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Sanoid is a policy-driven snapshot management tool for ZFS filesystems. When combined with the Linux KVM hypervisor, you can use it to make your systems functionally immortal.

sanoid rollback demo
(Real time demo: rolling back a full-scale cryptomalware infection in seconds!)

More prosaically, you can use Sanoid to create, automatically thin, and monitor snapshots and pool health from a single eminently human-readable TOML config file at /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf. (Sanoid also requires a "defaults" file located at /etc/sanoid/sanoid.defaults.conf, which is not user-editable.) A typical Sanoid system would have a single cron job: ``` * * * * * /usr/local/bin/sanoid --cron ``` And its /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf might look something like this: ``` [data/home] use_template = production [data/images] use_template = production recursive = yes process_children_only = yes [data/images/win7] hourly = 4 ############################# # templates below this line # ############################# [template_production] hourly = 36 daily = 30 monthly = 3 yearly = 0 autosnap = yes autoprune = yes ``` Which would be enough to tell sanoid to take and keep 36 hourly snapshots, 30 dailies, 3 monthlies, and no yearlies for all datasets under data/images (but not data/images itself, since process_children_only is set). Except in the case of data/images/win7-spice, which follows the same template (since it's a child of data/images) but only keeps 4 hourlies for whatever reason. ##### Sanoid Command Line Options + --cron This will process your sanoid.conf file, create snapshots, then purge expired ones. + --configdir Specify a location for the config file named sanoid.conf. Defaults to /etc/sanoid + --take-snapshots This will process your sanoid.conf file, create snapshots, but it will NOT purge expired ones. (Note that snapshots taken are atomic in an individual dataset context, not a global context - snapshots of pool/dataset1 and pool/dataset2 will each be internally consistent and atomic, but one may be a few filesystem transactions "newer" than the other.) + --prune-snapshots This will process your sanoid.conf file, it will NOT create snapshots, but it will purge expired ones. + --monitor-snapshots This option is designed to be run by a Nagios monitoring system. It reports on the health of your snapshots. + --monitor-health This option is designed to be run by a Nagios monitoring system. It reports on the health of the zpool your filesystems are on. It only monitors filesystems that are configured in the sanoid.conf file. + --force-update This clears out sanoid's zfs snapshot listing cache. This is normally not needed. + --version This prints the version number, and exits. + --quiet Supress non-error output. + --verbose This prints additional information during the sanoid run. + --debug This prints out quite alot of additional information during a sanoid run, and is normally not needed. ---------- # Syncoid Sanoid also includes a replication tool, syncoid, which facilitates the asynchronous incremental replication of ZFS filesystems. A typical syncoid command might look like this: ``` syncoid data/images/vm backup/images/vm ``` Which would replicate the specified ZFS filesystem (aka dataset) from the data pool to the backup pool on the local system, or ``` syncoid data/images/vm root@remotehost:backup/images/vm ``` Which would push-replicate the specified ZFS filesystem from the local host to remotehost over an SSH tunnel, or ``` syncoid root@remotehost:data/images/vm backup/images/vm ``` Which would pull-replicate the filesystem from the remote host to the local system over an SSH tunnel. Syncoid supports recursive replication (replication of a dataset and all its child datasets) and uses mbuffer buffering, lzop compression, and pv progress bars if the utilities are available on the systems used. ##### Syncoid Command Line Options + [source] This is the source dataset. It can be either local or remote. + [destination] This is the destination dataset. It can be either local or remote. + -r --recursive This will also transfer child datasets. + --compress Currently accepted options: gzip, pigz-fast, pigz-slow, lzo (default) & none. If the selected compression method is unavailable on the source and destination, no compression will be used. + --source-bwlimit This is the bandwidth limit imposed upon the source. This is mainly used if the target does not have mbuffer installed, but bandwidth limites are desired. + --target-bw-limit This is the bandwidth limit imposed upon the target. This is mainly used if the source does not have mbuffer installed, but bandwidth limites are desired. + --no-command-checks Do not check the existance of commands before attempting the transfer. It assumes all programs are available. This should never be used. + --no-stream This argument tells syncoid to use -i incrementals, not -I. This updates the target with the newest snapshot from the source, without replicating the intermediate snapshots in between. (If used for an initial synchronization, will do a full replication from newest snapshot and exit immediately, rather than starting with the oldest and then doing an immediate -i to the newest.) + --no-sync-snap This argument tells syncoid to restrict itself to existing snapshots, instead of creating a semi-ephemeral syncoid snapshot at execution time. Especially useful in multi-target (A->B, A->C) replication schemes, where you might otherwise accumulate a large number of foreign syncoid snapshots. + --dumpsnaps This prints a list of snapshots during the run. + --sshport Allow sync to/from boxes running SSH on non-standard ports. + --sshkey Use specified identity file as per ssh -i. + --quiet Supress non-error output. + --debug This prints out quite alot of additional information during a sanoid run, and is normally not needed. + --version Print the version and exit. + --monitor-version This doesn't do anything right now. Note that the sync snapshots syncoid creates are not atomic in a global context: sync snapshots of pool/dataset1 and pool/dataset2 will each be internally consistent, but one may be a few filesystem transactions "newer" than the other. (This does not affect the consistency of snapshots already taken in other ways, which syncoid replicates in the overall stream unless --no-stream is specified. So if you want to manually zfs snapshot -R pool@1 before replicating with syncoid, the global atomicity of pool/dataset1@1 and pool/dataset2@1 will still be intact.)