
1592 lines
52 KiB
Executable File

# this software is licensed for use under the Free Software Foundation's GPL v3.0 license, as retrieved
# from on 2014-11-17. A copy should also be available in this
# project's Git repository at
$::VERSION = '2.0.1';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::IniFiles; # read samba-style conf file
use Data::Dumper; # debugging - print contents of hash
use File::Path; # for rmtree command in use_prune
use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_version auto_help);
use Pod::Usage; # pod2usage
use Time::Local; # to parse dates in reverse
my %args = ("configdir" => "/etc/sanoid");
GetOptions(\%args, "verbose", "debug", "cron", "readonly", "quiet",
"monitor-health", "force-update", "configdir=s",
"monitor-snapshots", "take-snapshots", "prune-snapshots", "force-prune",
) or pod2usage(2);
# If only config directory (or nothing) has been specified, default to --cron --verbose
if (keys %args < 2) {
$args{'cron'} = 1;
$args{'verbose'} = 1;
my $pscmd = '/bin/ps';
my $zfs = '/sbin/zfs';
my $zpool = '/sbin/zpool';
my $conf_file = "$args{'configdir'}/sanoid.conf";
my $default_conf_file = "$args{'configdir'}/sanoid.defaults.conf";
# parse config file
my %config = init($conf_file,$default_conf_file);
# if we call getsnaps(%config,1) it will forcibly update the cache, TTL or no TTL
my $forcecacheupdate = 0;
my $cache = '/var/cache/sanoidsnapshots.txt';
my $cacheTTL = 900; # 15 minutes
my %snaps = getsnaps( \%config, $cacheTTL, $forcecacheupdate );
my %pruned;
my %capacitycache;
my %snapsbytype = getsnapsbytype( \%config, \%snaps );
my %snapsbypath = getsnapsbypath( \%config, \%snaps );
# let's make it a little easier to be consistent passing these hashes in the same order to each sub
my @params = ( \%config, \%snaps, \%snapsbytype, \%snapsbypath );
if ($args{'debug'}) { $args{'verbose'}=1; blabber (@params); }
if ($args{'monitor-snapshots'}) { monitor_snapshots(@params); }
if ($args{'monitor-health'}) { monitor_health(@params); }
if ($args{'monitor-capacity'}) { monitor_capacity(@params); }
if ($args{'force-update'}) { my $snaps = getsnaps( \%config, $cacheTTL, 1 ); }
if ($args{'cron'}) {
if ($args{'quiet'}) { $args{'verbose'} = 0; }
take_snapshots (@params);
prune_snapshots (@params);
} else {
if ($args{'take-snapshots'}) { take_snapshots (@params); }
if ($args{'prune-snapshots'}) { prune_snapshots (@params); }
exit 0;
sub monitor_health {
my ($config, $snaps, $snapsbytype, $snapsbypath) = @_;
my %pools;
my @messages;
my $errlevel=0;
foreach my $path (keys %{ $snapsbypath}) {
my @pool = split ('/',$path);
foreach my $pool (keys %pools) {
my ($exitcode, $msg) = check_zpool($pool,2);
if ($exitcode > $errlevel) { $errlevel = $exitcode; }
chomp $msg;
push (@messages, $msg);
my @warninglevels = ('','*** WARNING *** ','*** CRITICAL *** ');
my $message = $warninglevels[$errlevel] . join (', ',@messages);
print "$message\n";
exit $errlevel;
sub monitor_snapshots {
# nagios plugin format: exit 0,1,2,3 for OK, WARN, CRITICAL, or ERROR.
# check_snapshot_date - test ZFS fs creation timestamp for recentness
# accepts arguments: $filesystem, $warn (in seconds elapsed), $crit (in seconds elapsed)
my ($config, $snaps, $snapsbytype, $snapsbypath) = @_;
my %datestamp = get_date();
my $errorlevel = 0;
my $msg;
my @msgs;
my @paths;
foreach my $section (keys %config) {
if ($section =~ /^template/) { next; }
if (! $config{$section}{'monitor'}) { next; }
if ($config{$section}{'process_children_only'}) { next; }
my $path = $config{$section}{'path'};
push @paths, $path;
my @types = ('yearly','monthly','weekly','daily','hourly','frequently');
foreach my $type (@types) {
if ($config{$section}{$type} == 0) { next; }
my $smallerperiod = 0;
# we need to set the period length in seconds first
if ($type eq 'frequently') { $smallerperiod = 1; }
elsif ($type eq 'hourly') { $smallerperiod = 60; }
elsif ($type eq 'daily') { $smallerperiod = 60*60; }
elsif ($type eq 'weekly') { $smallerperiod = 60*60*24; }
elsif ($type eq 'monthly') { $smallerperiod = 60*60*24*7; }
elsif ($type eq 'yearly') { $smallerperiod = 60*60*24*31; }
my $typewarn = $type . '_warn';
my $typecrit = $type . '_crit';
my $warn = convertTimePeriod($config{$section}{$typewarn}, $smallerperiod);
my $crit = convertTimePeriod($config{$section}{$typecrit}, $smallerperiod);
my $elapsed = -1;
if (defined $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'}) {
$elapsed = $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'};
my $dispelapsed = displaytime($elapsed);
my $dispwarn = displaytime($warn);
my $dispcrit = displaytime($crit);
if ( $elapsed > $crit || $elapsed == -1) {
if ($crit > 0) {
if (! $config{$section}{'monitor_dont_crit'}) { $errorlevel = 2; }
if ($elapsed == -1) {
push @msgs, "CRIT: $path has no $type snapshots at all!";
} else {
push @msgs, "CRIT: $path\'s newest $type snapshot is $dispelapsed old (should be < $dispcrit)";
} elsif ($elapsed > $warn) {
if ($warn > 0) {
if (! $config{$section}{'monitor_dont_warn'} && ($errorlevel < 2) ) { $errorlevel = 1; }
push @msgs, "WARN: $path\'s newest $type snapshot is $dispelapsed old (should be < $dispwarn)";
} else {
# push @msgs .= "OK: $path\'s newest $type snapshot is $dispelapsed old \n";
my @sorted_msgs = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @msgs;
my @sorted_paths = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @paths;
$msg = join (", ", @sorted_msgs);
my $paths = join (", ", @sorted_paths);
if ($msg eq '') { $msg = "OK: all monitored datasets \($paths\) have fresh snapshots"; }
print "$msg\n";
exit $errorlevel;
sub monitor_capacity {
my ($config, $snaps, $snapsbytype, $snapsbypath) = @_;
my %pools;
my @messages;
my $errlevel=0;
# build pool list with corresponding capacity limits
foreach my $section (keys %config) {
my @pool = split ('/',$section);
if (scalar @pool == 1 || !defined($pools{$pool[0]}) ) {
my %capacitylimits;
if (!check_capacity_limit($config{$section}{'capacity_warn'})) {
die "ERROR: invalid zpool capacity warning limit!\n";
if ($config{$section}{'capacity_warn'} != 0) {
$capacitylimits{'warn'} = $config{$section}{'capacity_warn'};
if (!check_capacity_limit($config{$section}{'capacity_crit'})) {
die "ERROR: invalid zpool capacity critical limit!\n";
if ($config{$section}{'capacity_crit'} != 0) {
$capacitylimits{'crit'} = $config{$section}{'capacity_crit'};
if (%capacitylimits) {
$pools{$pool[0]} = \%capacitylimits;
foreach my $pool (keys %pools) {
my $capacitylimitsref = $pools{$pool};
my ($exitcode, $msg) = check_zpool_capacity($pool,\%$capacitylimitsref);
if ($exitcode > $errlevel) { $errlevel = $exitcode; }
chomp $msg;
push (@messages, $msg);
my @warninglevels = ('','*** WARNING *** ','*** CRITICAL *** ');
my $message = $warninglevels[$errlevel] . join (', ',@messages);
print "$message\n";
exit $errlevel;
sub prune_snapshots {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: pruning snapshots...\n"; }
my ($config, $snaps, $snapsbytype, $snapsbypath) = @_;
my %datestamp = get_date();
my $forcecacheupdate = 0;
foreach my $section (keys %config) {
if ($section =~ /^template/) { next; }
if (! $config{$section}{'autoprune'}) { next; }
if ($config{$section}{'process_children_only'}) { next; }
my $path = $config{$section}{'path'};
my $period = 0;
if (check_prune_defer($config, $section)) {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: deferring snapshot pruning ($section)...\n"; }
foreach my $type (keys %{ $config{$section} }){
unless ($type =~ /ly$/) { next; }
# we need to set the period length in seconds first
if ($type eq 'frequently') { $period = 60 * $config{$section}{'frequent_period'}; }
elsif ($type eq 'hourly') { $period = 60*60; }
elsif ($type eq 'daily') { $period = 60*60*24; }
elsif ($type eq 'weekly') { $period = 60*60*24*7; }
elsif ($type eq 'monthly') { $period = 60*60*24*31; }
elsif ($type eq 'yearly') { $period = 60*60*24*365.25; }
# avoid pissing off use warnings by not executing this block if no matching snaps exist
if (defined $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'sorted'}) {
my @sorted = split (/\|/,$snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'sorted'});
# if we say "daily=30" we really mean "don't keep any dailies more than 30 days old", etc
my $maxage = ( time() - $config{$section}{$type} * $period );
# but if we say "daily=30" we ALSO mean "don't get rid of ANY dailies unless we have more than 30".
my $minsnapsthistype = $config{$section}{$type};
# how many total snaps of this type do we currently have?
my $numsnapsthistype = scalar (@sorted);
my @prunesnaps;
foreach my $snap( @sorted ){
# print "snap $path\@$snap has age $snaps{$path}{$snap}{'ctime'}, maxage is $maxage.\n";
if ( ($snaps{$path}{$snap}{'ctime'} < $maxage) && ($numsnapsthistype > $minsnapsthistype) ) {
my $fullpath = $path . '@' . $snap;
# we just got rid of a snap, so we now have one fewer, duh
if ((scalar @prunesnaps) > 0) {
# print "found some snaps to prune!\n"
if (checklock('sanoid_pruning')) {
foreach my $snap( @prunesnaps ){
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: pruning $snap ... \n"; }
if (!$args{'force-prune'} && iszfsbusy($path)) {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: deferring pruning of $snap - $path is currently in zfs send or receive.\n"; }
} else {
if (! $args{'readonly'}) {
if (system($zfs, "destroy", $snap) == 0) {
$pruned{$snap} = 1;
my $dataset = (split '@', $snap)[0];
my $snapname = (split '@', $snap)[1];
if ($config{$dataset}{'pruning_script'}) {
$ENV{'SANOID_TARGET'} = $dataset;
$ENV{'SANOID_SNAPNAME'} = $snapname;
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "executing pruning_script '".$config{$dataset}{'pruning_script'}."' on dataset '$dataset'\n"; }
my $ret = runscript('pruning_script',$dataset);
} else {
warn "could not remove $snap : $?";
} else {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: deferring snapshot pruning - valid pruning lock held by other sanoid process.\n"; }
# if there were any deferred cache updates,
# do them now and wait if necessary
} # end prune_snapshots
sub take_snapshots {
my ($config, $snaps, $snapsbytype, $snapsbypath) = @_;
my %datestamp = get_date();
my $forcecacheupdate = 0;
my @newsnaps;
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: taking snapshots...\n"; }
foreach my $section (keys %config) {
if ($section =~ /^template/) { next; }
if (! $config{$section}{'autosnap'}) { next; }
if ($config{$section}{'process_children_only'}) { next; }
my $path = $config{$section}{'path'};
my @types = ('yearly','monthly','weekly','daily','hourly','frequently');
foreach my $type (@types) {
if ($config{$section}{$type} > 0) {
my $newestage; # in seconds
if (defined $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'}) {
$newestage = $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'};
} else{
$newestage = 9999999999999999;
# for use with localtime: @preferredtime will be most recent preferred snapshot time in ($sec,$min,$hour,$mon-1,$year) format
my @preferredtime;
my $lastpreferred;
if ($type eq 'frequently') {
my $frequentslice = int($datestamp{'min'} / $config{$section}{'frequent_period'});
push @preferredtime,0; # try to hit 0 seconds
push @preferredtime,$frequentslice * $config{$section}{'frequent_period'};
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'hour'};
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'mday'};
push @preferredtime,($datestamp{'mon'}-1); # january is month 0
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'year'};
$lastpreferred = timelocal(@preferredtime);
if ($lastpreferred > time()) { $lastpreferred -= 60 * $config{$section}{'frequent_period'}; } # preferred time is later this frequent period - so look at last frequent period
} elsif ($type eq 'hourly') {
push @preferredtime,0; # try to hit 0 seconds
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'hourly_min'};
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'hour'};
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'mday'};
push @preferredtime,($datestamp{'mon'}-1); # january is month 0
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'year'};
$lastpreferred = timelocal(@preferredtime);
if ($lastpreferred > time()) { $lastpreferred -= 60*60; } # preferred time is later this hour - so look at last hour's
} elsif ($type eq 'daily') {
push @preferredtime,0; # try to hit 0 seconds
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'daily_min'};
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'daily_hour'};
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'mday'};
push @preferredtime,($datestamp{'mon'}-1); # january is month 0
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'year'};
$lastpreferred = timelocal(@preferredtime);
if ($lastpreferred > time()) {
$preferredtime[3] -= 1; # preferred time is later today - so look at yesterday's
$lastpreferred = timelocal(@preferredtime);
} elsif ($type eq 'weekly') {
# calculate offset in seconds for the desired weekday
my $offset = 0;
if ($config{$section}{'weekly_wday'} < $datestamp{'wday'}) {
$offset += 7;
$offset += $config{$section}{'weekly_wday'} - $datestamp{'wday'};
$offset *= 60*60*24; # full day
push @preferredtime,0; # try to hit 0 seconds
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'weekly_min'};
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'weekly_hour'};
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'mday'};
push @preferredtime,($datestamp{'mon'}-1); # january is month 0
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'year'};
$lastpreferred = timelocal(@preferredtime);
$lastpreferred += $offset;
if ($lastpreferred > time()) { $lastpreferred -= 60*60*24*7; } # preferred time is later this week - so look at last week's
} elsif ($type eq 'monthly') {
push @preferredtime,0; # try to hit 0 seconds
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'monthly_min'};
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'monthly_hour'};
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'monthly_mday'};
push @preferredtime,($datestamp{'mon'}-1); # january is month 0
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'year'};
$lastpreferred = timelocal(@preferredtime);
if ($lastpreferred > time()) { $lastpreferred -= 60*60*24*31; } # preferred time is later this month - so look at last month's
} elsif ($type eq 'yearly') {
push @preferredtime,0; # try to hit 0 seconds
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'yearly_min'};
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'yearly_hour'};
push @preferredtime,$config{$section}{'yearly_mday'};
push @preferredtime,($config{$section}{'yearly_mon'}-1); # january is month 0
push @preferredtime,$datestamp{'year'};
$lastpreferred = timelocal(@preferredtime);
if ($lastpreferred > time()) { $lastpreferred -= 60*60*24*31*365.25; } # preferred time is later this year - so look at last year
} else {
warn "WARN: unknown interval type $type in config!";
# reconstruct our human-formatted most recent preferred snapshot time into an epoch time, to compare with the epoch of our most recent snapshot
my $maxage = time()-$lastpreferred;
if ( $newestage > $maxage ) {
# update to most current possible datestamp
%datestamp = get_date();
# print "we should have had a $type snapshot of $path $maxage seconds ago; most recent is $newestage seconds old.\n";
# use zfs (atomic) recursion if specified in config
if ($config{$section}{'zfs_recursion'}) {
push(@newsnaps, "$path\@autosnap_$datestamp{'sortable'}_$type\@");
} else {
push(@newsnaps, "$path\@autosnap_$datestamp{'sortable'}_$type");
if ( (scalar(@newsnaps)) > 0) {
foreach my $snap ( @newsnaps ) {
my $extraMessage = "";
my @split = split '@', $snap, -1;
my $recursiveFlag = 0;
if (scalar(@split) == 3) {
$recursiveFlag = 1;
$extraMessage = " (zfs recursive)";
chop $snap;
my $dataset = $split[0];
my $snapname = $split[1];
my $presnapshotfailure = 0;
my $ret = 0;
if ($config{$dataset}{'pre_snapshot_script'}) {
$ENV{'SANOID_TARGET'} = $dataset;
$ENV{'SANOID_SNAPNAME'} = $snapname;
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "executing pre_snapshot_script '".$config{$dataset}{'pre_snapshot_script'}."' on dataset '$dataset'\n"; }
if (!$args{'readonly'}) {
$ret = runscript('pre_snapshot_script',$dataset);
if ($ret != 0) {
# warning was already thrown by runscript function
$config{$dataset}{'no_inconsistent_snapshot'} and next;
$presnapshotfailure = 1;
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "taking snapshot $snap$extraMessage\n"; }
if (!$args{'readonly'}) {
if ($recursiveFlag) {
system($zfs, "snapshot", "-r", "$snap") == 0
or warn "CRITICAL ERROR: $zfs snapshot -r $snap failed, $?";
} else {
system($zfs, "snapshot", "$snap") == 0
or warn "CRITICAL ERROR: $zfs snapshot $snap failed, $?";
if ($config{$dataset}{'post_snapshot_script'}) {
if (!$presnapshotfailure or $config{$dataset}{'force_post_snapshot_script'}) {
$ENV{'SANOID_TARGET'} = $dataset;
$ENV{'SANOID_SNAPNAME'} = $snapname;
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "executing post_snapshot_script '".$config{$dataset}{'post_snapshot_script'}."' on dataset '$dataset'\n"; }
if (!$args{'readonly'}) {
$forcecacheupdate = 1;
%snaps = getsnaps(%config,$cacheTTL,$forcecacheupdate);
sub blabber {
my ($config, $snaps, $snapsbytype, $snapsbypath) = @_;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
print "****** CONFIGS ******\n";
print Dumper(\%config);
#print "****** SNAPSHOTS ******\n";
#print Dumper(\%snaps);
#print "****** SNAPSBYTYPE ******\n";
#print Dumper(\%snapsbytype);
#print "****** SNAPSBYPATH ******\n";
#print Dumper(\%snapsbypath);
print "\n";
foreach my $section (keys %config) {
my $path = $config{$section}{'path'};
print "Filesystem $path has:\n";
print " $snapsbypath{$path}{'numsnaps'} total snapshots ";
if ($snapsbypath{$path}{'numsnaps'} == 0) {
print "(no current snapshots)"
} else {
print "(newest: ";
my $newest = sprintf("%.1f",$snapsbypath{$path}{'newest'} / 60 / 60);
print "$newest hours old)\n";
foreach my $type (keys %{ $snapsbytype{$path} }){
print " $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'numsnaps'} $type\n";
print " desired: $config{$section}{$type}\n";
print " newest: ";
my $newest = sprintf("%.1f",($snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'} / 60 / 60));
print "$newest hours old, named $snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newestname'}\n";
print "\n\n";
} # end blabber
sub getsnapsbytype {
my ($config, $snaps) = @_;
my %snapsbytype;
# iterate through each module section - each section is a single ZFS path
foreach my $section (keys %config) {
my $path = $config{$section}{'path'};
my %rawsnaps;
foreach my $name (keys %{ $snaps{$path} }){
my $type = $snaps{$path}{$name}{'type'};
$rawsnaps{$type}{$name} = $snaps{$path}{$name}{'ctime'}
# iterate through snapshots of each type, ordered by creation time of each snapshot within that type
foreach my $type (keys %rawsnaps) {
$snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'numsnaps'} = scalar (keys %{ $rawsnaps{$type} });
my @sortedsnaps;
foreach my $name (
sort { $rawsnaps{$type}{$a} <=> $rawsnaps{$type}{$b} } keys %{ $rawsnaps{$type} }
) {
push @sortedsnaps, $name;
$snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newest'} = (time-$snaps{$path}{$name}{'ctime'});
$snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'newestname'} = $name;
$snapsbytype{$path}{$type}{'sorted'} = join ('|',@sortedsnaps);
return %snapsbytype;
} # end getsnapsbytype
sub getsnapsbypath {
my ($config,$snaps) = @_;
my %snapsbypath;
# iterate through each module section - each section is a single ZFS path
foreach my $section (keys %config) {
my $path = $config{$section}{'path'};
$snapsbypath{$path}{'numsnaps'} = scalar (keys %{ $snaps{$path} });
# iterate through snapshots of each type, ordered by creation time of each snapshot within that type
my %rawsnaps;
foreach my $snapname ( keys %{ $snaps{$path} } ) {
$rawsnaps{$path}{$snapname} = $snaps{$path}{$snapname}{'ctime'};
my @sortedsnaps;
foreach my $snapname (
sort { $rawsnaps{$path}{$a} <=> $rawsnaps{$path}{$b} } keys %{ $rawsnaps{$path} }
) {
push @sortedsnaps, $snapname;
$snapsbypath{$path}{'newest'} = (time-$snaps{$path}{$snapname}{'ctime'});
my $sortedsnaps = join ('|',@sortedsnaps);
$snapsbypath{$path}{'sorted'} = $sortedsnaps;
return %snapsbypath;
} # end getsnapsbypath
sub getsnaps {
my ($config, $cacheTTL, $forcecacheupdate) = @_;
my @rawsnaps;
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($cache);
if ( $forcecacheupdate || ! -f $cache || (time() - $mtime) > $cacheTTL ) {
if (checklock('sanoid_cacheupdate')) {
if ($args{'verbose'}) {
if ($args{'force-update'}) {
print "INFO: cache forcibly expired - updating from zfs list.\n";
} else {
print "INFO: cache expired - updating from zfs list.\n";
open FH, "$zfs get -Hrpt snapshot creation |";
@rawsnaps = <FH>;
close FH;
open FH, "> $cache" or die 'Could not write to $cache!\n';
print FH @rawsnaps;
close FH;
} else {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: deferring cache update - valid cache update lock held by another sanoid process.\n"; }
open FH, "< $cache";
@rawsnaps = <FH>;
close FH;
} else {
# if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: cache not expired (" . (time() - $mtime) . " seconds old with TTL of $cacheTTL): pulling snapshot list from cache.\n"; }
open FH, "< $cache";
@rawsnaps = <FH>;
close FH;
foreach my $snap (@rawsnaps) {
my ($fs,$snapname,$snapdate) = ($snap =~ m/(.*)\@(.*ly)\t*creation\t*(\d*)/);
# avoid pissing off use warnings
if (defined $snapname) {
my ($snaptype) = ($snapname =~ m/.*_(\w*ly)/);
if ($snapname =~ /^autosnap/) {
return %snaps;
sub init {
my ($conf_file, $default_conf_file) = @_;
my %config;
unless (-e $default_conf_file ) { die "FATAL: cannot load $default_conf_file - please restore a clean copy, this is not a user-editable file!"; }
unless (-e $conf_file ) { die "FATAL: cannot load $conf_file - please create a valid local config file before running sanoid!"; }
tie my %defaults, 'Config::IniFiles', ( -file => $default_conf_file ) or die "FATAL: cannot load $default_conf_file - please restore a clean copy, this is not a user-editable file!";
tie my %ini, 'Config::IniFiles', ( -file => $conf_file ) or die "FATAL: cannot load $conf_file - please create a valid local config file before running sanoid!";
# we'll use these later to normalize potentially true and false values on any toggle keys
my @toggles = ('autosnap','autoprune','monitor_dont_warn','monitor_dont_crit','monitor','recursive','process_children_only','skip_children','no_inconsistent_snapshot','force_post_snapshot_script');
# recursive is defined as toggle but can also have the special value "zfs", it is kept to be backward compatible
my @istrue=(1,"true","True","TRUE","yes","Yes","YES","on","On","ON");
my @isfalse=(0,"false","False","FALSE","no","No","NO","off","Off","OFF");
# check if default configuration file is up to date
my $defaults_version = 1;
if (defined $defaults{'version'}{'version'}) {
$defaults_version = $defaults{'version'}{'version'};
delete $defaults{'version'};
if ($defaults_version < $MINIMUM_DEFAULTS_VERSION) {
die "FATAL: you're using sanoid.defaults.conf v$defaults_version, this version of sanoid requires a minimum sanoid.defaults.conf v$MINIMUM_DEFAULTS_VERSION";
foreach my $section (keys %ini) {
# first up - die with honor if unknown parameters are set in any modules or templates by the user.
foreach my $key (keys %{$ini{$section}}) {
if (! defined ($defaults{'template_default'}{$key})) {
die "FATAL ERROR: I don't understand the setting $key you've set in \[$section\] in $conf_file.\n";
if ($section =~ /^template_/) { next; } # don't process templates directly
# only set defaults on sections that haven't already been initialized - this allows us to override values
# for sections directly when they've already been defined recursively, without starting them over from scratch.
if (! defined ($config{$section}{'initialized'})) {
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: initializing \$config\{$section\} with default values from $default_conf_file.\n"; }
# set default values from %defaults, which can then be overriden by template
# and/or local settings within the module.
foreach my $key (keys %{$defaults{'template_default'}}) {
if (! ($key =~ /template|recursive|children_only/)) {
$config{$section}{$key} = $defaults{'template_default'}{$key};
# override with values from user-defined default template, if any
foreach my $key (keys %{$ini{'template_default'}}) {
if ($key =~ /template|recursive/) {
warn "ignored key '$key' from user-defined default template.\n";
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: overriding $key on $section with value from user-defined default template.\n"; }
$config{$section}{$key} = $ini{'template_default'}{$key};
# override with values from user-defined templates applied to this module,
# in the order they were specified (ie use_template = default,production,mytemplate)
if (defined $ini{$section}{'use_template'}) {
my @templates = split (' *, *',$ini{$section}{'use_template'});
foreach my $rawtemplate (@templates) {
# strip trailing whitespace
$rawtemplate =~ s/\s+$//g;
my $template = 'template_'.$rawtemplate;
foreach my $key (keys %{$ini{$template}}) {
if ($key =~ /template|recursive/) {
warn "ignored key '$key' from '$rawtemplate' template.\n";
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: overriding $key on $section with value from user-defined template $template.\n"; }
$config{$section}{$key} = $ini{$template}{$key};
# override with any locally set values in the module itself
foreach my $key (keys %{$ini{$section}} ) {
if (! ($key =~ /template|recursive|skip_children/)) {
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: overriding $key on $section with value directly set in module.\n"; }
$config{$section}{$key} = $ini{$section}{$key};
# make sure that true values are true and false values are false for any toggled values
foreach my $toggle(@toggles) {
foreach my $true (@istrue) {
if (defined $config{$section}{$toggle} && $config{$section}{$toggle} eq $true) { $config{$section}{$toggle} = 1; }
foreach my $false (@isfalse) {
if (defined $config{$section}{$toggle} && $config{$section}{$toggle} eq $false) { $config{$section}{$toggle} = 0; }
# section path is the section name, unless section path has been explicitly defined
if (defined ($ini{$section}{'path'})) {
$config{$section}{'path'} = $ini{$section}{'path'};
} else {
$config{$section}{'path'} = $section;
# how 'bout some recursion? =)
if ($config{$section}{'zfs_recursion'} && $config{$section}{'zfs_recursion'} == 1 && $config{$section}{'autosnap'} == 1) {
warn "ignored autosnap configuration for '$section' because it's part of a zfs recursion.\n";
$config{$section}{'autosnap'} = 0;
my $recursive = $ini{$section}{'recursive'} && grep( /^$ini{$section}{'recursive'}$/, @istrue );
my $zfsRecursive = $ini{$section}{'recursive'} && $ini{$section}{'recursive'} =~ /zfs/i;
my $skipChildren = $ini{$section}{'skip_children'} && grep( /^$ini{$section}{'skip_children'}$/, @istrue );
my @datasets;
if ($zfsRecursive || $recursive || $skipChildren) {
if ($zfsRecursive) {
$config{$section}{'zfs_recursion'} = 1;
@datasets = getchilddatasets($config{$section}{'path'});
DATASETS: foreach my $dataset(@datasets) {
chomp $dataset;
if ($zfsRecursive) {
# don't try to take the snapshot ourself, recursive zfs snapshot will take care of that
$config{$dataset}{'autosnap'} = 0;
foreach my $key (keys %{$config{$section}} ) {
if (! ($key =~ /template|recursive|children_only|autosnap/)) {
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: recursively setting $key from $section to $dataset.\n"; }
$config{$dataset}{$key} = $config{$section}{$key};
} else {
if ($skipChildren) {
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: ignoring $dataset.\n"; }
delete $config{$dataset};
foreach my $key (keys %{$config{$section}} ) {
if (! ($key =~ /template|recursive|children_only/)) {
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: recursively setting $key from $section to $dataset.\n"; }
$config{$dataset}{$key} = $config{$section}{$key};
$config{$dataset}{'path'} = $dataset;
$config{$dataset}{'initialized'} = 1;
return %config;
} # end sub init
sub get_date {
my %datestamp;
($datestamp{'sec'},$datestamp{'min'},$datestamp{'hour'},$datestamp{'mday'},$datestamp{'mon'},$datestamp{'year'},$datestamp{'wday'},$datestamp{'yday'},$datestamp{'isdst'}) = localtime(time);
$datestamp{'year'} += 1900;
$datestamp{'unix_time'} = (((((((($datestamp{'year'} - 1971) * 365) + $datestamp{'yday'}) * 24) + $datestamp{'hour'}) * 60) + $datestamp{'min'}) * 60) + $datestamp{'sec'};
$datestamp{'sec'} = sprintf ("%02u", $datestamp{'sec'});
$datestamp{'min'} = sprintf ("%02u", $datestamp{'min'});
$datestamp{'hour'} = sprintf ("%02u", $datestamp{'hour'});
$datestamp{'mday'} = sprintf ("%02u", $datestamp{'mday'});
$datestamp{'mon'} = sprintf ("%02u", ($datestamp{'mon'} + 1));
$datestamp{'noseconds'} = "$datestamp{'year'}-$datestamp{'mon'}-$datestamp{'mday'}_$datestamp{'hour'}:$datestamp{'min'}";
$datestamp{'sortable'} = "$datestamp{'noseconds'}:$datestamp{'sec'}";
return %datestamp;
sub displaytime {
# take a time in seconds, return it in human readable form
my ($elapsed) = @_;
my $days = int ($elapsed / 60 / 60 / 24);
$elapsed -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24;
my $hours = int ($elapsed / 60 / 60);
$elapsed -= $hours * 60 * 60;
my $minutes = int ($elapsed / 60);
$elapsed -= $minutes * 60;
my $seconds = int($elapsed);
my $humanreadable;
if ($days) { $humanreadable .= " $days" . 'd'; }
if ($hours || $days) { $humanreadable .= " $hours" . 'h'; }
if ($minutes || $hours || $days) { $humanreadable .= " $minutes" . 'm'; }
$humanreadable .= " $seconds" . 's';
$humanreadable =~ s/^ //;
return $humanreadable;
sub check_zpool() {
# check_zfs Nagios plugin for monitoring Sun ZFS zpools
# Copyright (c) 2007
# original Written by Nathan Butcher
# adapted for use within Sanoid framework by Jim Salter (2014)
# Released under the GNU Public License
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Version: 0.9.2
# Date : 24th July 2007
# This plugin has tested on FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT and Solaris 10
# With a bit of fondling, it could be expanded to recognize other OSes in
# future (e.g. if FUSE Linux gets off the ground)
# Verbose levels:-
# 1 - Only alert us of zpool health and size stats
# 2 - ...also alert us of failed devices when things go bad
# 3 - ...alert us of the status of all devices regardless of health
# Usage: check_zfs <zpool> <verbose level 1-3>
# Example: check_zfs zeepool 1
# ZPOOL zeedata : ONLINE {Size:3.97G Used:183K Avail:3.97G Cap:0%}
my $state="UNKNOWN";
my $msg="FAILURE";
my $pool=shift;
my $verbose=shift;
my $size="";
my $used="";
my $avail="";
my $cap="";
my $health="";
my $dmge="";
my $dedup="";
if ($verbose < 1 || $verbose > 3) {
print "Verbose levels range from 1-3\n";
exit $ERRORS{$state};
my $statcommand="$zpool list -o name,size,cap,health,free $pool";
if (! open STAT, "$statcommand|") {
print ("$state '$statcommand' command returns no result! NOTE: This plugin needs OS support for ZFS, and execution with root privileges.\n");
exit $ERRORS{$state};
# chuck the header line
my $header = <STAT>;
# find and parse the line with values for the pool
while(<STAT>) {
if (/^${pool}\s+/) {
my @row = split (/ +/);
my $name;
($name, $size, $cap, $health, $avail) = @row;
# Tony: Debuging
# print "Size: $size \t Used: $used \t Avai: $avail \t Cap: $cap \t Health: $health\n";
## check for valid zpool list response from zpool
if (! $health ) {
$state = "CRITICAL";
$msg = sprintf "ZPOOL {%s} does not exist and/or is not responding!\n", $pool;
print $state, " ", $msg;
exit ($ERRORS{$state});
## determine health of zpool and subsequent error status
if ($health eq "ONLINE" ) {
$state = "OK";
} else {
if ($health eq "DEGRADED") {
$state = "WARNING";
} else {
$state = "CRITICAL";
## get more detail on possible device failure
## flag to detect section of zpool status involving our zpool
my $poolfind=0;
$statcommand="$zpool status $pool";
if (! open STAT, "$statcommand|") {
$state = 'CRITICAL';
print ("$state '$statcommand' command returns no result! NOTE: This plugin needs OS support for ZFS, and execution with root privileges.\n");
exit $ERRORS{$state};
## go through zfs status output to find zpool fses and devices
while(<STAT>) {
if (/^\s${pool}/ && $poolfind==1) {
} elsif ( $poolfind==1 ) {
if ( /^$/ ) {
if ($poolfind == 2) {
## special cases pertaining to full verbose
if (/^\sspares/) {
next unless $verbose == 3;
$dmge=$dmge . "[SPARES]:- ";
if (/^\s{5}spare\s/) {
next unless $verbose == 3;
my ($sta) = /spare\s+(\S+)/;
$dmge=$dmge . "[SPARE:${sta}]:- ";
if (/^\s{5}replacing\s/) {
next unless $verbose == 3;
my $perc;
my ($sta) = /^\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/;
if (/%/) {
($perc) = /([0-9]+%)/;
} else {
$perc = "working";
$dmge=$dmge . "[REPLACING:${sta} (${perc})]:- ";
## other cases
my ($dev, $sta, $read, $write, $cksum) = /^\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
if (!defined($sta)) {
# cache and logs are special and don't have a status
## pool online, not degraded thanks to dead/corrupted disk
if ($state eq "OK" && $sta eq "UNAVAIL") {
## switching to verbose level 2 to explain weirdness
if ($verbose == 1) {
$verbose =2;
## no display for verbose level 1
next if ($verbose==1);
## don't display working devices for verbose level 2
if ($verbose==2 && ($state eq "OK" || $sta eq "ONLINE" || $sta eq "AVAIL" || $sta eq "INUSE")) {
# check for io/checksum errors
my @vdeverr = ();
if ($read != 0) { push @vdeverr, "read" };
if ($write != 0) { push @vdeverr, "write" };
if ($cksum != 0) { push @vdeverr, "cksum" };
if (scalar @vdeverr) {
$dmge=$dmge . "(" . $dev . ":" . join(", ", @vdeverr) . " errors) ";
if ($state eq "OK") { $state = "WARNING" };
## show everything else
if (/^\s{3}(\S+)/) {
$dmge=$dmge . "<" . $dev . ":" . $sta . "> ";
} elsif (/^\s{7}(\S+)/) {
$dmge=$dmge . "(" . $dev . ":" . $sta . ") ";
} else {
$dmge=$dmge . $dev . ":" . $sta . " ";
## calling all goats!
$msg = sprintf "ZPOOL %s : %s {Size:%s Free:%s Cap:%s} %s\n", $pool, $health, $size, $avail, $cap, $dmge;
$msg = "$state $msg";
return ($ERRORS{$state},$msg);
} # end check_zpool()
sub check_capacity_limit {
my $value = shift;
if (!defined($value) || $value !~ /^\d+\z/) {
return undef;
if ($value < 0 || $value > 100) {
return undef;
return 1
sub check_zpool_capacity() {
my $state="UNKNOWN";
my $msg="FAILURE";
my $pool=shift;
my $capacitylimitsref=shift;
my %capacitylimits=%$capacitylimitsref;
my $statcommand="$zpool list -H -o cap $pool";
if (! open STAT, "$statcommand|") {
print ("$state '$statcommand' command returns no result!\n");
exit $ERRORS{$state};
my $line = <STAT>;
chomp $line;
my @row = split(/ +/, $line);
my $cap=$row[0];
## check for valid capacity value
if ($cap !~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}%$/ ) {
$state = "CRITICAL";
$msg = sprintf "ZPOOL {%s} does not exist and/or is not responding!\n", $pool;
print $state, " ", $msg;
exit ($ERRORS{$state});
# check capacity
my $capn = $cap;
$capn =~ s/\D//g;
if (defined($capacitylimits{"warn"})) {
if ($capn >= $capacitylimits{"warn"}) {
$state = "WARNING";
if (defined($capacitylimits{"crit"})) {
if ($capn >= $capacitylimits{"crit"}) {
$state = "CRITICAL";
$msg = sprintf "ZPOOL %s : %s\n", $pool, $cap;
$msg = "$state $msg";
return ($ERRORS{$state},$msg);
} # end check_zpool_capacity()
sub check_prune_defer {
my ($config, $section) = @_;
my $limit = $config{$section}{"prune_defer"};
if (!check_capacity_limit($limit)) {
die "ERROR: invalid prune_defer limit!\n";
if ($limit eq 0) {
return 0;
my @parts = split /\//, $section, 2;
my $pool = $parts[0];
if (exists $capacitycache{$pool}) {
} else {
$capacitycache{$pool} = get_zpool_capacity($pool);
if ($limit < $capacitycache{$pool}) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_zpool_capacity {
my $pool = shift;
my $statcommand="$zpool list -H -o cap $pool";
if (! open STAT, "$statcommand|") {
die "ERROR: '$statcommand' command returns no result!\n";
my $line = <STAT>;
chomp $line;
my @row = split(/ +/, $line);
my $cap=$row[0];
## check for valid capacity value
if ($cap !~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}%$/ ) {
die "ERROR: '$statcommand' command returned invalid capacity value ($cap)!\n";
$cap =~ s/\D//g;
return $cap;
sub checklock {
# take argument $lockname.
# read /var/run/$lockname.lock for a pid on first line and a mutex on second line.
# check process list to see if the pid from /var/run/$lockname.lock is still active with
# the original mutex found in /var/run/$lockname.lock.
# return:
# 0 if lock is present and valid for another process
# 1 if no lock is present
# 2 if lock is present, but we own the lock
# shorthand - any true return indicates we are clear to lock; a false return indicates
# that somebody else already has the lock and therefore we cannot.
my $lockname = shift;
my $lockfile = "/var/run/$lockname.lock";
if (! -e $lockfile) {
# no lockfile
return 1;
# make sure lockfile contains something
if ( -z $lockfile) {
# zero size lockfile, something is wrong
die "ERROR: something is wrong! $lockfile is empty\n";
# lockfile exists. read pid and mutex from it. see if it's our pid. if not, see if
# there's still a process running with that pid and with the same mutex.
open FH, "< $lockfile" or die "ERROR: unable to open $lockfile";
my @lock = <FH>;
close FH;
# if we didn't get exactly 2 items from the lock file there is a problem
if (scalar(@lock) != 2) {
die "ERROR: $lockfile is invalid.\n"
my $lockmutex = pop(@lock);
my $lockpid = pop(@lock);
chomp $lockmutex;
chomp $lockpid;
if ($lockpid == $$) {
# we own the lockfile. no need to check any further.
return 2;
open PL, "$pscmd -p $lockpid -o args= |";
my @processlist = <PL>;
close PL;
my $checkmutex = pop(@processlist);
chomp $checkmutex;
if ($checkmutex eq $lockmutex) {
# lock exists, is valid, is not owned by us - return false
return 0;
} else {
# lock is present but not valid - remove and return true
unlink $lockfile;
return 1;
sub removelock {
# take argument $lockname.
# make sure /var/run/$lockname.lock actually belongs to me (contains my pid and mutex)
# and remove it if it does, die if it doesn't.
my $lockname = shift;
my $lockfile = "/var/run/$lockname.lock";
if (checklock($lockname) == 2) {
unlink $lockfile;
} elsif (checklock($lockname) == 1) {
die "ERROR: No valid lockfile found - Did a rogue process or user update or delete it?\n";
} else {
die "ERROR: A valid lockfile exists but does not belong to me! I refuse to remove it.\n";
sub writelock {
# take argument $lockname.
# write a lockfile to /var/run/$lockname.lock with first line
# being my pid and second line being my mutex.
my $lockname = shift;
my $lockfile = "/var/run/$lockname.lock";
# die honorably rather than overwriting a valid, existing lock
if (! checklock($lockname)) {
die "ERROR: Valid lock already exists - I refuse to overwrite it. Committing seppuku now.\n";
my $pid = $$;
open PL, "$pscmd -p $$ -o args= |";
my @processlist = <PL>;
close PL;
my $mutex = pop(@processlist);
chomp $mutex;
open FH, "> $lockfile";
print FH "$pid\n";
print FH "$mutex\n";
close FH;
sub iszfsbusy {
# check to see if ZFS filesystem passed in as argument currently has a zfs send or zfs receive process referencing it.
# return true if busy (currently being sent or received), return false if not.
my $fs = shift;
# if (args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: checking to see if $fs on is already in zfs receive using $pscmd -Ao args= ...\n"; }
open PL, "$pscmd -Ao args= |";
my @processes = <PL>;
close PL;
foreach my $process (@processes) {
# if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: checking process $process...\n"; }
if ($process =~ /zfs *(send|receive|recv).*$fs/) {
# there's already a zfs send/receive process for our target filesystem - return true
# if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: process $process matches target $fs!\n"; }
return 1;
# no zfs receive processes for our target filesystem found - return false
return 0;
sub getchilddatasets {
# for later, if we make sanoid itself support sudo use
my $fs = shift;
my $mysudocmd = '';
my $getchildrencmd = "$mysudocmd $zfs list -o name -t filesystem,volume -Hr $fs |";
if ($args{'debug'}) { print "DEBUG: getting list of child datasets on $fs using $getchildrencmd...\n"; }
open FH, $getchildrencmd;
my @children = <FH>;
close FH;
# parent dataset is the first element
shift @children;
return @children;
sub removecachedsnapshots {
my $wait = shift;
if (not %pruned) {
my $unlocked = checklock('sanoid_cacheupdate');
if ($wait != 1 && not $unlocked) {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: deferring cache update (snapshot removal) - valid cache update lock held by another sanoid process.\n"; }
# wait until we can get a lock to do our cache changes
while (not $unlocked) {
if ($args{'verbose'}) { print "INFO: waiting for cache update lock held by another sanoid process.\n"; }
$unlocked = checklock('sanoid_cacheupdate');
if ($args{'verbose'}) {
print "INFO: removing destroyed snapshots from cache.\n";
open FH, "< $cache";
my @rawsnaps = <FH>;
close FH;
open FH, "> $cache" or die 'Could not write to $cache!\n';
foreach my $snapline ( @rawsnaps ) {
my @columns = split("\t", $snapline);
my $snap = $columns[0];
print FH $snapline unless ( exists($pruned{$snap}) );
close FH;
%snaps = getsnaps(\%config,$cacheTTL,$forcecacheupdate);
# clear hash
undef %pruned;
sub runscript {
my $key=shift;
my $dataset=shift;
my $timeout=$config{$dataset}{'script_timeout'};
my $ret;
eval {
if ($timeout gt 0) {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $timeout;
$ret = system($config{$dataset}{$key});
alarm 0;
if ($@) {
if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
warn "WARN: $key didn't finish in the allowed time!";
} else {
warn "CRITICAL ERROR: $@";
return -1;
} else {
if ($ret != 0) {
warn "WARN: $key failed, $?";
return $ret;
sub convertTimePeriod {
my $value=shift;
my $period=shift;
if ($value =~ /^\d+[yY]$/) {
$period = 60*60*24*31*365;
chop $value;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\d+[wW]$/) {
$period = 60*60*24*7;
chop $value;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\d+[dD]$/) {
$period = 60*60*24;
chop $value;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\d+[hH]$/) {
$period = 60*60;
chop $value;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\d+[mM]$/) {
$period = 60;
chop $value;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\d+[sS]$/) {
$period = 1;
chop $value;
} elsif ($value =~ /^\d+$/) {
# no unit, provided fallback period is used
} else {
# invalid value, return smallest valid value as fallback
# (will trigger a warning message for monitoring for sure)
return 1;
return $value * $period;
=head1 NAME
sanoid - ZFS snapshot management and replication tool
sanoid [options]
Assumes --cron --verbose if no other arguments (other than configdir) are specified
--configdir=DIR Specify a directory to find config file sanoid.conf
--cron Creates snapshots and purges expired snapshots
--verbose Prints out additional information during a sanoid run
--readonly Simulates creation/deletion of snapshots
--quiet Suppresses non-error output
--force-update Clears out sanoid's zfs snapshot cache
--monitor-health Reports on zpool "health", in a Nagios compatible format
--monitor-capacity Reports on zpool capacity, in a Nagios compatible format
--monitor-snapshots Reports on snapshot "health", in a Nagios compatible format
--take-snapshots Creates snapshots as specified in sanoid.conf
--prune-snapshots Purges expired snapshots as specified in sanoid.conf
--force-prune Purges expired snapshots even if a send/recv is in progress
--help Prints this helptext
--version Prints the version number
--debug Prints out a lot of additional information during a sanoid run