################################################################################### # default template - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. # # If you wish to override default values, you can create your # # own [template_default] in /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf. # # # # you have been warned. # ################################################################################### [version] version = 2 [template_default] # these settings don't make sense in a template, but we use the defaults file # as our list of allowable settings also, so they need to be present here even if # unset. path = recursive = use_template = process_children_only = skip_children = pre_snapshot_script = post_snapshot_script = pruning_script = script_timeout = 5 no_inconsistent_snapshot = force_post_snapshot_script = # for snapshots shorter than one hour, the period duration must be defined # in minutes. Because they are executed within a full hour, the selected # value should divide 60 minutes without remainder so taken snapshots # are apart in equal intervals. Values larger than 59 aren't practical # as only one snapshot will be taken on each full hour in this case. # examples: # frequent_period = 15 -> four snapshot each hour 15 minutes apart # frequent_period = 5 -> twelve snapshots each hour 5 minutes apart # frequent_period = 45 -> two snapshots each hour with different time gaps # between them: 45 minutes and 15 minutes in this case frequent_period = 15 # If any snapshot type is set to 0, we will not take snapshots for it - and will immediately # prune any of those type snapshots already present. # # Otherwise, if autoprune is set, we will prune any snapshots of that type which are older # than (setting * periodicity) - so if daily = 90, we'll prune any dailies older than 90 days. autoprune = yes frequently = 0 hourly = 48 daily = 90 weekly = 0 monthly = 6 yearly = 0 # pruning can be skipped based on the used capacity of the pool # (0: always prune, 1-100: only prune if used capacity is greater than this value) prune_defer = 0 # We will automatically take snapshots if autosnap is on, at the desired times configured # below (or immediately, if we don't have one since the last preferred time for that type). # # Note that we will not take snapshots for a given type if that type is set to 0 above, # regardless of the autosnap setting - for example, if yearly=0 we will not take yearlies # even if we've defined a preferred time for yearlies and autosnap is on. autosnap = 1 # hourly - top of the hour hourly_min = 0 # daily - at 23:59 (most people expect a daily to contain everything done DURING that day) daily_hour = 23 daily_min = 59 # weekly -at 23:30 each Monday weekly_wday = 1 weekly_hour = 23 weekly_min = 30 # monthly - immediately at the beginning of the month (ie 00:00 of day 1) monthly_mday = 1 monthly_hour = 0 monthly_min = 0 # yearly - immediately at the beginning of the year (ie 00:00 on Jan 1) yearly_mon = 1 yearly_mday = 1 yearly_hour = 0 yearly_min = 0 # monitoring plugin - define warn / crit levels for each snapshot type by age, in units of one period down # example hourly_warn = 90 means issue WARNING if most recent hourly snapshot is not less than 90 minutes old, # daily_crit = 36 means issue CRITICAL if most recent daily snapshot is not less than 36 hours old, # monthly_warn = 36 means issue WARNING if most recent monthly snapshot is not less than 36 days old... etc. # # monitor_dont_warn = yes will cause the monitoring service to report warnings as text, but with status OK. # monitor_dont_crit = yes will cause the monitoring service to report criticals as text, but with status OK. # # setting any value to 0 will keep the monitoring service from monitoring that snapshot type on that section at all. monitor = yes monitor_dont_warn = no monitor_dont_crit = no frequently_warn = 0 frequently_crit = 0 hourly_warn = 90 hourly_crit = 360 daily_warn = 28 daily_crit = 32 weekly_warn = 0 weekly_crit = 0 monthly_warn = 5 monthly_crit = 6 yearly_warn = 0 yearly_crit = 0 # default limits for capacity checks (if set to 0, limit will not be checked) capacity_warn = 80 capacity_crit = 95