GO_VERSION=$(shell grep "^go " go.mod | cut -f 2 -d ' ') NODE_VERSION=$(shell cat .nvmrc) GIT_SHA=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) GIT_TAG=$(shell git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`) ## Default target just build the Go project. default: go build -ldflags="-X github.com/deluan/navidrome/consts.gitSha=$(GIT_SHA) -X github.com/deluan/navidrome/consts.gitTag=master" .PHONY: default dev: check_env npx foreman -j Procfile.dev -p 4533 start .PHONY: dev server: check_go_env @reflex -d none -c reflex.conf .PHONY: server wire: check_go_env wire ./... .PHONY: wire watch: check_go_env ginkgo watch -notify ./... .PHONY: watch test: check_go_env go test ./... -v .PHONY: test testall: check_go_env test @(cd ./ui && npm test -- --watchAll=false) .PHONY: testall lint: golangci-lint run -v .PHONY: lint update-snapshots: check_go_env UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true ginkgo ./server/subsonic/... .PHONY: update-snapshots migration: @if [ -z "${name}" ]; then echo "Usage: make migration name=name_of_migration_file"; exit 1; fi goose -dir db/migration create ${name} .PHONY: migration setup: download-deps @echo Installing tools from tools.go @cat tools.go | grep _ | awk -F'"' '{print $$2}' | xargs -tI % go install % .PHONY: setup download-deps: @echo Download Go dependencies @go mod download @echo Download Node dependencies @(cd ./ui && npm ci) .PHONY: download-deps setup-dev: setup setup-git .PHONY: setup-dev setup-git: @echo Setting up git hooks @mkdir -p .git/hooks @(cd .git/hooks && ln -sf ../../git/* .) .PHONY: setup-git check_env: check_go_env check_node_env .PHONY: check_env check_go_env: @(hash go) || (echo "\nERROR: GO environment not setup properly!\n"; exit 1) @go version | grep -q $(GO_VERSION) || (echo "\nERROR: Please upgrade your GO version\nThis project requires version $(GO_VERSION)"; exit 1) .PHONY: check_go_env check_node_env: @(hash node) || (echo "\nERROR: Node environment not setup properly!\n"; exit 1) @node --version | grep -q $(NODE_VERSION) || (echo "\nERROR: Please check your Node version. Should be $(NODE_VERSION)\n"; exit 1) .PHONY: check_node_env build: check_go_env go build -ldflags="-X github.com/deluan/navidrome/consts.gitSha=$(GIT_SHA) -X github.com/deluan/navidrome/consts.gitTag=$(GIT_TAG)-SNAPSHOT" .PHONY: build buildall: check_env @(cd ./ui && npm run build) go-bindata -fs -prefix "resources" -tags embed -ignore="\\\*.go" -pkg resources -o resources/embedded_gen.go resources/... go-bindata -fs -prefix "ui/build" -tags embed -nocompress -pkg assets -o assets/embedded_gen.go ui/build/... go build -ldflags="-X github.com/deluan/navidrome/consts.gitSha=$(GIT_SHA) -X github.com/deluan/navidrome/consts.gitTag=$(GIT_TAG)-SNAPSHOT" -tags=embed .PHONY: buildall pre-push: lint test .PHONY: pre-push release: @if [[ ! "${V}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$$ ]]; then echo "Usage: make release V=X.X.X"; exit 1; fi go mod tidy @if [ -n "`git status -s`" ]; then echo "\n\nThere are pending changes. Please commit or stash first"; exit 1; fi make pre-push git tag v${V} git push origin v${V} --no-verify .PHONY: release snapshot: docker run -it -v $(PWD):/workspace -w /workspace deluan/ci-goreleaser:1.15.3-1 goreleaser release --rm-dist --skip-publish --snapshot .PHONY: snapshot