@echo off ::# NB: You can pass the option FD to build a version of rufus that includes FreeDOS if Test%BUILD_ALT_DIR%==Test goto usage ::# process commandline parameters set FREEDOS= if "%1" == "" goto no_more_args ::# /I for case insensitive if /I Test%1==TestFD set C_DEFINES="/DWITH_FREEDOS" :no_more_args ::# /M 2 for multiple cores set BUILD_CMD=build -bcwgZ -M2 set PWD=%~dp0 ::# Set target platform type set ARCH_DIR=%_BUILDARCH% if /I Test%_BUILDARCH%==Testx86 set ARCH_DIR=i386 ::# MS-SYS Library cd src\ms-sys if EXIST Makefile ren Makefile Makefile.hide copy .msvc\ms-sys_sources sources >NUL 2>&1 @echo on %BUILD_CMD% @echo off if errorlevel 1 goto builderror copy obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%ARCH_DIR%\ms-sys.lib . >NUL 2>&1 if EXIST Makefile.hide ren Makefile.hide Makefile if EXIST sources del sources >NUL 2>&1 ::# Rufus Application cd .. if EXIST Makefile ren Makefile Makefile.hide copy .msvc\rufus_sources sources >NUL 2>&1 @echo on %BUILD_CMD% @echo off if errorlevel 1 goto builderror copy obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%ARCH_DIR%\rufus.exe .. >NUL 2>&1 if EXIST Makefile.hide ren Makefile.hide Makefile if EXIST sources del sources >NUL 2>&1 goto done :builderror if EXIST Makefile.hide ren Makefile.hide Makefile if EXIST sources del sources >NUL 2>&1 echo Build failed goto done :usage echo This command must be run in a Windows Driver Kit build environment. echo See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg487463 echo: pause :done cd %PWD%