
646 lines
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2014-11-17 16:06:05 +01:00
# this software is licensed for use under the Free Software Foundation's GPL v3.0 license, as retrieved
# from on 2014-11-17. A copy should also be available in this
2014-11-17 18:13:46 +01:00
# project's Git repository at
my $version = '1.0.10';
2014-11-17 16:06:05 +01:00
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::Local;
use Sys::Hostname;
use LWP::Simple;
2014-11-17 16:06:05 +01:00
my %args = getargs(@ARGV);
if ($args{'version'}) {
print "Syncoid version: $version\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ($args{'monitor-version'}) {
exit 0;
2014-11-17 16:06:05 +01:00
my $rawsourcefs = $args{'source'};
my $rawtargetfs = $args{'target'};
my $debug = $args{'debug'};
my $zfscmd = '/sbin/zfs';
my $sshcmd = '/usr/bin/ssh';
my $pscmd = '/bin/ps';
my $sshcipher = '-c arcfour';
my $compresscmd = '/usr/bin/lzop';
my $decompresscmd = '/usr/bin/lzop -dfc';
my $pvcmd = '/usr/bin/pv';
my $mbuffercmd = '/usr/bin/mbuffer';
my $mbufferoptions = '-q -s 128k -m 16M 2>/dev/null';
# currently using ls to check for file existence because we aren't depending on perl
# being present on remote machines.
my $lscmd = '/bin/ls';
# figure out if source and/or target are remote.
my ($sourcehost,$sourcefs) = getssh($rawsourcefs);
my ($targethost,$targetfs) = getssh($rawtargetfs);
# make sure target is not currently in receive.
if (iszfsbusy($targethost,$targetfs)) {
die "Cannot sync now: $targetfs is already target of a zfs receive process.\n";
# figure out whether compression, mbuffering, pv
# are available on source, target, local machines.
# warn user of anything missing, then continue with sync.
my %avail = checkcommands();
$sshcmd = "$sshcmd $sshcipher";
# does the target filesystem exist yet?
my $targetexists = targetexists($targethost,$targetfs);
# build hashes of the snaps on the source and target filesystems.
my %snaps;
%snaps = getsnaps(\%snaps,'source',$sourcehost,$sourcefs);
if ($targetexists) { %snaps = getsnaps(\%snaps,'target',$targethost,$targetfs); }
# create a new syncoid snapshot on the source filesystem.
my $newsyncsnap = newsyncsnap($sourcehost,$sourcefs);
# there is currently (2014-09-01) a bug in ZFS on Linux
# that causes readonly to always show on if it's EVER
# been turned on... even when it's off... unless and
# until the filesystem is zfs umounted and zfs remounted.
# we're going to do the right thing anyway.
my $originaltargetreadonly;
# sync 'em up.
if (! $targetexists) {
# do an initial sync from the oldest source snapshot
# THEN do an -I to the newest
my $oldestsnap = getoldestsnapshot(\%snaps);
my $sendcmd = "$zfscmd send $sourcefs\@$oldestsnap";
my $recvcmd = "$zfscmd receive -F $targetfs";
my $pvsize = getsendsize("$sourcefs\@$oldestsnap");
my $disp_pvsize = readablebytes($pvsize);
if ($pvsize == 0) { $disp_pvsize = 'UNKNOWN'; }
my $synccmd = buildsynccmd($sendcmd,$recvcmd,$pvsize);
print "Sending oldest full snapshot $oldestsnap (~ $disp_pvsize) to new target filesystem:\n";
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: $synccmd\n"; }
# make sure target is (still) not currently in receive.
if (iszfsbusy($targethost,$targetfs)) {
die "Cannot sync now: $targetfs is already target of a zfs receive process.\n";
# now do an -I to the new sync snapshot, assuming there were any snapshots
# other than the new sync snapshot to begin with, of course
if ($oldestsnap ne $newsyncsnap) {
# get current readonly status of target, then set it to on during sync
$originaltargetreadonly = getzfsvalue($targethost,$targetfs,'readonly');
$sendcmd = "$zfscmd send -I $sourcefs\@$oldestsnap $sourcefs\@$newsyncsnap";
$pvsize = getsendsize("$sourcefs\@$oldestsnap","$sourcefs\@$newsyncsnap");
$disp_pvsize = readablebytes($pvsize);
if ($pvsize == 0) { $disp_pvsize = "UNKNOWN"; }
$synccmd = buildsynccmd($sendcmd,$recvcmd,$pvsize);
# make sure target is (still) not currently in receive.
if (iszfsbusy($targethost,$targetfs)) {
die "Cannot sync now: $targetfs is already target of a zfs receive process.\n";
print "Updating new target filesystem with incremental $oldestsnap ... $newsyncsnap (~ $disp_pvsize):\n";
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: $synccmd\n"; }
# restore original readonly value to target after sync complete
} else {
# find most recent matching snapshot and do an -I
# to the new snapshot
# get current readonly status of target, then set it to on during sync
$originaltargetreadonly = getzfsvalue($targethost,$targetfs,'readonly');
my $matchingsnap = getmatchingsnapshot(\%snaps);
# make sure target is (still) not currently in receive.
if (iszfsbusy($targethost,$targetfs)) {
die "Cannot sync now: $targetfs is already target of a zfs receive process.\n";
# rollback target to matchingsnap
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: rolling back target to $targetfs\@$matchingsnap...\n"; }
if ($targethost ne '') {
system ("$sshcmd $targethost $zfscmd rollback -R $targetfs\@$matchingsnap");
} else {
system ("$zfscmd rollback -R $targetfs\@$matchingsnap");
my $sendcmd = "$zfscmd send -I $sourcefs\@$matchingsnap $sourcefs\@$newsyncsnap";
my $recvcmd = "$zfscmd receive $targetfs";
my $pvsize = getsendsize("$sourcefs\@$matchingsnap","$sourcefs\@$newsyncsnap");
my $disp_pvsize = readablebytes($pvsize);
if ($pvsize == 0) { $disp_pvsize = "UNKNOWN"; }
my $synccmd = buildsynccmd($sendcmd,$recvcmd,$pvsize);
print "Sending incremental $matchingsnap ... $newsyncsnap (~ $disp_pvsize):\n";
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: $synccmd\n"; }
# restore original readonly value to target after sync complete
# prune obsolete sync snaps on source and target.
pruneoldsyncsnaps($sourcehost,$sourcefs,$newsyncsnap,keys %{ $snaps{'source'}});
pruneoldsyncsnaps($targethost,$targetfs,$newsyncsnap,keys %{ $snaps{'target'}});
# debug: print contents of %snaps to stdout
sub monitor_version() {
my $trunkversion = get("");
chomp $trunkversion;
if ($version eq $trunkversion) {
print "OK: local version $version matches trunk version $trunkversion\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "WARN: local version $version does not match trunk version $trunkversion\n";
exit 1;
2014-11-17 16:06:05 +01:00
sub getargs {
my @args = @_;
my %args;
my $novalueargs = ",debug,nocommandchecks,version,monitor-version,";
2014-11-17 16:06:05 +01:00
while (my $arg = shift(@args)) {
if ($arg =~ /^--/) {
# doubledash arg
$arg =~ s/^--//;
if ($novalueargs =~ /,$arg,/) {
$args{$arg} = 1;
} else {
my $nextarg = shift(@args);
$args{$arg} = $nextarg;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-/) {
# singledash arg
$arg =~ s/^-//;
if ($novalueargs =~ /,$arg,/) {
$args{$arg} = 1;
} else {
my $nextarg = shift(@args);
$args{$arg} = $nextarg;
} else {
# bare arg
if (defined $args{'source'}) {
if (! defined $args{'target'}) {
$args{'target'} = $arg;
} else {
die "ERROR: don't know what to do with a third bare argument.\n";
} else {
$args{'source'} = $arg;
if (defined $args{'source-bwlimit'}) { $args{'source-bwlimit'} = "-R $args{'source-bwlimit'}"; }
if (defined $args{'target-bwlimit'}) { $args{'target-bwlimit'} = "-r $args{'target-bwlimit'}"; }
return %args;
sub checkcommands {
# make sure compression, mbuffer, and pv are available on
# source, target, and local hosts as appropriate.
my %avail;
my $sourcessh;
my $targetssh;
# if --nocommandchecks then assume everything's available and return
if ($args{'nocommandchecks'}) {
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: not checking for command availability due to --nocommandchecks switch.\n"; }
$avail{'compress'} = 1;
$avail{'localpv'} = 1;
$avail{'localmbuffer'} = 1;
$avail{'sourcembuffer'} = 1;
$avail{'targetmbuffer'} = 1;
return %avail;
if ($sourcehost ne '') { $sourcessh = "$sshcmd $sourcehost"; }
if ($targethost ne '') { $targetssh = "$sshcmd $targethost"; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of /usr/bin/lzop on source...\n"; }
$avail{'sourcecompress'} = `$sourcessh $lscmd $compresscmd 2>/dev/null`;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of /usr/bin/lzop on target...\n"; }
$avail{'targetcompress'} = `$targetssh $lscmd $compresscmd 2>/dev/null`;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of /usr/bin/lzop on local machine...\n"; }
$avail{'localcompress'} = `$lscmd $compresscmd 2>/dev/null`;
my ($s,$t);
if ($sourcehost eq '') {
$s = '[local machine]'
} else {
$s = $sourcehost;
$s =~ s/^\S*\@//;
$s = "ssh:$s";
if ($targethost eq '') {
$t = '[local machine]'
} else {
$t = $targethost;
$t =~ s/^\S*\@//;
$t = "ssh:$t";
if ($avail{'sourcecompress'} eq '') {
print "INFO: $compresscmd not available on source $s- sync will continue without compression.\n";
$avail{'compress'} = 0;
if ($avail{'targetcompress'} eq '') {
print "INFO: $compresscmd not available on target $t - sync will continue without compression.\n";
$avail{'compress'} = 0;
if ($avail{'targetcompress'} ne '' && $avail{'sourcecompress'} ne '') {
# compression available - unless source and target are both remote, which we'll check
# for in the next block and respond to accordingly.
$avail{'compress'} = 1;
# corner case - if source AND target are BOTH remote, we have to check for local compress too
if ($sourcehost ne '' && $targethost ne '' && $avail{'localcompress'} eq '') {
print "INFO: $compresscmd not available on local machine - sync will continue without compression.\n";
$avail{'compress'} = 0;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of /usr/bin/mbuffer on source...\n"; }
$avail{'sourcembuffer'} = `$sourcessh $lscmd $mbuffercmd 2>/dev/null`;
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'} eq '') {
print "INFO: $mbuffercmd not available on source $s - sync will continue without source buffering.\n";
$avail{'sourcembuffer'} = 0;
} else {
$avail{'sourcembuffer'} = 1;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of /usr/bin/mbuffer on target...\n"; }
$avail{'targetmbuffer'} = `$targetssh $lscmd $mbuffercmd 2>/dev/null`;
if ($avail{'targetmbuffer'} eq '') {
print "INFO: $mbuffercmd not available on target $t - sync will continue without target buffering.\n";
$avail{'targetmbuffer'} = 0;
} else {
$avail{'targetmbuffer'} = 1;
# if we're doing remote source AND remote target, check for local mbuffer as well
if ($sourcehost ne '' && $targethost ne '') {
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of /usr/bin/mbuffer on local machine...\n"; }
$avail{'localmbuffer'} = `$lscmd $mbuffercmd 2>/dev/null`;
if ($avail{'localmbuffer'} eq '') {
$avail{'localmbuffer'} = 0;
print "INFO: $mbuffercmd not available on local machine - sync will continue without local buffering.\n";
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of /usr/bin/pv on local machine...\n"; }
$avail{'localpv'} = `$lscmd $pvcmd 2>/dev/null`;
if ($avail{'localpv'} eq '') {
print "INFO: $pvcmd not available on local machine - sync will continue without progress bar.\n";
$avail{'localpv'} = 0;
} else {
$avail{'localpv'} = 1;
return %avail;
sub iszfsbusy {
my ($rhost,$fs) = @_;
if ($rhost ne '') { $rhost = "$sshcmd $rhost"; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking to see if $fs on $rhost is already in zfs receive using $rhost $pscmd axo args= ...\n"; }
open PL, "$rhost $pscmd axo args= |";
my @processes = <PL>;
close PL;
foreach my $process (@processes) {
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking process $process...\n"; }
if ($process =~ /zfs receive.*$fs/) {
# there's already a zfs receive process for our target filesystem - return true
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: process $process matches target $fs!\n"; }
return 1;
# no zfs receive processes for our target filesystem found - return false
return 0;
sub setzfsvalue {
my ($rhost,$fs,$property,$value) = @_;
if ($rhost ne '') { $rhost = "$sshcmd $rhost"; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: setting $property to $value on $fs...\n"; }
system("$rhost $zfscmd set $property=$value $fs");
sub getzfsvalue {
my ($rhost,$fs,$property) = @_;
if ($rhost ne '') { $rhost = "$sshcmd $rhost"; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: getting current value of $property on $fs...\n"; }
open FH, "$rhost $zfscmd get -H $property $fs |";
my $value = <FH>;
close FH;
my @values = split(/\s/,$value);
$value = $values[2];
return $value;
sub readablebytes {
my $bytes = shift;
my $disp;
if ($bytes > 1024*1024*1024) {
$disp = sprintf("%.1f",$bytes/1024/1024/1024) . ' GB';
} elsif ($bytes > 1024*1024) {
$disp = sprintf("%.1f",$bytes/1024/1024) . ' MB';
} else {
$disp = sprintf("%d",$bytes/1024) . ' KB';
return $disp;
sub getoldestsnapshot {
my $snaps = shift;
foreach my $snap ( sort { $snaps{'source'}{$a}{'ctime'}<=>$snaps{'source'}{$b}{'ctime'} } keys %{ $snaps{'source'} }) {
# return on first snap found - it's the oldest
return $snap;
# must not have had any snapshots on source - luckily, we already made one, amirite?
return $newsyncsnap;
sub buildsynccmd {
my ($sendcmd,$recvcmd,$pvsize) = @_;
# here's where it gets fun: figuring out when to compress and decompress.
# to make this work for all possible combinations, you may have to decompress
# AND recompress across the pipe viewer. FUN.
my $synccmd;
if ($sourcehost eq '' && $targethost eq '') {
# both sides local. don't compress. do mbuffer, once, on the source side.
# $synccmd = "$sendcmd | $mbuffercmd | $pvcmd | $recvcmd";
$synccmd = "$sendcmd |";
# avoid confusion - accept either source-bwlimit or target-bwlimit as the bandwidth limiting option here
my $bwlimit;
if ($args{'source-bwlimit'} eq '') {
$bwlimit = $args{'target-bwlimit'};
} else {
$bwlimit = $args{'source-bwlimit'};
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " $mbuffercmd $bwlimit $mbufferoptions |"; }
if ($avail{'localpv'}) { $synccmd .= " $pvcmd -s $pvsize |"; }
$synccmd .= " $recvcmd";
} elsif ($sourcehost eq '') {
# local source, remote target.
#$synccmd = "$sendcmd | $pvcmd | $compresscmd | $mbuffercmd | $sshcmd $targethost '$decompresscmd | $mbuffercmd | $recvcmd'";
$synccmd = "$sendcmd |";
if ($avail{'localpv'}) { $synccmd .= " $pvcmd -s $pvsize |"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " $compresscmd |"; }
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " $mbuffercmd $args{'source-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions |"; }
$synccmd .= " $sshcmd $targethost '";
if ($avail{'targetmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " $mbuffercmd $args{'target-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions |"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " $decompresscmd |"; }
$synccmd .= " $recvcmd'";
} elsif ($targethost eq '') {
# remote source, local target.
#$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd | $compresscmd | $mbuffercmd' | $decompresscmd | $mbuffercmd | $pvcmd | $recvcmd";
$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd";
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " | $compresscmd"; }
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " | $mbuffercmd $args{'source-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions"; }
$synccmd .= "' | ";
if ($avail{'targetmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= "$mbuffercmd $args{'target-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$decompresscmd | "; }
if ($avail{'localpv'}) { $synccmd .= "$pvcmd -s $pvsize | "; }
$synccmd .= $recvcmd;
} else {
#remote source, remote target... weird, but whatever, I'm not here to judge you.
#$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd | $compresscmd | $mbuffercmd' | $decompresscmd | $pvcmd | $compresscmd | $mbuffercmd | $sshcmd $targethost '$decompresscmd | $mbuffercmd | $recvcmd'";
$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd";
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " | $compresscmd"; }
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " | $mbuffercmd $args{'source-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions"; }
$synccmd .= "' | ";
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$decompresscmd | "; }
if ($avail{'localpv'}) { $synccmd .= "$pvcmd -s $pvsize | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$compresscmd | "; }
if ($avail{'localmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= "$mbuffercmd $mbufferoptions | "; }
$synccmd .= "$sshcmd $targethost '";
if ($avail{'targetmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= "$mbuffercmd $args{'target-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$decompresscmd | "; }
$synccmd .= "$recvcmd'";
return $synccmd;
sub pruneoldsyncsnaps {
my ($rhost,$fs,$newsyncsnap,@snaps) = @_;
if ($rhost ne '') { $rhost = "$sshcmd $rhost"; }
my $hostid = hostname();
my @prunesnaps;
# only prune snaps beginning with syncoid and our own hostname
foreach my $snap(@snaps) {
if ($snap =~ /^syncoid_$hostid/) {
# no matter what, we categorically refuse to
# prune the new sync snap we created for this run
if ($snap ne $newsyncsnap) {
push (@prunesnaps,$snap);
# concatenate pruning commands to ten per line, to cut down
# auth times for any remote hosts that must be operated via SSH
my $counter;
my $maxsnapspercmd = 10;
my $prunecmd;
foreach my $snap(@prunesnaps) {
$counter ++;
$prunecmd .= "$zfscmd destroy $fs\@$snap; ";
if ($counter > $maxsnapspercmd) {
$prunecmd =~ s/\; $//;
if ($rhost ne '') { $prunecmd = '"' . $prunecmd . '"'; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: pruning up to $maxsnapspercmd obsolete sync snapshots...\n"; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: $rhost $prunecmd\n"; }
system("$rhost $prunecmd");
$prunecmd = '';
$counter = 0;
# if we still have some prune commands stacked up after finishing
# the loop, commit 'em now
if ($counter) {
$prunecmd =~ s/\; $//;
if ($rhost ne '') { $prunecmd = '"' . $prunecmd . '"'; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: pruning up to $maxsnapspercmd obsolete sync snapshots...\n"; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: $rhost $prunecmd\n"; }
system("$rhost $prunecmd");
sub getmatchingsnapshot {
my $snaps = shift;
foreach my $snap ( sort { $snaps{'source'}{$b}{'ctime'}<=>$snaps{'source'}{$a}{'ctime'} } keys %{ $snaps{'source'} }) {
if ($snaps{'source'}{$snap}{'ctime'} == $snaps{'target'}{$snap}{'ctime'}) {
return $snap;
print "UNEXPECTED ERROR: target exists but has no matching snapshots!\n";
exit 256;
sub newsyncsnap {
my ($rhost,$fs) = @_;
if ($rhost ne '') { $rhost = "$sshcmd $rhost"; }
my $hostid = hostname();
my %date = getdate();
my $snapname = "syncoid\_$hostid\_$date{'stamp'}";
my $snapcmd = "$rhost $zfscmd snapshot $fs\@$snapname\n";
return $snapname;
sub targetexists {
my ($rhost,$fs) = @_;
if ($rhost ne '') { $rhost = "$sshcmd $rhost"; }
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking to see if target filesystem exists...\n"; }
open FH, "$rhost $zfscmd get -H name $fs 2>&1 |";
$targetexists = <FH>;
close FH;
my $exit = $?;
$targetexists = ( $targetexists =~ /^$fs/ && $exit == 0 );
return $targetexists;
sub getssh {
my $fs = shift;
my $rhost;
if ($fs =~ /\@/) {
$rhost = $fs;
$fs =~ s/^\S*\@\S*://;
$rhost =~ s/:$fs$//;
return ($rhost,$fs);
sub dumphash() {
my $hash = shift;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
print Dumper($hash);
sub getsnaps() {
my ($snaps,$type,$rhost,$fs) = @_;
if ($rhost ne '') { $rhost = "$sshcmd $rhost"; }
my $getsnapcmd = "$rhost $zfscmd get -Hp creation |";
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: getting list of snapshots on $fs...\n"; }
open FH, $getsnapcmd;
my @rawsnaps = <FH>;
close FH;
foreach my $line (@rawsnaps) {
# only import snaps from the specified filesystem
if ($line =~ /$fs\@/) {
chomp $line;
my $ctime = $line;
$ctime =~ s/^.*creation\s*//;
$ctime =~ s/\s*-$//;
my $snap = $line;
$snap =~ s/\s*creation.*$//;
$snap =~ s/^\S*\@//;
return %snaps;
sub getsendsize {
my ($snap1,$snap2) = @_;
my $snaps;
if ($snap2 ne '') {
$snaps = "-I $snap1 $snap2";
} else {
$snaps = "$snap1";
my $sourcessh;
my $quote;
if ($sourcehost ne '') {
$sourcessh = "$sshcmd $sourcehost";
$quote = '"';
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: getting estimated transfer size from source $sourcehost...\n"; }
open FH, "$sourcessh $zfscmd send -nP $snaps 2>&1 |";
my @rawsize = <FH>;
close FH;
my $exit = $?;
# process sendsize: last line of multi-line output is
# size of proposed xfer in bytes, but we need to remove
# human-readable crap from it
my $sendsize = pop(@rawsize);
$sendsize =~ s/^size\s*//;
chomp $sendsize;
# to avoid confusion with a zero size pv, give sendsize
# a minimum 4K value - or if empty, make sure it reads UNKNOWN
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: sendsize = $sendsize\n"; }
if ($sendsize eq '' || $exit != 0) {
$sendsize = '0';
} elsif ($sendsize < 4096) {
$sendsize = 4096;
return $sendsize;
sub getdate {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900;
my %date;
$date{'unix'} = (((((((($year - 1971) * 365) + $yday) * 24) + $hour) * 60) + $min) * 60) + $sec;
$date{'year'} = $year;
$date{'sec'} = sprintf ("%02u", $sec);
$date{'min'} = sprintf ("%02u", $min);
$date{'hour'} = sprintf ("%02u", $hour);
$date{'mday'} = sprintf ("%02u", $mday);
$date{'mon'} = sprintf ("%02u", ($mon + 1));
$date{'stamp'} = "$date{'year'}-$date{'mon'}-$date{'mday'}:$date{'hour'}:$date{'min'}:$date{'sec'}";
return %date;