := metadata.NewTag("/music/artist/album01/Song.mp3", nil, metadata.ParsedTags{"title": []string{"This is not a love song"}}) Expect(mapper.mapTrackTitle(md)).To(Equal("This is not a love song")) }) It("returns the filename if Title is not set", func() { md := metadata.NewTag("/music/artist/album01/Song.mp3", nil, metadata.ParsedTags{}) Expect(mapper.mapTrackTitle(md)).To(Equal("artist/album01/Song")) }) }) Describe("mapGenres", func() { var gr model.GenreRepository var ctx context.Context BeforeEach(func() { ctx = context.Background() ds := &tests.MockDataStore{} gr = ds.Genre(ctx) gr = newCachedGenreRepository(ctx, gr) mapper = NewMediaFileMapper("/", gr) }) It("returns empty if no genres are available", func() { g, gs := mapper.mapGenres(nil) Expect(g).To(BeEmpty()) Expect(gs).To(BeEmpty()) }) It("returns genres", func() { g, gs := mapper.mapGenres([]string{"Rock", "Electronic"}) Expect(g).To(Equal("Rock")) Expect(gs).To(HaveLen(2)) Expect(gs[0].Name).To(Equal("Rock")) Expect(gs[1].Name).To(Equal("Electronic")) }) It("parses multi-valued genres", func() { g, gs := mapper.mapGenres([]string{"Rock;Dance", "Electronic", "Rock"}) Expect(g).To(Equal("Rock")) Expect(gs).To(HaveLen(3)) Expect(gs[0].Name).To(Equal("Rock")) Expect(gs[1].Name).To(Equal("Dance")) Expect(gs[2].Name).To(Equal("Electronic")) }) It("trims genres names", func() { _, gs := mapper.mapGenres([]string{"Rock ; Dance", " Electronic "}) Expect(gs).To(HaveLen(3)) Expect(gs[0].Name).To(Equal("Rock")) Expect(gs[1].Name).To(Equal("Dance")) Expect(gs[2].Name).To(Equal("Electronic")) }) It("does not break on spaces", func() { _, gs := mapper.mapGenres([]string{"New Wave"}) Expect(gs).To(HaveLen(1)) Expect(gs[0].Name).To(Equal("New Wave")) }) }) Describe("mapDates", func() { var md metadata.Tags BeforeEach(func() { mapper = NewMediaFileMapper("/", nil) }) Context("when all date fields are provided", func() { BeforeEach(func() { md = metadata.NewTag("/music/artist/album01/Song.mp3", nil, metadata.ParsedTags{ "date": []string{"2023-03-01"}, "originaldate": []string{"2022-05-10"}, "releasedate": []string{"2023-01-15"}, }) }) It("should map all date fields correctly", func() { year, date, originalYear, originalDate, releaseYear, releaseDate := mapper.mapDates(md) Expect(year).To(Equal(2023)) Expect(date).To(Equal("2023-03-01")) Expect(originalYear).To(Equal(2022)) Expect(originalDate).To(Equal("2022-05-10")) Expect(releaseYear).To(Equal(2023)) Expect(releaseDate).To(Equal("2023-01-15")) }) }) Context("when date field is missing", func() { BeforeEach(func() { md = metadata.NewTag("/music/artist/album01/Song.mp3", nil, metadata.ParsedTags{ "originaldate": []string{"2022-05-10"}, "releasedate": []string{"2023-01-15"}, }) }) It("should fallback to original date if date is missing", func() { year, date, _, _, _, _ := mapper.mapDates(md) Expect(year).To(Equal(2022)) Expect(date).To(Equal("2022-05-10")) }) }) Context("when original and release dates are missing", func() { BeforeEach(func() { md = metadata.NewTag("/music/artist/album01/Song.mp3", nil, metadata.ParsedTags{ "date": []string{"2023-03-01"}, }) }) It("should only map the date field", func() { year, date, originalYear, originalDate, releaseYear, releaseDate := mapper.mapDates(md) Expect(year).To(Equal(2023)) Expect(date).To(Equal("2023-03-01")) Expect(originalYear).To(BeZero()) Expect(originalDate).To(BeEmpty()) Expect(releaseYear).To(BeZero()) Expect(releaseDate).To(BeEmpty()) }) }) Context("when date fields are in an incorrect format", func() { BeforeEach(func() { md = metadata.NewTag("/music/artist/album01/Song.mp3", nil, metadata.ParsedTags{ "date": []string{"invalid-date"}, }) }) It("should handle invalid date formats gracefully", func() { year, date, _, _, _, _ := mapper.mapDates(md) Expect(year).To(BeZero()) Expect(date).To(BeEmpty()) }) }) Context("when all date fields are missing", func() { It("should return zero values for all date fields", func() { year, date, originalYear, originalDate, releaseYear, releaseDate := mapper.mapDates(md) Expect(year).To(BeZero()) Expect(date).To(BeEmpty()) Expect(originalYear).To(BeZero()) Expect(originalDate).To(BeEmpty()) Expect(releaseYear).To(BeZero()) Expect(releaseDate).To(BeEmpty()) }) }) }) }) Describe("sanitizeFieldForSorting", func() { BeforeEach(func() { conf.Server.IgnoredArticles = "The O" }) It("sanitize accents", func() { Expect(sanitizeFieldForSorting("Céu")).To(Equal("Ceu")) }) It("removes articles", func() { Expect(sanitizeFieldForSorting("The Beatles")).To(Equal("Beatles")) }) It("removes accented articles", func() { Expect(sanitizeFieldForSorting("Õ Blésq Blom")).To(Equal("Blesq Blom")) }) }) })