package cmd import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( cfgFile string noBanner bool rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "navidrome", Short: "Navidrome is a self-hosted music server and streamer", Long: `Navidrome is a self-hosted music server and streamer. Complete documentation is available at`, PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { preRun() }, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { runNavidrome() }, PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { postRun() }, Version: consts.Version, } ) // Execute runs the root cobra command, which will start the Navidrome server by calling the runNavidrome function. func Execute() { rootCmd.SetVersionTemplate(`{{println .Version}}`) if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } } func preRun() { if !noBanner { println(resources.Banner()) } conf.Load() } func postRun() { log.Info("Navidrome stopped, bye.") } // runNavidrome is the main entry point for the Navidrome server. It starts all the services and blocks. // If any of the services returns an error, it will log it and exit. If the process receives a signal to exit, // it will cancel the context and exit gracefully. func runNavidrome() { defer db.Init()() ctx, cancel := mainContext() defer cancel() g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) g.Go(startServer(ctx)) g.Go(startSignaller(ctx)) g.Go(startScheduler(ctx)) g.Go(startPlaybackServer(ctx)) g.Go(schedulePeriodicScan(ctx)) if err := g.Wait(); err != nil { log.Error("Fatal error in Navidrome. Aborting", err) } } // mainContext returns a context that is cancelled when the process receives a signal to exit. func mainContext() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) { return signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGABRT, ) } // startServer starts the Navidrome web server, adding all the necessary routers. func startServer(ctx context.Context) func() error { return func() error { a := CreateServer(conf.Server.MusicFolder) a.MountRouter("Native API", consts.URLPathNativeAPI, CreateNativeAPIRouter()) a.MountRouter("Subsonic API", consts.URLPathSubsonicAPI, CreateSubsonicAPIRouter()) a.MountRouter("Public Endpoints", consts.URLPathPublic, CreatePublicRouter()) if conf.Server.LastFM.Enabled { a.MountRouter("LastFM Auth", consts.URLPathNativeAPI+"/lastfm", CreateLastFMRouter()) } if conf.Server.ListenBrainz.Enabled { a.MountRouter("ListenBrainz Auth", consts.URLPathNativeAPI+"/listenbrainz", CreateListenBrainzRouter()) } if conf.Server.Prometheus.Enabled { // blocking call because takes <1ms but useful if fails core.WriteInitialMetrics() a.MountRouter("Prometheus metrics", conf.Server.Prometheus.MetricsPath, promhttp.Handler()) } if conf.Server.DevEnableProfiler { a.MountRouter("Profiling", "/debug", middleware.Profiler()) } if strings.HasPrefix(conf.Server.UILoginBackgroundURL, "/") { a.MountRouter("Background images", consts.DefaultUILoginBackgroundURL, backgrounds.NewHandler()) } return a.Run(ctx, conf.Server.Address, conf.Server.Port, conf.Server.TLSCert, conf.Server.TLSKey) } } // schedulePeriodicScan schedules a periodic scan of the music library, if configured. func schedulePeriodicScan(ctx context.Context) func() error { return func() error { schedule := conf.Server.ScanSchedule if schedule == "" { log.Warn("Periodic scan is DISABLED") return nil } scanner := GetScanner() schedulerInstance := scheduler.GetInstance() log.Info("Scheduling periodic scan", "schedule", schedule) err := schedulerInstance.Add(schedule, func() { _ = scanner.RescanAll(ctx, false) }) if err != nil { log.Error("Error scheduling periodic scan", err) } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Wait 2 seconds before the initial scan log.Debug("Executing initial scan") if err := scanner.RescanAll(ctx, false); err != nil { log.Error("Error executing initial scan", err) } log.Debug("Finished initial scan") return nil } } // startScheduler starts the Navidrome scheduler, which is used to run periodic tasks. func startScheduler(ctx context.Context) func() error { return func() error { log.Info(ctx, "Starting scheduler") schedulerInstance := scheduler.GetInstance() schedulerInstance.Run(ctx) return nil } } // startPlaybackServer starts the Navidrome playback server, if configured. // It is responsible for the Jukebox functionality func startPlaybackServer(ctx context.Context) func() error { return func() error { if !conf.Server.Jukebox.Enabled { log.Debug("Jukebox is DISABLED") return nil } log.Info(ctx, "Starting Jukebox service") playbackInstance := GetPlaybackServer() return playbackInstance.Run(ctx) } } // TODO: Implement some struct tags to map flags to viper func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(func() { conf.InitConfig(cfgFile) }) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&cfgFile, "configfile", "c", "", `config file (default "./navidrome.toml")`) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&noBanner, "nobanner", "n", false, `don't show banner`) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("musicfolder", viper.GetString("musicfolder"), "folder where your music is stored") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("datafolder", viper.GetString("datafolder"), "folder to store application data (DB), needs write access") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("cachefolder", viper.GetString("cachefolder"), "folder to store cache data (transcoding, images...), needs write access") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("loglevel", "l", viper.GetString("loglevel"), "log level, possible values: error, info, debug, trace") _ = viper.BindPFlag("musicfolder", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("musicfolder")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("datafolder", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("datafolder")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("cachefolder", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("cachefolder")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("loglevel", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("loglevel")) rootCmd.Flags().StringP("address", "a", viper.GetString("address"), "IP address to bind to") rootCmd.Flags().IntP("port", "p", viper.GetInt("port"), "HTTP port Navidrome will listen to") rootCmd.Flags().String("baseurl", viper.GetString("baseurl"), "base URL to configure Navidrome behind a proxy (ex: /music or") rootCmd.Flags().String("tlscert", viper.GetString("tlscert"), "optional path to a TLS cert file (enables HTTPS listening)") rootCmd.Flags().String("unixsocketperm", viper.GetString("unixsocketperm"), "optional file permission for the unix socket") rootCmd.Flags().String("tlskey", viper.GetString("tlskey"), "optional path to a TLS key file (enables HTTPS listening)") rootCmd.Flags().Duration("sessiontimeout", viper.GetDuration("sessiontimeout"), "how long Navidrome will wait before closing web ui idle sessions") rootCmd.Flags().Duration("scaninterval", viper.GetDuration("scaninterval"), "how frequently to scan for changes in your music library") rootCmd.Flags().String("uiloginbackgroundurl", viper.GetString("uiloginbackgroundurl"), "URL to a backaground image used in the Login page") rootCmd.Flags().Bool("enabletranscodingconfig", viper.GetBool("enabletranscodingconfig"), "enables transcoding configuration in the UI") rootCmd.Flags().String("transcodingcachesize", viper.GetString("transcodingcachesize"), "size of transcoding cache") rootCmd.Flags().String("imagecachesize", viper.GetString("imagecachesize"), "size of image (art work) cache. set to 0 to disable cache") rootCmd.Flags().String("albumplaycountmode", viper.GetString("albumplaycountmode"), "how to compute playcount for albums. absolute (default) or normalized") rootCmd.Flags().Bool("autoimportplaylists", viper.GetBool("autoimportplaylists"), "enable/disable .m3u playlist auto-import`") rootCmd.Flags().Bool("prometheus.enabled", viper.GetBool("prometheus.enabled"), "enable/disable prometheus metrics endpoint`") rootCmd.Flags().String("prometheus.metricspath", viper.GetString("prometheus.metricspath"), "http endpoint for prometheus metrics") _ = viper.BindPFlag("address", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("address")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("port", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("port")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("tlscert", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("tlscert")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("unixsocketperm", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("unixsocketperm")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("tlskey", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("tlskey")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("baseurl", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("baseurl")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("sessiontimeout", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("sessiontimeout")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("scaninterval", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("scaninterval")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("uiloginbackgroundurl", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("uiloginbackgroundurl")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("prometheus.enabled", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("prometheus.enabled")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("prometheus.metricspath", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("prometheus.metricspath")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("enabletranscodingconfig", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("enabletranscodingconfig")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("transcodingcachesize", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("transcodingcachesize")) _ = viper.BindPFlag("imagecachesize", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("imagecachesize")) }