package metadata import ( "os" "" "" "" ) type taglibExtractor struct{} func (e *taglibExtractor) Extract(paths ...string) (map[string]*Tags, error) { fileTags := map[string]*Tags{} for _, path := range paths { tags, err := e.extractMetadata(path) if err == nil { fileTags[path] = tags } } return fileTags, nil } func (e *taglibExtractor) extractMetadata(filePath string) (*Tags, error) { parsedTags, err := taglib.Read(filePath) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error reading metadata from file. Skipping", "filePath", filePath, err) } else { if hasEmbeddedImage(filePath) { parsedTags["has_picture"] = []string{"true"} } } tags := NewTags(filePath, parsedTags, map[string][]string{ "title": {"_track", "titlesort"}, "album": {"_album", "albumsort"}, "artist": {"_artist", "artistsort"}, "date": {"_year"}, "track": {"_track"}, }) return tags, nil } func hasEmbeddedImage(path string) bool { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Error("Panic while checking for images. Please report this error with a copy of the file", "path", path, r) } }() f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error opening file", "filePath", path, err) return false } defer f.Close() m, err := tag.ReadFrom(f) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error reading picture tag from file", "filePath", path, err) return false } return m.Picture() != nil }