package core import ( "context" "io" "os" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "" "" "" "" "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("MediaStreamer", func() { var streamer MediaStreamer var ds model.DataStore ffmpeg := newFakeFFmpeg("fake data") ctx := log.NewContext(context.TODO()) BeforeEach(func() { conf.Server.DataFolder, _ = os.MkdirTemp("", "file_caches") conf.Server.TranscodingCacheSize = "100MB" ds = &tests.MockDataStore{MockedTranscoding: &tests.MockTranscodingRepo{}} ds.MediaFile(ctx).(*tests.MockMediaFileRepo).SetData(model.MediaFiles{ {ID: "123", Path: "tests/fixtures/test.mp3", Suffix: "mp3", BitRate: 128, Duration: 257.0}, }) testCache := GetTranscodingCache() Eventually(func() bool { return testCache.Ready(context.TODO()) }).Should(BeTrue()) streamer = NewMediaStreamer(ds, ffmpeg, testCache) }) AfterEach(func() { _ = os.RemoveAll(conf.Server.DataFolder) }) Context("NewStream", func() { It("returns a seekable stream if format is 'raw'", func() { s, err := streamer.NewStream(ctx, "123", "raw", 0) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(s.Seekable()).To(BeTrue()) }) It("returns a seekable stream if maxBitRate is 0", func() { s, err := streamer.NewStream(ctx, "123", "mp3", 0) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(s.Seekable()).To(BeTrue()) }) It("returns a seekable stream if maxBitRate is higher than file bitRate", func() { s, err := streamer.NewStream(ctx, "123", "mp3", 320) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(s.Seekable()).To(BeTrue()) }) It("returns a NON seekable stream if transcode is required", func() { s, err := streamer.NewStream(ctx, "123", "mp3", 64) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) Expect(s.Seekable()).To(BeFalse()) Expect(s.Duration()).To(Equal(float32(257.0))) }) It("returns a seekable stream if the file is complete in the cache", func() { s, err := streamer.NewStream(ctx, "123", "mp3", 32) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) _, _ = io.ReadAll(s) _ = s.Close() Eventually(func() bool { return ffmpeg.IsClosed() }, "3s").Should(BeTrue()) s, err = streamer.NewStream(ctx, "123", "mp3", 32) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) Expect(s.Seekable()).To(BeTrue()) }) }) Context("selectTranscodingOptions", func() { mf := &model.MediaFile{} Context("player is not configured", func() { It("returns raw if raw is requested", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, _ := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "raw", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("raw")) }) It("returns raw if a transcoder does not exists", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, _ := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "m4a", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("raw")) }) It("returns the requested format if a transcoder exists", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "mp3", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("mp3")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(160)) // Default Bit Rate }) It("returns raw if requested format is the same as the original and it is not necessary to downsample", func() { mf.Suffix = "mp3" mf.BitRate = 112 format, _ := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "mp3", 128) Expect(format).To(Equal("raw")) }) It("returns the requested format if requested BitRate is lower than original", func() { mf.Suffix = "mp3" mf.BitRate = 320 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "mp3", 192) Expect(format).To(Equal("mp3")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(192)) }) It("returns raw if requested format is the same as the original, but requested BitRate is 0", func() { mf.Suffix = "mp3" mf.BitRate = 320 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "mp3", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("raw")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(320)) }) }) Context("player has format configured", func() { BeforeEach(func() { t := model.Transcoding{ID: "oga1", TargetFormat: "oga", DefaultBitRate: 96} ctx = request.WithTranscoding(ctx, t) }) It("returns raw if raw is requested", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, _ := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "raw", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("raw")) }) It("returns configured format/bitrate as default", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("oga")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(96)) }) It("returns requested format", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "mp3", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("mp3")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(160)) // Default Bit Rate }) It("returns requested bitrate", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "", 80) Expect(format).To(Equal("oga")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(80)) }) It("returns raw if selected bitrate and format is the same as original", func() { mf.Suffix = "mp3" mf.BitRate = 192 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "mp3", 192) Expect(format).To(Equal("raw")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(0)) }) }) Context("player has maxBitRate configured", func() { BeforeEach(func() { t := model.Transcoding{ID: "oga1", TargetFormat: "oga", DefaultBitRate: 96} p := model.Player{ID: "player1", TranscodingId: t.ID, MaxBitRate: 80} ctx = request.WithTranscoding(ctx, t) ctx = request.WithPlayer(ctx, p) }) It("returns raw if raw is requested", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, _ := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "raw", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("raw")) }) It("returns configured format/bitrate as default", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("oga")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(80)) }) It("returns requested format", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "mp3", 0) Expect(format).To(Equal("mp3")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(160)) // Default Bit Rate }) It("returns requested bitrate", func() { mf.Suffix = "flac" mf.BitRate = 1000 format, bitRate := selectTranscodingOptions(ctx, ds, mf, "", 80) Expect(format).To(Equal("oga")) Expect(bitRate).To(Equal(80)) }) }) }) }) func newFakeFFmpeg(data string) *fakeFFmpeg { return &fakeFFmpeg{Reader: strings.NewReader(data)} } type fakeFFmpeg struct { io.Reader lock sync.Mutex closed atomic.Bool } func (ff *fakeFFmpeg) Start(ctx context.Context, cmd, path string, maxBitRate int) (f io.ReadCloser, err error) { return ff, nil } func (ff *fakeFFmpeg) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { ff.lock.Lock() defer ff.lock.Unlock() return ff.Reader.Read(p) } func (ff *fakeFFmpeg) Close() error { ff.closed.Store(true) return nil } func (ff *fakeFFmpeg) IsClosed() bool { return ff.closed.Load() }