This commit is contained in:
Michael Brock 2017-11-08 19:47:02 -06:00
commit c80c442b7e
23 changed files with 664 additions and 552 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
1.4.17 changed die to warn when unexpectedly unable to remove a snapshot - this
allows sanoid to continue taking/removing other snapshots not affected by
whatever lock prevented the first from being taken or removed
1.4.16 merged @hrast01's extended fix to support -o option1=val,option2=val passthrough to SSH. merged @JakobR's
off-by-one fix to stop unnecessary extra snapshots being taken under certain conditions. merged @stardude900's
update to INSTALL for FreeBSD users re:symlinks. Implemented @LordAro's update to change DIE to WARN when

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ default for SSH transport since v1.4.6. Syncoid runs will fail if one of them
is not available on either end of the transport.
On Ubuntu: apt install pv lzop mbuffer
On CentOS: yum install lzo pv mbuffer lzop
On FreeBSD: pkg install pv lzop
FreeBSD notes: FreeBSD may place pv and lzop in somewhere other than
@ -26,5 +27,5 @@ without it. Config::IniFiles may be installed from CPAN, though the project
strongly recommends using your distribution's repositories instead.
On Ubuntu: apt install libconfig-inifiles-perl
On CentOS: yum install perl-Config-IniFiles
On FreeBSD: pkg install p5-Config-Inifiles

View File

@ -672,4 +672,3 @@ may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

View File

@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ Syncoid supports recursive replication (replication of a dataset and all its chi
##### Syncoid Command Line Options
+ --[source]
+ [source]
This is the source dataset. It can be either local or remote.
+ --[destination]
+ [destination]
This is the destination dataset. It can be either local or remote.
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Syncoid supports recursive replication (replication of a dataset and all its chi
+ --compress <compression type>
Currently accepts gzip and lzo. lzo is fast and light on the processsor and is the default. If the selected compression method is unavailable on the source and destination, no compression will be used.
Currently accepted options: gzip, pigz-fast, pigz-slow, lzo (default) & none. If the selected compression method is unavailable on the source and destination, no compression will be used.
+ --source-bwlimit <limit t|g|m|k>
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Syncoid supports recursive replication (replication of a dataset and all its chi
This is the bandwidth limit imposed upon the target. This is mainly used if the source does not have mbuffer installed, but bandwidth limites are desired.
+ --nocommandchecks
+ --no-command-checks
Do not check the existance of commands before attempting the transfer. It assumes all programs are available. This should never be used.
@ -163,10 +163,6 @@ Syncoid supports recursive replication (replication of a dataset and all its chi
Supress non-error output.
+ --verbose
This prints additional information during the sanoid run.
+ --debug
This prints out quite alot of additional information during a sanoid run, and is normally not needed.

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

debian/changelog vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
sanoid (1.4.16) unstable; urgency=medium
* merged @hrast01's extended fix to support -o option1=val,option2=val passthrough to SSH. merged @JakobR's
* off-by-one fix to stop unnecessary extra snapshots being taken under certain conditions. merged @stardude900's
* update to INSTALL for FreeBSD users re:symlinks. Implemented @LordAro's update to change DIE to WARN when
* encountering a dataset with no snapshots and --no-sync-snap set during recursive replication. Implemented
* @LordAro's update to sanoid.conf to add an ignore template which does not snap, prune, or monitor.
-- Jim Salter <> Wed, 9 Aug 2017 12:28:49 -0400

debian/compat vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

debian/control vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Source: sanoid
Section: unknown
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Jim Salter <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
Standards-Version: 3.9.8
Package: sanoid
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, zfsutils-linux | zfs, libconfig-inifiles-perl
Description: Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools

debian/copyright vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Upstream-Name: sanoid
Source: <>
Files: *
Copyright: 2017 Jim Salter <>
License: GPL-3.0+
Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2017 Jim Salter <>
License: GPL-3.0+
License: GPL-3.0+
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
Public License version 3 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3".
# Please also look if there are files or directories which have a
# different copyright/license attached and list them here.
# Please avoid picking licenses with terms that are more restrictive than the
# packaged work, as it may make Debian's contributions unacceptable upstream.

debian/rules vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# See debhelper(7) for more info
# output every command that modifies files on the build system.
#export DH_VERBOSE = 1
dh $@ --with systemd
DESTDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/sanoid
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin; \
cp sanoid syncoid findoid sleepymutex $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin;
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/sanoid; \
cp sanoid.defaults.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc/sanoid;
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/sanoid; \
cp sanoid.conf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/sanoid/sanoid.conf.example;
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/lib/systemd/system; \
cp debian/sanoid.timer $(DESTDIR)/lib/systemd/system;

debian/sanoid.README.Debian vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
To start, copy the example config file in /usr/share/doc/sanoid to /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf.

debian/ vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

debian/sanoid.service vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Description=Snapshot ZFS Pool
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sanoid --cron

debian/sanoid.timer vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Description=Run Sanoid Every 15 Minutes

debian/source/format vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
3.0 (native)

View File

@ -4,22 +4,33 @@
# from on 2014-11-17. A copy should also be available in this
# project's Git repository at
my $version = '1.4.16';
$::VERSION = '1.4.17';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::IniFiles; # read samba-style conf file
use File::Path; # for rmtree command in use_prune
use Data::Dumper; # debugging - print contents of hash
use File::Path; # for rmtree command in use_prune
use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_version auto_help);
use Pod::Usage; # pod2usage
use Time::Local; # to parse dates in reverse
# parse CLI arguments
my %args = getargs(@ARGV);
my %args = ("configdir" => "/etc/sanoid");
GetOptions(\%args, "verbose", "debug", "cron", "readonly", "quiet",
"monitor-health", "force-update", "configdir=s",
"monitor-snapshots", "take-snapshots", "prune-snapshots"
) or pod2usage(2);
# If only config directory (or nothing) has been specified, default to --cron --verbose
if (keys %args < 2) {
$args{'cron'} = 1;
$args{'verbose'} = 1;
my $pscmd = '/bin/ps';
my $zfs = '/sbin/zfs';
if ($args{'configdir'} eq '') { $args{'configdir'} = '/etc/sanoid'; }
my $conf_file = "$args{'configdir'}/sanoid.conf";
my $default_conf_file = "$args{'configdir'}/sanoid.defaults.conf";
@ -42,11 +53,9 @@ if ($args{'debug'}) { $args{'verbose'}=1; blabber (@params); }
if ($args{'monitor-snapshots'}) { monitor_snapshots(@params); }
if ($args{'monitor-health'}) { monitor_health(@params); }
if ($args{'force-update'}) { my $snaps = getsnaps( \%config, $cacheTTL, 1 ); }
if ($args{'version'}) { print "INFO: Sanoid version: $version\n"; }
if ($args{'cron'} || $args{'noargs'}) {
if ($args{'noargs'}) { print "INFO: No arguments given - assuming --cron and --verbose.\n"; }
if (!$args{'quiet'}) { $args{'verbose'} = 1; }
if ($args{'cron'}) {
if ($args{'quiet'}) { $args{'verbose'} = 0; }
take_snapshots (@params);
prune_snapshots (@params);
} else {
@ -61,7 +70,7 @@ exit 0;
sub monitor_health() {
sub monitor_health {
my ($config, $snaps, $snapsbytype, $snapsbypath) = @_;
my %pools;
my @messages;
@ -84,13 +93,13 @@ sub monitor_health() {
print "$message\n";
exit $errlevel;
} # end monitor_health()
sub monitor_snapshots() {
sub monitor_snapshots {
# nagios plugin format: exit 0,1,2,3 for OK, WARN, CRITICAL, or ERROR.
@ -127,8 +136,10 @@ sub monitor_snapshots() {
my $warn = $config{$section}{$typewarn} * $smallerperiod;
my $crit = $config{$section}{$typecrit} * $smallerperiod;
my $elapsed = -1;
if (defined $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'}) { $elapsed = $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'}; }
my $dispelapsed = displaytime($snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'});
if (defined $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'}) {
$elapsed = $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'};
my $dispelapsed = displaytime($elapsed);
my $dispwarn = displaytime($warn);
my $dispcrit = displaytime($crit);
if ( $elapsed > $crit || $elapsed == -1) {
@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ sub monitor_snapshots() {
print "$msg\n";
exit $errorlevel;
} # end monitor()
@ -194,6 +205,8 @@ sub prune_snapshots {
elsif ($type eq 'monthly') { $period = 60*60*24*31; }
elsif ($type eq 'yearly') { $period = 60*60*24*365.25; }
# avoid pissing off use warnings by not executing this block if no matching snaps exist
if (defined $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'sorted'}) {
my @sorted = split (/\|/,$snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'sorted'});
# if we say "daily=30" we really mean "don't keep any dailies more than 30 days old", etc
@ -224,7 +237,7 @@ sub prune_snapshots {
if (iszfsbusy($path)) {
print "INFO: deferring pruning of $snap - $path is currently in zfs send or receive.\n";
} else {
if (! $args{'readonly'}) { system($zfs, "destroy",$snap) == 0 or die "could not remove $snap : $?"; }
if (! $args{'readonly'}) { system($zfs, "destroy",$snap) == 0 or warn "could not remove $snap : $?"; }
@ -236,6 +249,7 @@ sub prune_snapshots {
} # end prune_snapshots
@ -333,7 +347,7 @@ sub take_snapshots {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "taking snapshot $snap\n"; }
if (!$args{'readonly'}) {
system($zfs, "snapshot", "$snap") == 0
or die "CRITICAL ERROR: $zfs snapshot $snap failed, $?";
or warn "CRITICAL ERROR: $zfs snapshot $snap failed, $?";
# make sure we don't end up with multiple snapshots with the same ctime
sleep 1;
@ -473,11 +487,9 @@ sub getsnaps {
my $cache = '/var/cache/sanoidsnapshots.txt';
my @rawsnaps;
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
= stat($cache);
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($cache);
if ( $forcecacheupdate || (time() - $mtime) > $cacheTTL ) {
if ( $forcecacheupdate || ! -f $cache || (time() - $mtime) > $cacheTTL ) {
if (checklock('sanoid_cacheupdate')) {
if ($args{'verbose'}) {
@ -510,12 +522,16 @@ sub getsnaps {
foreach my $snap (@rawsnaps) {
my ($fs,$snapname,$snapdate) = ($snap =~ m/(.*)\@(.*ly)\s*creation\s*(\d*)/);
# avoid pissing off use warnings
if (defined $snapname) {
my ($snaptype) = ($snapname =~ m/.*_(\w*ly)/);
if ($snapname =~ /^autosnap/) {
return %snaps;
@ -601,10 +617,10 @@ sub init {
# make sure that true values are true and false values are false for any toggled values
foreach my $toggle(@toggles) {
foreach my $true (@istrue) {
if ($config{$section}{$toggle} eq $true) { $config{$section}{$toggle} = 1; }
if (defined $config{$section}{$toggle} && $config{$section}{$toggle} eq $true) { $config{$section}{$toggle} = 1; }
foreach my $false (@isfalse) {
if ($config{$section}{$toggle} eq $false) { $config{$section}{$toggle} = 0; }
if (defined $config{$section}{$toggle} && $config{$section}{$toggle} eq $false) { $config{$section}{$toggle} = 0; }
@ -665,7 +681,7 @@ sub get_date {
sub displaytime {
# take a time in seconds, return it in human readable form
my $elapsed = shift;
my ($elapsed) = @_;
my $days = int ($elapsed / 60 / 60 / 24);
$elapsed -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24;
@ -1026,75 +1042,10 @@ sub iszfsbusy {
sub getargs {
my @args = @_;
my %args;
my @validargs;
my @novalueargs;
my %validargs;
my %novalueargs;
push my @validargs, 'verbose','debug','version','monitor-health','monitor-snapshots','force-update','cron','take-snapshots','prune-snapshots','readonly','configdir','quiet';
push my @novalueargs, 'verbose','debug','version','monitor-health','monitor-snapshots','force-update','cron','take-snapshots','prune-snapshots','readonly','quiet';
foreach my $item (@validargs) { $validargs{$item}=1; }
foreach my $item (@novalueargs) { $novalueargs{$item}=1; }
if (! (scalar @args)) {
$args{'noargs'} = 1;
while (my $rawarg = shift(@args)) {
my $argvalue;
my $arg = $rawarg;
if ($rawarg =~ /=/) {
# user specified the value for a CLI argument with =
# instead of with blank space. separate appropriately.
$argvalue = $arg;
$arg =~ s/=.*$//;
$argvalue =~ s/^.*=//;
if ($rawarg =~ /^--/) {
# doubledash arg
$arg =~ s/^--//;
if ($novalueargs{$arg}) {
$args{$arg} = 1;
} else {
# if this CLI arg takes a user-specified value and
# we don't already have it, then the user must have
# specified with a space, so pull in the next value
# from the array as this value rather than as the
# next argument.
if ($argvalue eq '') { $argvalue = shift(@args); }
$args{$arg} = $argvalue;
} elsif ($rawarg =~ /^-/) {
# singledash arg
$arg =~ s/^-//;
if ($novalueargs{$arg}) {
$args{$arg} = 1;
} else {
# if this CLI arg takes a user-specified value and
# we don't already have it, then the user must have
# specified with a space, so pull in the next value
# from the array as this value rather than as the
# next argument.
if ($argvalue eq '') { $argvalue = shift(@args); }
$args{$arg} = $argvalue;
} else {
# bare arg
die "ERROR: don't know what to do with bare argument $rawarg.\n";
if (! ($validargs{$arg})) { die "ERROR: don't understand argument $rawarg.\n"; }
return %args;
sub getchilddatasets {
# for later, if we make sanoid itself support sudo use
my $fs = shift;
my $mysudocmd;
my $mysudocmd = '';
my $getchildrencmd = "$mysudocmd $zfs list -o name -Hr $fs |";
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: getting list of child datasets on $fs using $getchildrencmd...\n"; }
@ -1105,3 +1056,33 @@ sub getchilddatasets {
return @children;
=head1 NAME
sanoid - ZFS snapshot management and replication tool
sanoid [options]
Assumes --cron --verbose if no other arguments (other than configdir) are specified
--configdir=DIR Specify a directory to find config file sanoid.conf
--cron Creates snapshots and purges expired snapshots
--verbose Prints out additional information during a sanoid run
--readonly Simulates creation/deletion of snapshots
--quiet Suppresses non-error output
--force-update Clears out sanoid's zfs snapshot cache
--monitor-health Reports on zpool "health", in a Nagios compatible format
--monitor-snapshots Reports on snapshot "health", in a Nagios compatible format
--take-snapshots Creates snapshots as specified in sanoid.conf
--prune-snapshots Purges expired snapshots as specified in sanoid.conf
--help Prints this helptext
--version Prints the version number
--debug Prints out a lot of additional information during a sanoid run

View File

@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ min_percent_free = 10
# Note that we will not take snapshots for a given type if that type is set to 0 above,
# regardless of the autosnap setting - for example, if yearly=0 we will not take yearlies
# even if we've defined a preferred time for yearlies and autosnap is on.
autosnap = 1;
autosnap = 1
# hourly - top of the hour
hourly_min = 0;
hourly_min = 0
# daily - at 23:59 (most people expect a daily to contain everything done DURING that day)
daily_hour = 23;
daily_min = 59;
daily_hour = 23
daily_min = 59
# monthly - immediately at the beginning of the month (ie 00:00 of day 1)
monthly_mday = 1;
monthly_hour = 0;
monthly_min = 0;
monthly_mday = 1
monthly_hour = 0
monthly_min = 0
# yearly - immediately at the beginning of the year (ie 00:00 on Jan 1)
yearly_mon = 1;
yearly_mday = 1;
yearly_hour = 0;
yearly_min = 0;
yearly_mon = 1
yearly_mday = 1
yearly_hour = 0
yearly_min = 0
# monitoring plugin - define warn / crit levels for each snapshot type by age, in units of one period down
# example hourly_warn = 90 means issue WARNING if most recent hourly snapshot is not less than 90 minutes old,
@ -70,5 +70,3 @@ monthly_warn = 32
monthly_crit = 35
yearly_warn = 0
yearly_crit = 0

View File

@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
%global version 1.4.13
%global version 1.4.14
%global git_tag v%{version}
# Enable with systemctl "enable sanoid.timer"
%global _with_systemd 1
Name: sanoid
Version: %{version}
Release: 1%{?dist}
Release: 2%{?dist}
BuildArch: noarch
Summary: A policy-driven snapshot management tool for ZFS file systems
Group: Applications/System
License: GPLv3
Requires: perl, mbuffer, lzop, pv
%if 0%{?_with_systemd}
Requires: systemd >= 212
BuildRequires: systemd
Sanoid is a policy-driven snapshot management
@ -24,20 +32,62 @@ human-readable TOML configuration file.
%setup -q
echo "Nothing to build"
%{__install} -D -m 0644 sanoid.defaults.conf %{buildroot}/etc/sanoid/sanoid.defaults.conf
%{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
%{__install} -m 0755 sanoid syncoid findoid sleepymutex %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
%if 0%{?_with_systemd}
%{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
%if 0%{?fedora}
%{__install} -D -m 0644 sanoid.conf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/sanoid.conf
echo "* * * * * root %{_sbindir}/sanoid --cron" > %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/sanoid.cron
%if 0%{?rhel}
%{__install} -D -m 0644 sanoid.conf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/examples/sanoid.conf
%if 0%{?_with_systemd}
cat > %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service <<EOF
Description=Snapshot ZFS Pool
ExecStart=%{_sbindir}/sanoid --cron
cat > %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.timer <<EOF
Description=Run Sanoid Every Minute
%if 0%{?fedora}
%{__install} -D -m 0644 sanoid.conf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/sanoid.conf
%if 0%{?rhel}
echo "* * * * * root %{_sbindir}/sanoid --cron" > %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/examples/sanoid.cron
%{?_with_systemd:%{_bindir}/systemctl daemon-reload}
%{?_with_systemd:%{_bindir}/systemctl daemon-reload}
@ -54,8 +104,16 @@ echo "* * * * * root %{_sbindir}/sanoid --cron" > %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}
%if 0%{?rhel}
%if 0%{?_with_systemd}
* Thu Aug 31 2017 Dominic Robinson <> - 1.4.14-2
- Add systemd timers
* Wed Aug 30 2017 Dominic Robinson <> - 1.4.14-1
- Version bump
* Wed Jul 12 2017 Thomas M. Lapp <> - 1.4.13-1
- Version bump
- Include FREEBSD.readme in docs

View File

@ -4,26 +4,44 @@
# from on 2014-11-17. A copy should also be available in this
# project's Git repository at
my $version = '1.4.16';
$::VERSION = '1.4.16';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_version auto_help);
use Pod::Usage;
use Time::Local;
use Sys::Hostname;
my %args = getargs(@ARGV);
# Blank defaults to use ssh client's default
# TODO: Merge into a single "sshflags" option?
my %args = ('sshkey' => '', 'sshport' => '', 'sshcipher' => '', 'sshoption' => [], 'target-bwlimit' => '', 'source-bwlimit' => '');
GetOptions(\%args, "no-command-checks", "monitor-version", "compress=s", "dumpsnaps", "recursive|r",
"source-bwlimit=s", "target-bwlimit=s", "sshkey=s", "sshport=i", "sshcipher|c=s", "sshoption|o=s@",
"debug", "quiet", "no-stream", "no-sync-snap") or pod2usage(2);
if ($args{'version'}) {
print "Syncoid version: $version\n";
exit 0;
my %compressargs = %{compressargset($args{'compress'} || 'default')}; # Can't be done with GetOptions arg, as default still needs to be set
if (!(defined $args{'source'} && defined $args{'target'})) {
print 'usage: syncoid [src_user@src_host:]src_pool/src_dataset [dst_user@dst_host:]dst_pool/dst_dataset'."\n";
# TODO Expand to accept multiple sources?
if (scalar(@ARGV) != 2) {
print("Source or target not found!\n");
exit 127;
} else {
$args{'source'} = $ARGV[0];
$args{'target'} = $ARGV[1];
# Could possibly merge these into an options function
if (length $args{'source-bwlimit'}) {
$args{'source-bwlimit'} = "-R $args{'source-bwlimit'}";
if (length $args{'target-bwlimit'}) {
$args{'target-bwlimit'} = "-r $args{'target-bwlimit'}";
$args{'streamarg'} = (defined $args{'no-stream'} ? '-i' : '-I');
my $rawsourcefs = $args{'source'};
my $rawtargetfs = $args{'target'};
my $debug = $args{'debug'};
@ -32,25 +50,7 @@ my $quiet = $args{'quiet'};
my $zfscmd = '/sbin/zfs';
my $sshcmd = '/usr/bin/ssh';
my $pscmd = '/bin/ps';
my $sshcipher;
if (defined $args{'c'}) {
$sshcipher = "-c $args{'c'}";
} else {
$sshcipher = '-c,arcfour';
my $sshport = '-p 22';
my $sshoption;
if (defined $args{'o'}) {
my @options = split(',', $args{'o'});
foreach my $option (@options) {
$sshoption .= " -o $option";
if ($option eq "NoneSwitch=yes") {
$sshcipher = "";
} else {
$sshoption = "";
my $pvcmd = '/usr/bin/pv';
my $mbuffercmd = '/usr/bin/mbuffer';
my $sudocmd = '/usr/bin/sudo';
@ -59,23 +59,25 @@ my $mbufferoptions = '-q -s 128k -m 16M 2>/dev/null';
# being present on remote machines.
my $lscmd = '/bin/ls';
if ( $args{'sshport'} ) {
$sshport = "-p $args{'sshport'}";
if (length $args{'sshcipher'}) {
$args{'sshcipher'} = "-c $args{'sshcipher'}";
if (length $args{'sshport'}) {
$args{'sshport'} = "-p $args{'sshport'}";
if (length $args{'sshkey'}) {
$args{'sshkey'} = "-i $args{'sshkey'}";
my $sshoptions = join " ", map { "-o " . $_ } @{$args{'sshoption'}}; # deref required
# figure out if source and/or target are remote.
if ( $args{'sshkey'} ) {
$sshcmd = "$sshcmd $sshoption $sshcipher $sshport -i $args{'sshkey'}";
else {
$sshcmd = "$sshcmd $sshoption $sshcipher $sshport";
$sshcmd = "$sshcmd $args{'sshcipher'} $sshoptions $args{'sshport'} $args{'sshkey'}";
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: SSHCMD: $sshcmd\n"; }
my ($sourcehost,$sourcefs,$sourceisroot) = getssh($rawsourcefs);
my ($targethost,$targetfs,$targetisroot) = getssh($rawtargetfs);
my $sourcesudocmd;
my $targetsudocmd;
if ($sourceisroot) { $sourcesudocmd = ''; } else { $sourcesudocmd = $sudocmd; }
if ($targetisroot) { $targetsudocmd = ''; } else { $targetsudocmd = $sudocmd; }
my $sourcesudocmd = $sourceisroot ? '' : $sudocmd;
my $targetsudocmd = $targetisroot ? '' : $sudocmd;
# figure out whether compression, mbuffering, pv
# are available on source, target, local machines.
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ my %snaps;
## can loop across children separately, for recursive ##
## replication ##
if (! $args{'recursive'}) {
if (!defined $args{'recursive'}) {
syncdataset($sourcehost, $sourcefs, $targethost, $targetfs);
} else {
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: recursive sync of $sourcefs.\n"; }
@ -161,11 +163,15 @@ sub syncdataset {
%snaps = (%sourcesnaps, %targetsnaps);
if ($args{'dumpsnaps'}) { print "merged snapshot list of $targetfs: \n"; dumphash(\%snaps); print "\n\n\n"; }
if (defined $args{'dumpsnaps'}) {
print "merged snapshot list of $targetfs: \n";
print "\n\n\n";
# create a new syncoid snapshot on the source filesystem.
my $newsyncsnap;
if (!defined ($args{'no-sync-snap'}) ) {
if (!defined $args{'no-sync-snap'}) {
$newsyncsnap = newsyncsnap($sourcehost,$sourcefs,$sourceisroot);
} else {
# we don't want sync snapshots created, so use the newest snapshot we can find.
@ -334,121 +340,66 @@ sub syncdataset {
} # end syncdataset()
sub compressargset {
my ($value) = @_;
'none' => {
rawcmd => '',
args => '',
decomrawcmd => '',
decomargs => '',
'gzip' => {
rawcmd => '/bin/gzip',
args => '-3',
decomrawcmd => '/bin/zcat',
decomargs => '',
'pigz-fast' => {
rawcmd => '/usr/bin/pigz',
args => '-3',
decomrawcmd => '/usr/bin/pigz',
decomargs => '-dc',
'pigz-slow' => {
rawcmd => '/usr/bin/pigz',
args => '-9',
decomrawcmd => '/usr/bin/pigz',
decomargs => '-dc',
'lzo' => {
rawcmd => '/usr/bin/lzop',
args => '',
decomrawcmd => '/usr/bin/lzop',
decomargs => '-dfc',
'lz4-fast' => {
rawcmd => '/usr/bin/lz4',
args => '-1',
decomrawcmd => '/usr/bin/lz4',
decomargs => '-dc',
'lz4-slow' => {
rawcmd => '/usr/bin/lz4',
args => '-9',
decomrawcmd => '/usr/bin/lz4',
decomargs => '-dc',
sub getargs {
my @args = @_;
my %args;
my %novaluearg;
my %validarg;
push my @validargs, ('debug','nocommandchecks','version','monitor-version','compress','c','o','source-bwlimit','target-bwlimit','dumpsnaps','recursive','r','sshkey','sshport','quiet','no-stream','no-sync-snap');
foreach my $item (@validargs) { $validarg{$item} = 1; }
push my @novalueargs, ('debug','nocommandchecks','version','monitor-version','dumpsnaps','recursive','r','quiet','no-stream','no-sync-snap');
foreach my $item (@novalueargs) { $novaluearg{$item} = 1; }
while (my $rawarg = shift(@args)) {
my $arg = $rawarg;
my $argvalue = '';
if ($rawarg =~ /=/) {
# user specified the value for a CLI argument with =
# instead of with blank space. separate appropriately.
$argvalue = $arg;
$arg =~ s/=.*$//;
$argvalue =~ s/^.*=//;
if ($rawarg =~ /^--/) {
# doubledash arg
$arg =~ s/^--//;
if (! $validarg{$arg}) { die "ERROR: don't understand argument $rawarg.\n"; }
if ($novaluearg{$arg}) {
$args{$arg} = 1;
} else {
# if this CLI arg takes a user-specified value and
# we don't already have it, then the user must have
# specified with a space, so pull in the next value
# from the array as this value rather than as the
# next argument.
if ($argvalue eq '') { $argvalue = shift(@args); }
$args{$arg} = $argvalue;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-/) {
# singledash arg
$arg =~ s/^-//;
if (! $validarg{$arg}) { die "ERROR: don't understand argument $rawarg.\n"; }
if ($novaluearg{$arg}) {
$args{$arg} = 1;
} else {
# if this CLI arg takes a user-specified value and
# we don't already have it, then the user must have
# specified with a space, so pull in the next value
# from the array as this value rather than as the
# next argument.
if ($argvalue eq '') { $argvalue = shift(@args); }
$args{$arg} = $argvalue;
} else {
# bare arg
if (defined $args{'source'}) {
if (! defined $args{'target'}) {
$args{'target'} = $arg;
} else {
die "ERROR: don't know what to do with third bare argument $rawarg.\n";
} else {
$args{'source'} = $arg;
if ($value eq 'default') {
} elsif (!(grep $value eq $_, ('gzip', 'pigz-fast', 'pigz-slow', 'lzo', 'default', 'none'))) {
warn "Unrecognised compression value $value, defaulting to $DEFAULT_COMPRESSION";
if (defined $args{'source-bwlimit'}) { $args{'source-bwlimit'} = "-R $args{'source-bwlimit'}"; } else { $args{'source-bwlimit'} = ''; }
if (defined $args{'target-bwlimit'}) { $args{'target-bwlimit'} = "-r $args{'target-bwlimit'}"; } else { $args{'target-bwlimit'} = ''; }
if (defined $args{'no-stream'}) { $args{'streamarg'} = '-i'; } else { $args{'streamarg'} = '-I'; }
if ($args{'r'}) { $args{'recursive'} = $args{'r'}; }
if (!defined $args{'compress'}) { $args{'compress'} = 'default'; }
if ($args{'compress'} eq 'gzip') {
$args{'rawcompresscmd'} = '/bin/gzip';
$args{'compressargs'} = '-3';
$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} = '/bin/zcat';
$args{'decompressargs'} = '';
} elsif ( ($args{'compress'} eq 'pigz-fast')) {
$args{'rawcompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/pigz';
$args{'compressargs'} = '-3';
$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/pigz';
$args{'decompressargs'} = '-dc';
} elsif ( ($args{'compress'} eq 'pigz-slow')) {
$args{'rawcompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/pigz';
$args{'compressargs'} = '-9';
$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/pigz';
$args{'decompressargs'} = '-dc';
} elsif ( ($args{'compress'} eq 'lz4-fast')) {
$args{'rawcompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/lz4';
$args{'compressargs'} = '-1';
$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/lz4';
$args{'decompressargs'} = '-dc';
} elsif ( ($args{'compress'} eq 'lz4-slow')) {
$args{'rawcompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/lz4';
$args{'compressargs'} = '-9';
$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/lz4';
$args{'decompressargs'} = '-dc';
} elsif ( ($args{'compress'} eq 'lzo') || ($args{'compress'} eq 'default') ) {
$args{'rawcompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/lzop';
$args{'compressargs'} = '';
$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} = '/usr/bin/lzop';
$args{'decompressargs'} = '-dfc';
} else {
$args{'rawcompresscmd'} = '';
$args{'compressargs'} = '';
$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} = '';
$args{'decompressargs'} = '';
$args{'compresscmd'} = "$args{'rawcompresscmd'} $args{'compressargs'}";
$args{'decompresscmd'} = "$args{'rawdecompresscmd'} $args{'decompressargs'}";
return %args;
my %comargs = %{$COMPRESS_ARGS{$value}}; # copy
$comargs{'compress'} = $value;
$comargs{'cmd'} = "$comargs{'rawcmd'} $comargs{'args'}";
$comargs{'decomcmd'} = "$comargs{'decomrawcmd'} $comargs{'decomargs'}";
return \%comargs;
sub checkcommands {
@ -478,24 +429,15 @@ sub checkcommands {
# if raw compress command is null, we must have specified no compression. otherwise,
# make sure that compression is available everywhere we need it
if ($args{'rawcompresscmd'} eq '') {
$avail{'sourcecompress'} = 0;
$avail{'sourcecompress'} = 0;
$avail{'localcompress'} = 0;
if ($args{'compress'} eq 'none' ||
$args{'compress'} eq 'no' ||
$args{'compress'} eq '0') {
if ($compressargs{'compress'} eq 'none') {
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: compression forced off from command line arguments.\n"; }
} else {
print "WARN: value $args{'compress'} for argument --compress not understood, proceeding without compression.\n";
} else {
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of $args{'rawcompresscmd'} on source...\n"; }
$avail{'sourcecompress'} = `$sourcessh $lscmd $args{'rawcompresscmd'} 2>/dev/null`;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of $args{'rawcompresscmd'} on target...\n"; }
$avail{'targetcompress'} = `$targetssh $lscmd $args{'rawcompresscmd'} 2>/dev/null`;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of $args{'rawcompresscmd'} on local machine...\n"; }
$avail{'localcompress'} = `$lscmd $args{'rawcompresscmd'} 2>/dev/null`;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of $compressargs{'rawcmd'} on source...\n"; }
$avail{'sourcecompress'} = `$sourcessh $lscmd $compressargs{'rawcmd'} 2>/dev/null`;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of $compressargs{'rawcmd'} on target...\n"; }
$avail{'targetcompress'} = `$targetssh $lscmd $compressargs{'rawcmd'} 2>/dev/null`;
if ($debug) { print "DEBUG: checking availability of $compressargs{'rawcmd'} on local machine...\n"; }
$avail{'localcompress'} = `$lscmd $compressargs{'rawcmd'} 2>/dev/null`;
my ($s,$t);
@ -521,14 +463,14 @@ sub checkcommands {
if ($avail{'sourcecompress'} eq '') {
if ($args{'rawcompresscmd'} ne '') {
print "WARN: $args{'compresscmd'} not available on source $s- sync will continue without compression.\n";
if ($compressargs{'rawcmd'} ne '') {
print "WARN: $compressargs{'rawcmd'} not available on source $s- sync will continue without compression.\n";
$avail{'compress'} = 0;
if ($avail{'targetcompress'} eq '') {
if ($args{'rawcompresscmd'} ne '') {
print "WARN: $args{'compresscmd'} not available on target $t - sync will continue without compression.\n";
if ($compressargs{'rawcmd'} ne '') {
print "WARN: $compressargs{'rawcmd'} not available on target $t - sync will continue without compression.\n";
$avail{'compress'} = 0;
@ -540,8 +482,8 @@ sub checkcommands {
# corner case - if source AND target are BOTH remote, we have to check for local compress too
if ($sourcehost ne '' && $targethost ne '' && $avail{'localcompress'} eq '') {
if ($args{'rawcompresscmd'} ne '') {
print "WARN: $args{'compresscmd'} not available on local machine - sync will continue without compression.\n";
if ($compressargs{'rawcmd'} ne '') {
print "WARN: $compressargs{'rawcmd'} not available on local machine - sync will continue without compression.\n";
$avail{'compress'} = 0;
@ -697,9 +639,9 @@ sub buildsynccmd {
$synccmd = "$sendcmd |";
# avoid confusion - accept either source-bwlimit or target-bwlimit as the bandwidth limiting option here
my $bwlimit = '';
if (defined $args{'source-bwlimit'}) {
if (length $args{'bwlimit'}) {
$bwlimit = $args{'source-bwlimit'};
} elsif (defined $args{'target-bwlimit'}) {
} elsif (length $args{'target-bwlimit'}) {
$bwlimit = $args{'target-bwlimit'};
@ -708,40 +650,40 @@ sub buildsynccmd {
$synccmd .= " $recvcmd";
} elsif ($sourcehost eq '') {
# local source, remote target.
#$synccmd = "$sendcmd | $pvcmd | $args{'compresscmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $sshcmd $targethost '$args{'decompresscmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $recvcmd'";
#$synccmd = "$sendcmd | $pvcmd | $compressargs{'cmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $sshcmd $targethost '$compressargs{'decomcmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $recvcmd'";
$synccmd = "$sendcmd |";
if ($avail{'localpv'} && !$quiet) { $synccmd .= " $pvcmd -s $pvsize |"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " $args{'compresscmd'} |"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " $compressargs{'cmd'} |"; }
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " $mbuffercmd $args{'source-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions |"; }
$synccmd .= " $sshcmd $targethost '";
if ($avail{'targetmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " $mbuffercmd $args{'target-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions |"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " $args{'decompresscmd'} |"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " $compressargs{'decomcmd'} |"; }
$synccmd .= " $recvcmd'";
} elsif ($targethost eq '') {
# remote source, local target.
#$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd | $args{'compresscmd'} | $mbuffercmd' | $args{'decompresscmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $pvcmd | $recvcmd";
#$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd | $compressargs{'cmd'} | $mbuffercmd' | $args{'decompress'}{'cmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $pvcmd | $recvcmd";
$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd";
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " | $args{'compresscmd'}"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " | $compressargs{'cmd'}"; }
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " | $mbuffercmd $args{'source-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions"; }
$synccmd .= "' | ";
if ($avail{'targetmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= "$mbuffercmd $args{'target-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$args{'decompresscmd'} | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$compressargs{'decomcmd'} | "; }
if ($avail{'localpv'} && !$quiet) { $synccmd .= "$pvcmd -s $pvsize | "; }
$synccmd .= "$recvcmd";
} else {
#remote source, remote target... weird, but whatever, I'm not here to judge you.
#$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd | $args{'compresscmd'} | $mbuffercmd' | $args{'decompresscmd'} | $pvcmd | $args{'compresscmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $sshcmd $targethost '$args{'decompresscmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $recvcmd'";
#$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd | $compressargs{'cmd'} | $mbuffercmd' | $compressargs{'decomcmd'} | $pvcmd | $compressargs{'cmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $sshcmd $targethost '$compressargs{'decomcmd'} | $mbuffercmd | $recvcmd'";
$synccmd = "$sshcmd $sourcehost '$sendcmd";
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " | $args{'compresscmd'}"; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= " | $compressargs{'cmd'}"; }
if ($avail{'sourcembuffer'}) { $synccmd .= " | $mbuffercmd $args{'source-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions"; }
$synccmd .= "' | ";
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$args{'decompresscmd'} | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$compressargs{'decomcmd'} | "; }
if ($avail{'localpv'} && !$quiet) { $synccmd .= "$pvcmd -s $pvsize | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$args{'compresscmd'} | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$compressargs{'cmd'} | "; }
if ($avail{'localmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= "$mbuffercmd $mbufferoptions | "; }
$synccmd .= "$sshcmd $targethost '";
if ($avail{'targetmbuffer'}) { $synccmd .= "$mbuffercmd $args{'target-bwlimit'} $mbufferoptions | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$args{'decompresscmd'} | "; }
if ($avail{'compress'}) { $synccmd .= "$compressargs{'decomcmd'} | "; }
$synccmd .= "$recvcmd'";
return $synccmd;
@ -875,7 +817,7 @@ sub getssh {
if ($remoteuser eq 'root') { $isroot = 1; } else { $isroot = 0; }
# now we need to establish a persistent master SSH connection
$socket = "/tmp/syncoid-$remoteuser-$rhost-" . time();
open FH, "$sshcmd -M -S $socket -o ControlPersist=1m $sshport $rhost exit |";
open FH, "$sshcmd -M -S $socket -o ControlPersist=1m $args{'sshport'} $rhost exit |";
close FH;
$rhost = "-S $socket $rhost";
} else {
@ -995,4 +937,40 @@ sub getdate {
return %date;
=head1 NAME
syncoid - ZFS snapshot replication tool
syncoid [options]... SOURCE TARGET
or syncoid [options]... SOURCE [USER@]HOST:TARGET
or syncoid [options]... [USER@]HOST:SOURCE [TARGET]
or syncoid [options]... [USER@]HOST:SOURCE [USER@]HOST:TARGET
SOURCE Source ZFS dataset. Can be either local or remote
TARGET Target ZFS dataset. Can be either local or remote
--compress=FORMAT Compresses data during transfer. Currently accepted options are gzip, pigz-fast, pigz-slow, lzo (default) & none
--recursive|r Also transfers child datasets
--source-bwlimit=<limit k|m|g|t> Bandwidth limit on the source transfer
--target-bwlimit=<limit k|m|g|t> Bandwidth limit on the target transfer
--no-stream Replicates using newest snapshot instead of intermediates
--no-sync-snap Does not create new snapshot, only transfers existing
--sshkey=FILE Specifies a ssh public key to use to connect
--sshport=PORT Connects to remote on a particular port
--sshcipher|c=CIPHER Passes CIPHER to ssh to use a particular cipher set
--sshoption|o=OPTION Passes OPTION to ssh for remote usage. Can be specified multiple times
--help Prints this helptext
--verbose Prints the version number
--debug Prints out a lot of additional information during a syncoid run
--monitor-version Currently does nothing
--quiet Suppresses non-error output
--dumpsnaps Dumps a list of snapshots during the run
--no-command-checks Do not check command existence before attempting transfer. Not recommended