2020-11-24 11:52:20 +01:00

167 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file

# this software is licensed for use under the Free Software Foundation's GPL v3.0 license, as retrieved
# from on 2014-11-17. A copy should also be available in this
# project's Git repository at
$::VERSION = '2.1.0';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_version auto_help);
use Pod::Usage;
my $zfs = 'zfs';
my %args = ('path' => '');
GetOptions(\%args, "path=s") or pod2usage(2);
if ($args{'path'} eq '') {
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1) {
warn "file path missing!\n";
exit 127;
} else {
$args{'path'} = $ARGV[0];
my $dataset = getdataset($args{'path'});
my %versions = getversions($args{'path'}, $dataset);
foreach my $version (sort { $versions{$a}{'mtime'} <=> $versions{$b}{'mtime'} } keys %versions) {
my $disptime = localtime($versions{$version}{'mtime'});
my $dispsize = humansize($versions{$version}{'size'});
print "$disptime\t$dispsize\t$version\n";
exit 0;
sub humansize {
my ($rawsize) = @_;
my $humansize;
if ($rawsize > 1024*1024*1024) {
$humansize = sprintf("%.1f",$rawsize/1024/1024/1024) . ' GB';
} elsif ($rawsize > 1024*1024) {
$humansize = sprintf("%.1f",$rawsize/1024/1024) . ' MB';
} elsif ($rawsize > 255) {
$humansize = sprintf("%.1f",$rawsize/1024) . ' KB';
} else {
$humansize = $rawsize . ' Bytes';
return $humansize;
sub getversions {
my ($path, $dataset) = @_;
my @snaps = findsnaps($dataset, $args{'path'});
my $snappath = '.zfs/snapshot';
my $relpath = $path;
$relpath =~ s/^$dataset\///;
my %versions;
foreach my $snap (@snaps) {
my $filename = "$dataset/$snappath/$snap/$relpath";
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($filename);
if (!defined $size) {
# only push to the $versions hash if this size and mtime aren't already present (simple dedupe)
my $duplicate = 0;
foreach my $version (keys %versions) {
if ($versions{$version}{'size'} eq $size && $versions{$version}{'mtime'} eq $mtime) {
$duplicate = 1;
if (! $duplicate) {
$versions{$filename}{'size'} = $size;
$versions{$filename}{'mtime'} = $mtime;
my $filename = "$dataset/$relpath";
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($filename);
if (defined $size) {
$versions{$filename}{'size'} = $size;
$versions{$filename}{'mtime'} = $mtime;
return %versions;
sub findsnaps {
my ($dataset, $path) = @_;
my $snappath = '.zfs/snapshot';
my $relpath = $path;
$relpath =~ s/^$dataset//;
my @snaps;
opendir (my $dh, "$dataset/$snappath");
while (my $dir=(readdir $dh)) {
if ($dir ne '.' && $dir ne '..') { push @snaps, $dir; }
closedir $dh;
return @snaps;
sub getdataset {
my ($path) = @_;
open FH, "$zfs list -H -t filesystem -o mountpoint,mounted |";
my @datasets = <FH>;
close FH;
my @matchingdatasets;
foreach my $dataset (@datasets) {
chomp $dataset;
my ($mountpoint, $mounted) = ($dataset =~ m/([^\t]*)\t*(.*)/);
if ($mounted ne "yes") {
if ( $path =~ /^$mountpoint/ ) { push @matchingdatasets, $mountpoint; }
my $bestmatch = '';
foreach my $dataset (@matchingdatasets) {
if ( length $dataset > length $bestmatch ) { $bestmatch = $dataset; }
return $bestmatch;
=head1 NAME
findoid - ZFS file version listing tool
findoid [options] FILE
FILE local path to file for version listing
--path=FILE alternative to specify file path to list versions for
--help Prints this helptext
--version Prints the version number