package core import ( "context" "fmt" "sort" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const placeholderArtistImageSmallUrl = "" const placeholderArtistImageMediumUrl = "" const placeholderArtistImageLargeUrl = "" type ExternalInfo interface { UpdateArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.Artist, error) SimilarSongs(ctx context.Context, id string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) TopSongs(ctx context.Context, artist string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) } func NewExternalInfo(ds model.DataStore, lfm *lastfm.Client, spf *spotify.Client) ExternalInfo { return &externalInfo{ds: ds, lfm: lfm, spf: spf} } type externalInfo struct { ds model.DataStore lfm *lastfm.Client spf *spotify.Client } const UnavailableArtistID = "-1" func (e *externalInfo) UpdateArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (*model.Artist, error) { artist, err := e.getArtist(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } // If we have updated info, just return it if time.Since(artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt) < consts.ArtistInfoTimeToLive { log.Debug("Found cached ArtistInfo", "updatedAt", artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt, "name", artist.Name) err := e.loadSimilar(ctx, artist, includeNotPresent) return artist, err } log.Debug("ArtistInfo not cached", "updatedAt", artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt, "id", id) // TODO Load from local: artist.jpg/png/webp, artist.json (with the remaining info) var wg sync.WaitGroup e.callArtistInfo(ctx, artist, &wg) e.callArtistImages(ctx, artist, &wg) e.callSimilarArtists(ctx, artist, count, &wg) wg.Wait() // Use placeholders if could not get from external sources e.setBio(artist, "Biography not available") e.setSmallImageUrl(artist, placeholderArtistImageSmallUrl) e.setMediumImageUrl(artist, placeholderArtistImageMediumUrl) e.setLargeImageUrl(artist, placeholderArtistImageLargeUrl) artist.ExternalInfoUpdatedAt = time.Now() err = e.ds.Artist(ctx).Put(artist) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Error trying to update artistImageUrl", "id", id, err) } if !includeNotPresent { similar := artist.SimilarArtists artist.SimilarArtists = nil for _, s := range similar { if s.ID == UnavailableArtistID { continue } artist.SimilarArtists = append(artist.SimilarArtists, s) } } log.Trace(ctx, "ArtistInfo collected", "artist", artist) return artist, nil } func (e *externalInfo) getArtist(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Artist, error) { var entity interface{} entity, err := GetEntityByID(ctx, e.ds, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch v := entity.(type) { case *model.Artist: return v, nil case *model.MediaFile: return e.ds.Artist(ctx).Get(v.ArtistID) case *model.Album: return e.ds.Artist(ctx).Get(v.AlbumArtistID) } return nil, model.ErrNotFound } // Replace some Unicode chars with their equivalent ASCII func clearName(name string) string { name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "–", "-") name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "‐", "-") name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "“", `"`) name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "”", `"`) name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "‘", `'`) name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, "’", `'`) return name } func (e *externalInfo) SimilarSongs(ctx context.Context, id string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) { if e.lfm == nil { log.Warn(ctx, "Last.FM client not configured") return nil, model.ErrNotAvailable } artist, err := e.getArtist(ctx, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } artists, err := e.similarArtists(ctx, clearName(artist.Name), count, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } ids := make([]string, len(artists)+1) ids[0] = artist.ID for i, a := range artists { ids[i+1] = a.ID } return e.ds.MediaFile(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.Eq{"artist_id": ids}, Max: count, Sort: "random()", }) } func (e *externalInfo) similarArtists(ctx context.Context, artistName string, count int, includeNotPresent bool) (model.Artists, error) { var result model.Artists var notPresent []string log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Last.FM ArtistGetSimilar", "artist", artistName) similar, err := e.lfm.ArtistGetSimilar(ctx, artistName, count) if err != nil { return nil, err } // First select artists that are present. for _, s := range similar { sa, err := e.findArtistByName(ctx, s.Name) if err != nil { notPresent = append(notPresent, s.Name) continue } result = append(result, *sa) } // Then fill up with non-present artists if includeNotPresent { for _, s := range notPresent { sa := model.Artist{ID: UnavailableArtistID, Name: s} result = append(result, sa) } } return result, nil } func (e *externalInfo) findArtistByName(ctx context.Context, artistName string) (*model.Artist, error) { artists, err := e.ds.Artist(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.Like{"name": artistName}, Max: 1, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(artists) == 0 { return nil, model.ErrNotFound } return &artists[0], nil } func (e *externalInfo) TopSongs(ctx context.Context, artistName string, count int) (model.MediaFiles, error) { if e.lfm == nil { log.Warn(ctx, "Last.FM client not configured") return nil, model.ErrNotAvailable } artist, err := e.findArtistByName(ctx, artistName) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Artist not found", "name", artistName, err) return nil, nil } artistName = clearName(artistName) log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Last.FM ArtistGetTopTracks", "artist", artistName, "id", artist.ID) tracks, err := e.lfm.ArtistGetTopTracks(ctx, artistName, count) if err != nil { return nil, err } var songs model.MediaFiles for _, t := range tracks { mf, err := e.findMatchingTrack(ctx, t.MBID, artist.ID, t.Name) if err != nil { continue } songs = append(songs, *mf) } return songs, nil } func (e *externalInfo) findMatchingTrack(ctx context.Context, mbid string, artistID, title string) (*model.MediaFile, error) { if mbid != "" { mfs, err := e.ds.MediaFile(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.Eq{"mbz_track_id": mbid}, }) if err == nil && len(mfs) > 0 { return &mfs[0], nil } } mfs, err := e.ds.MediaFile(ctx).GetAll(model.QueryOptions{ Filters: squirrel.And{ squirrel.Or{ squirrel.Eq{"artist_id": artistID}, squirrel.Eq{"album_artist_id": artistID}, }, squirrel.Like{"title": title}, }, Sort: "starred desc, rating desc, year asc", }) if err != nil || len(mfs) == 0 { return nil, model.ErrNotFound } return &mfs[0], nil } func (e *externalInfo) callArtistInfo(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { if e.lfm != nil { name := clearName(artist.Name) log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Last.FM ArtistGetInfo", "artist", name) wg.Add(1) go func() { start := time.Now() defer wg.Done() lfmArtist, err := e.lfm.ArtistGetInfo(ctx, name) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Last.FM", "artist", name, err) } else { log.Debug(ctx, "Got info from Last.FM", "artist", name, "info", lfmArtist.Bio.Summary, "elapsed", time.Since(start)) } e.setBio(artist, lfmArtist.Bio.Summary) e.setExternalUrl(artist, lfmArtist.URL) e.setMbzID(artist, lfmArtist.MBID) }() } } func (e *externalInfo) searchArtist(ctx context.Context, name string) (*spotify.Artist, error) { artists, err := e.spf.SearchArtists(ctx, name, 40) if err != nil || len(artists) == 0 { return nil, model.ErrNotFound } name = strings.ToLower(name) // Sort results, prioritizing artists with images, with similar names and with high popularity, in this order sort.Slice(artists, func(i, j int) bool { ai := fmt.Sprintf("%-5t-%03d-%04d", len(artists[i].Images) == 0, smetrics.WagnerFischer(name, strings.ToLower(artists[i].Name), 1, 1, 2), 1000-artists[i].Popularity) aj := fmt.Sprintf("%-5t-%03d-%04d", len(artists[j].Images) == 0, smetrics.WagnerFischer(name, strings.ToLower(artists[j].Name), 1, 1, 2), 1000-artists[j].Popularity) return strings.Compare(ai, aj) < 0 }) // If the first one has the same name, that's the one if strings.ToLower(artists[0].Name) != name { return nil, model.ErrNotFound } return &artists[0], err } func (e *externalInfo) callSimilarArtists(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, count int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { if e.lfm != nil { name := clearName(artist.Name) wg.Add(1) go func() { start := time.Now() defer wg.Done() similar, err := e.similarArtists(ctx, name, count, true) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Last.FM", "artist", name, err) return } log.Debug(ctx, "Got similar artists from Last.FM", "artist", name, "info", "elapsed", time.Since(start)) artist.SimilarArtists = similar }() } } func (e *externalInfo) callArtistImages(ctx context.Context, artist *model.Artist, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { if e.spf != nil { name := clearName(artist.Name) log.Debug(ctx, "Calling Spotify SearchArtist", "artist", name) wg.Add(1) go func() { start := time.Now() defer wg.Done() a, err := e.searchArtist(ctx, name) if err != nil { if err == model.ErrNotFound { log.Warn(ctx, "Artist not found in Spotify", "artist", name) } else { log.Error(ctx, "Error calling Spotify", "artist", name, err) } return } spfImages := a.Images log.Debug(ctx, "Got images from Spotify", "artist", name, "images", spfImages, "elapsed", time.Since(start)) sort.Slice(spfImages, func(i, j int) bool { return spfImages[i].Width > spfImages[j].Width }) if len(spfImages) >= 1 { e.setLargeImageUrl(artist, spfImages[0].URL) } if len(spfImages) >= 2 { e.setMediumImageUrl(artist, spfImages[1].URL) } if len(spfImages) >= 3 { e.setSmallImageUrl(artist, spfImages[2].URL) } }() } } func (e *externalInfo) setBio(artist *model.Artist, bio string) { policy := bluemonday.UGCPolicy() if artist.Biography == "" { bio = policy.Sanitize(bio) bio = strings.ReplaceAll(bio, "\n", " ") artist.Biography = strings.ReplaceAll(bio, "