package server import ( "encoding/json" "html/template" "io" "io/fs" "net/http" "path" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func Index(ds model.DataStore, fs fs.FS) http.HandlerFunc { return serveIndex(ds, fs, nil) } func IndexWithShare(ds model.DataStore, fs fs.FS, shareInfo *model.Share) http.HandlerFunc { return serveIndex(ds, fs, shareInfo) } // Injects the config in the `index.html` template func serveIndex(ds model.DataStore, fs fs.FS, shareInfo *model.Share) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c, err := ds.User(r.Context()).CountAll() firstTime := c == 0 && err == nil t, err := getIndexTemplate(r, fs) if err != nil { http.NotFound(w, r) return } appConfig := map[string]interface{}{ "version": consts.Version, "firstTime": firstTime, "variousArtistsId": consts.VariousArtistsID, "baseURL": utils.SanitizeText(strings.TrimSuffix(conf.Server.BasePath, "/")), "loginBackgroundURL": utils.SanitizeText(conf.Server.UILoginBackgroundURL), "welcomeMessage": utils.SanitizeText(conf.Server.UIWelcomeMessage), "maxSidebarPlaylists": conf.Server.MaxSidebarPlaylists, "enableTranscodingConfig": conf.Server.EnableTranscodingConfig, "enableDownloads": conf.Server.EnableDownloads, "enableFavourites": conf.Server.EnableFavourites, "enableStarRating": conf.Server.EnableStarRating, "defaultTheme": conf.Server.DefaultTheme, "defaultLanguage": conf.Server.DefaultLanguage, "defaultUIVolume": conf.Server.DefaultUIVolume, "enableCoverAnimation": conf.Server.EnableCoverAnimation, "gaTrackingId": conf.Server.GATrackingID, "losslessFormats": strings.ToUpper(strings.Join(consts.LosslessFormats, ",")), "devActivityPanel": conf.Server.DevActivityPanel, "enableUserEditing": conf.Server.EnableUserEditing, "enableSharing": conf.Server.EnableSharing, "defaultDownloadableShare": conf.Server.DefaultDownloadableShare, "devSidebarPlaylists": conf.Server.DevSidebarPlaylists, "lastFMEnabled": conf.Server.LastFM.Enabled && conf.Server.LastFM.ApiKey != "" && conf.Server.LastFM.Secret != "", "devShowArtistPage": conf.Server.DevShowArtistPage, "listenBrainzEnabled": conf.Server.ListenBrainz.Enabled, "enableExternalServices": conf.Server.EnableExternalServices, "enableReplayGain": conf.Server.EnableReplayGain, "defaultDownsamplingFormat": conf.Server.DefaultDownsamplingFormat, } if strings.HasPrefix(conf.Server.UILoginBackgroundURL, "/") { appConfig["loginBackgroundURL"] = path.Join(conf.Server.BasePath, conf.Server.UILoginBackgroundURL) } auth := handleLoginFromHeaders(ds, r) if auth != nil { appConfig["auth"] = auth } appConfigJson, err := json.Marshal(appConfig) if err != nil { log.Error(r, "Error converting config to JSON", "config", appConfig, err) } else { log.Trace(r, "Injecting config in index.html", "config", string(appConfigJson)) } log.Debug("UI configuration", "appConfig", appConfig) version := consts.Version if version != "dev" { version = "v" + version } data := map[string]interface{}{ "AppConfig": string(appConfigJson), "Version": version, } addShareData(r, data, shareInfo) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html") err = t.Execute(w, data) if err != nil { log.Error(r, "Could not execute `index.html` template", err) } } } func getIndexTemplate(r *http.Request, fs fs.FS) (*template.Template, error) { t := template.New("initial state") indexHtml, err := fs.Open("index.html") if err != nil { log.Error(r, "Could not find `index.html` template", err) return nil, err } indexStr, err := io.ReadAll(indexHtml) if err != nil { log.Error(r, "Could not read from `index.html`", err) return nil, err } t, err = t.Parse(string(indexStr)) if err != nil { log.Error(r, "Error parsing `index.html`", err) return nil, err } return t, nil } type shareData struct { ID string `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` Downloadable bool `json:"downloadable"` Tracks []shareTrack `json:"tracks"` } type shareTrack struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Artist string `json:"artist,omitempty"` Album string `json:"album,omitempty"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` Duration float32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` } func addShareData(r *http.Request, data map[string]interface{}, shareInfo *model.Share) { ctx := r.Context() if shareInfo == nil || shareInfo.ID == "" { return } sd := shareData{ ID: shareInfo.ID, Description: shareInfo.Description, Downloadable: shareInfo.Downloadable, } sd.Tracks = slice.Map(shareInfo.Tracks, func(mf model.MediaFile) shareTrack { return shareTrack{ ID: mf.ID, Title: mf.Title, Artist: mf.Artist, Album: mf.Album, Duration: mf.Duration, UpdatedAt: mf.UpdatedAt, } }) shareInfoJson, err := json.Marshal(sd) if err != nil { log.Error(ctx, "Error converting shareInfo to JSON", "config", shareInfo, err) } else { log.Trace(ctx, "Injecting shareInfo in index.html", "config", string(shareInfoJson)) } if shareInfo.Description != "" { data["ShareDescription"] = shareInfo.Description } else { data["ShareDescription"] = shareInfo.Contents } data["ShareURL"] = shareInfo.URL data["ShareImageURL"] = shareInfo.ImageURL data["ShareInfo"] = string(shareInfoJson) }