package persistence import ( "context" "" "" "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("AlbumRepository", func() { var repo model.AlbumRepository BeforeEach(func() { ctx := context.WithValue(log.NewContext(nil), "user", model.User{ID: "userid"}) repo = NewAlbumRepository(ctx, orm.NewOrm()) }) Describe("Get", func() { It("returns an existent album", func() { Expect(repo.Get("3")).To(Equal(&albumRadioactivity)) }) It("returns ErrNotFound when the album does not exist", func() { _, err := repo.Get("666") Expect(err).To(MatchError(model.ErrNotFound)) }) }) Describe("GetAll", func() { It("returns all records", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll()).To(Equal(testAlbums)) }) It("returns all records sorted", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll(model.QueryOptions{Sort: "name"})).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumAbbeyRoad, albumRadioactivity, albumSgtPeppers, })) }) It("returns all records sorted desc", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll(model.QueryOptions{Sort: "name", Order: "desc"})).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumSgtPeppers, albumRadioactivity, albumAbbeyRoad, })) }) It("paginates the result", func() { Expect(repo.GetAll(model.QueryOptions{Offset: 1, Max: 1})).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumAbbeyRoad, })) }) }) Describe("GetStarred", func() { It("returns all starred records", func() { Expect(repo.GetStarred(model.QueryOptions{})).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumRadioactivity, })) }) }) Describe("FindByArtist", func() { It("returns all records from a given ArtistID", func() { Expect(repo.FindByArtist("3")).To(Equal(model.Albums{ albumSgtPeppers, albumAbbeyRoad, })) }) }) })