package conf import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) type configOptions struct { ConfigFile string Address string Port int MusicFolder string DataFolder string DbPath string LogLevel string ScanInterval time.Duration ScanSchedule string SessionTimeout time.Duration BaseURL string UILoginBackgroundURL string EnableTranscodingConfig bool EnableDownloads bool TranscodingCacheSize string ImageCacheSize string AutoImportPlaylists bool PlaylistsPath string SearchFullString bool RecentlyAddedByModTime bool IgnoredArticles string IndexGroups string ProbeCommand string CoverArtPriority string CoverJpegQuality int UIWelcomeMessage string EnableGravatar bool EnableFavourites bool EnableStarRating bool EnableUserEditing bool DefaultTheme string EnableCoverAnimation bool GATrackingID string EnableLogRedacting bool AuthRequestLimit int AuthWindowLength time.Duration PasswordEncryptionKey string ReverseProxyUserHeader string ReverseProxyWhitelist string Scanner scannerOptions Agents string LastFM lastfmOptions Spotify spotifyOptions // DevFlags. These are used to enable/disable debugging and incomplete features DevLogSourceLine bool DevLogLevels map[string]string DevAutoCreateAdminPassword string DevAutoLoginUsername string DevPreCacheAlbumArtwork bool DevFastAccessCoverArt bool DevActivityPanel bool DevEnableShare bool DevSidebarPlaylists bool DevEnableBufferedScrobble bool DevShowArtistPage bool } type scannerOptions struct { Extractor string GenreSeparators string } type lastfmOptions struct { Enabled bool ApiKey string Secret string Language string } type spotifyOptions struct { ID string Secret string } var ( Server = &configOptions{} hooks []func() ) func LoadFromFile(confFile string) { viper.SetConfigFile(confFile) Load() } func Load() { err := viper.Unmarshal(&Server) if err != nil { fmt.Println("FATAL: Error parsing config:", err) os.Exit(1) } err = os.MkdirAll(Server.DataFolder, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { fmt.Println("FATAL: Error creating data path:", "path", Server.DataFolder, err) os.Exit(1) } Server.ConfigFile = viper.GetViper().ConfigFileUsed() if Server.DbPath == "" { Server.DbPath = filepath.Join(Server.DataFolder, consts.DefaultDbPath) } log.SetLevelString(Server.LogLevel) log.SetLogLevels(Server.DevLogLevels) log.SetLogSourceLine(Server.DevLogSourceLine) log.SetRedacting(Server.EnableLogRedacting) if err := validateScanSchedule(); err != nil { os.Exit(1) } // Print current configuration if log level is Debug if log.CurrentLevel() >= log.LevelDebug { prettyConf := pretty.Sprintf("Loaded configuration from '%s': %# v", Server.ConfigFile, Server) if Server.EnableLogRedacting { prettyConf = log.Redact(prettyConf) } fmt.Println(prettyConf) } // Call init hooks for _, hook := range hooks { hook() } } func validateScanSchedule() error { if Server.ScanInterval != -1 { log.Warn("ScanInterval is DEPRECATED. Please use ScanSchedule. See docs at") if Server.ScanSchedule != "@every 1m" { log.Error("You cannot specify both ScanInterval and ScanSchedule, ignoring ScanInterval") } else { if Server.ScanInterval == 0 { Server.ScanSchedule = "" } else { Server.ScanSchedule = fmt.Sprintf("@every %s", Server.ScanInterval) } log.Warn("Setting ScanSchedule", "schedule", Server.ScanSchedule) } } if Server.ScanSchedule == "0" || Server.ScanSchedule == "" { Server.ScanSchedule = "" return nil } if _, err := time.ParseDuration(Server.ScanSchedule); err == nil { Server.ScanSchedule = "@every " + Server.ScanSchedule } c := cron.New() _, err := c.AddFunc(Server.ScanSchedule, func() {}) if err != nil { log.Error("Invalid ScanSchedule. Please read format spec at", "schedule", Server.ScanSchedule, err) } return err } // AddHook is used to register initialization code that should run as soon as the config is loaded func AddHook(hook func()) { hooks = append(hooks, hook) } func init() { viper.SetDefault("musicfolder", filepath.Join(".", "music")) viper.SetDefault("datafolder", ".") viper.SetDefault("loglevel", "info") viper.SetDefault("address", "") viper.SetDefault("port", 4533) viper.SetDefault("sessiontimeout", consts.DefaultSessionTimeout) viper.SetDefault("scaninterval", -1) viper.SetDefault("scanschedule", "@every 1m") viper.SetDefault("baseurl", "") viper.SetDefault("uiloginbackgroundurl", consts.DefaultUILoginBackgroundURL) viper.SetDefault("enabletranscodingconfig", false) viper.SetDefault("transcodingcachesize", "100MB") viper.SetDefault("imagecachesize", "100MB") viper.SetDefault("autoimportplaylists", true) viper.SetDefault("playlistspath", consts.DefaultPlaylistsPath) viper.SetDefault("enabledownloads", true) // Config options only valid for file/env configuration viper.SetDefault("searchfullstring", false) viper.SetDefault("recentlyaddedbymodtime", false) viper.SetDefault("ignoredarticles", "The El La Los Las Le Les Os As O A") viper.SetDefault("indexgroups", "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z(XYZ) [Unknown]([)") viper.SetDefault("probecommand", "ffmpeg %s -f ffmetadata") viper.SetDefault("coverartpriority", "embedded, cover.*, folder.*, front.*") viper.SetDefault("coverjpegquality", 75) viper.SetDefault("uiwelcomemessage", "") viper.SetDefault("enablegravatar", false) viper.SetDefault("enablefavourites", true) viper.SetDefault("enablestarrating", true) viper.SetDefault("enableuserediting", true) viper.SetDefault("defaulttheme", "Dark") viper.SetDefault("enablecoveranimation", true) viper.SetDefault("gatrackingid", "") viper.SetDefault("enablelogredacting", true) viper.SetDefault("authrequestlimit", 5) viper.SetDefault("authwindowlength", 20*time.Second) viper.SetDefault("passwordencryptionkey", "") viper.SetDefault("reverseproxyuserheader", "Remote-User") viper.SetDefault("reverseproxywhitelist", "") viper.SetDefault("scanner.extractor", consts.DefaultScannerExtractor) viper.SetDefault("scanner.genreseparators", ";/,") viper.SetDefault("agents", "lastfm,spotify") viper.SetDefault("lastfm.enabled", true) viper.SetDefault("lastfm.language", "en") viper.SetDefault("lastfm.apikey", consts.LastFMAPIKey) viper.SetDefault("lastfm.secret", consts.LastFMAPISecret) viper.SetDefault("", "") viper.SetDefault("spotify.secret", "") // DevFlags. These are used to enable/disable debugging and incomplete features viper.SetDefault("devlogsourceline", false) viper.SetDefault("devautocreateadminpassword", "") viper.SetDefault("devautologinusername", "") viper.SetDefault("devprecachealbumartwork", false) viper.SetDefault("devfastaccesscoverart", false) viper.SetDefault("devactivitypanel", true) viper.SetDefault("devenableshare", false) viper.SetDefault("devenablebufferedscrobble", true) viper.SetDefault("devsidebarplaylists", true) viper.SetDefault("devshowartistpage", false) } func InitConfig(cfgFile string) { cfgFile = getConfigFile(cfgFile) if cfgFile != "" { // Use config file from the flag. viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile) } else { // Search config in local directory with name "navidrome" (without extension). viper.AddConfigPath(".") viper.SetConfigName("navidrome") } _ = viper.BindEnv("port") viper.SetEnvPrefix("ND") replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_") viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(replacer) viper.AutomaticEnv() err := viper.ReadInConfig() if viper.ConfigFileUsed() != "" && err != nil { fmt.Println("FATAL: Navidrome could not open config file: ", err) os.Exit(1) } } func getConfigFile(cfgFile string) string { if cfgFile != "" { return cfgFile } return os.Getenv("ND_CONFIGFILE") }