/* * Rufus: The Resourceful USB Formatting Utility * Copyright (c) 2011 Pete Batard * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include // for MEDIA_TYPE #pragma once #define RUFUS_DEBUG #define APP_VERSION "Rufus v1.0.0.43" #define STR_NO_LABEL "NO_LABEL" #define RUFUS_CANCELBOX_TITLE "Rufus - Cancellation" #define DRIVE_INDEX_MIN 0x80 #define DRIVE_INDEX_MAX 0xC0 #define MAX_DRIVES 16 #define MAX_TOOLTIPS 16 #define PROPOSEDLABEL_TOLERANCE 0.10 #define FS_DEFAULT FS_FAT32 #define WHITE RGB(255,255,255) #define SEPARATOR_GREY RGB(223,223,223) #define RUFUS_URL "https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/Rufus" #define BUG_URL "https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/issues" #define IGNORE_RETVAL(expr) do { (void)(expr); } while(0) #ifndef ARRAYSIZE #define ARRAYSIZE(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0])) #endif #define IsChecked(CheckBox_ID) (IsDlgButtonChecked(hMainDialog, CheckBox_ID) == BST_CHECKED) #define safe_free(p) do {free((void*)p); p = NULL;} while(0) #define safe_closehandle(h) do {if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {CloseHandle(h); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;}} while(0) #define safe_min(a, b) min((size_t)(a), (size_t)(b)) #define safe_strcp(dst, dst_max, src, count) do {memcpy(dst, src, safe_min(count, dst_max)); \ ((char*)dst)[safe_min(count, dst_max)-1] = 0;} while(0) #define safe_strcpy(dst, dst_max, src) safe_strcp(dst, dst_max, src, safe_strlen(src)+1) #define safe_strncat(dst, dst_max, src, count) strncat(dst, src, safe_min(count, dst_max - safe_strlen(dst) - 1)) #define safe_strcat(dst, dst_max, src) safe_strncat(dst, dst_max, src, safe_strlen(src)+1) #define safe_strcmp(str1, str2) strcmp(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2)) #define safe_stricmp(str1, str2) _stricmp(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2)) #define safe_strncmp(str1, str2, count) strncmp(((str1==NULL)?"":str1), ((str2==NULL)?"":str2), count) #define safe_closehandle(h) do {if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {CloseHandle(h); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;}} while(0) #define safe_sprintf _snprintf #define safe_strlen(str) ((((char*)str)==NULL)?0:strlen(str)) #define safe_strdup _strdup #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define safe_vsnprintf(buf, size, format, arg) _vsnprintf_s(buf, size, _TRUNCATE, format, arg) #else #define safe_vsnprintf vsnprintf #endif /* * Globals */ extern HINSTANCE hMainInstance; extern HWND hMainDialog; extern HWND hStatus; extern float fScale; extern char szFolderPath[MAX_PATH]; /* * Shared prototypes */ extern char *WindowsErrorString(void); extern void CenterDialog(HWND hDlg); extern void CreateStatusBar(void); extern INT_PTR CreateAboutBox(void); extern HWND CreateTooltip(HWND hControl, const char* message, int duration); extern void DestroyTooltip(HWND hWnd); extern void DestroyAllTooltips(void); extern void Notification(int type, char* text, char* title); extern BOOL ExtractMSDOS(const char* path); /* Basic String Array */ typedef struct { char** Table; size_t Size; size_t Index; size_t Max; } StrArray; extern void StrArrayCreate(StrArray* arr, size_t initial_size); extern void StrArrayAdd(StrArray* arr, const char* str); extern void StrArrayClear(StrArray* arr); extern void StrArrayDestroy(StrArray* arr); #ifdef RUFUS_DEBUG extern void _uprintf(const char *format, ...); #define uprintf(...) _uprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define uprintf(...) #endif /* Custom Windows messages */ enum user_message_type { UM_FORMAT_PROGRESS = WM_APP, UM_FORMAT_COMPLETED }; /* Custom notifications */ enum MessageType { MSG_INFO, MSG_WARNING, MSG_ERROR }; /* File system indexes in our FS combobox */ // TODO: FormatEx should support "NTFS", "FAT", "FAT32", "UDF", and "EXFAT" as per // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa819439.aspx enum _FSType { FS_FAT16 = 0, FS_FAT32, FS_NTFS, FS_MAX }; typedef struct { DWORD DeviceType; ULONG DeviceNumber; ULONG PartitionNumber; } STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER_REDEF; /* * typedefs for the function prototypes. Use the something like: * PF_DECL(FormatEx); * which translates to: * FormatEx_t pfFormatEx = NULL; * in your code, to declare the entrypoint and then use: * PF_INIT(FormatEx, fmifs); * which translates to: * pfFormatEx = (FormatEx_t) GetProcAddress(GetDLLHandle("fmifs"), "FormatEx"); * to make it accessible. */ static __inline HMODULE GetDLLHandle(char* szDLLName) { HMODULE h = NULL; if ((h = GetModuleHandleA(szDLLName)) == NULL) h = LoadLibraryA(szDLLName); return h; } #define PF_DECL(proc) proc##_t pf##proc = NULL #define PF_INIT(proc, dllname) pf##proc = (proc##_t) GetProcAddress(GetDLLHandle(#dllname), #proc) #define PF_INIT_OR_OUT(proc, dllname) \ PF_INIT(proc, dllname); if (pf##proc == NULL) { \ uprintf("unable to access %s DLL: %s", #dllname, \ WindowsErrorString()); goto out; } /* Callback command types (some errorcode were filled from HPUSBFW V2.2.3 and their designation from msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa819439.aspx */ typedef enum { FCC_PROGRESS, FCC_DONE_WITH_STRUCTURE, FCC_UNKNOWN2, FCC_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_SYSTEM, FCC_UNKNOWN4, FCC_UNKNOWN5, FCC_ACCESS_DENIED, FCC_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED, FCC_VOLUME_IN_USE, FCC_CANT_QUICK_FORMAT, FCC_UNKNOWNA, FCC_DONE, FCC_BAD_LABEL, FCC_UNKNOWND, FCC_OUTPUT, FCC_STRUCTURE_PROGRESS, FCC_CLUSTER_SIZE_TOO_SMALL, FCC_CLUSTER_SIZE_TOO_BIG, FCC_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL, FCC_VOLUME_TOO_BIG, FCC_NO_MEDIA_IN_DRIVE, } FILE_SYSTEM_CALLBACK_COMMAND; typedef struct { DWORD Lines; CHAR* Output; } TEXTOUTPUT, *PTEXTOUTPUT; typedef BOOLEAN (__stdcall *FILE_SYSTEM_CALLBACK)( FILE_SYSTEM_CALLBACK_COMMAND Command, ULONG Action, PVOID Data ); /* Parameter naming aligned to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa819439.aspx */ typedef VOID (WINAPI *FormatEx_t)( WCHAR* DriveRoot, MEDIA_TYPE MediaType, // See WinIoCtl.h WCHAR* FileSystemTypeName, WCHAR* Label, BOOL QuickFormat, ULONG DesiredUnitAllocationSize, FILE_SYSTEM_CALLBACK Callback ); /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa383357.aspx */ typedef enum { FPF_COMPRESSED = 0x01 } FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG; typedef BOOLEAN (WINAPI* EnableVolumeCompression_t)( WCHAR* DriveRoot, ULONG CompressionFlags // FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG ); /* Custom application errors */ #define FAC(f) (f<<16) #define ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_FS (APPLICATION_ERROR_MASK|0x1201) #define ERROR_CANT_QUICK_FORMAT (APPLICATION_ERROR_MASK|0x1202) #define ERROR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SIZE (APPLICATION_ERROR_MASK|0x1203) #define ERROR_INVALID_VOLUME_SIZE (APPLICATION_ERROR_MASK|0x1204) #define ERROR_CANT_START_THREAD (APPLICATION_ERROR_MASK|0x1205)