import base64 import re from collections import OrderedDict import requests class Spoofer: def __init__(self): self.seed_timezone_regex = r'[a-z]\.initialSeed\("(?P[\w=]+)",window\.utimezone\.(?P[a-z]+)\)' # note: {timezones} should be replaced with every capitalized timezone joined by a | self.info_extras_regex = r'name:"\w+/(?P{timezones})",info:"(?P[\w=]+)",extras:"(?P[\w=]+)"' self.appId_regex = r'{app_id:"(?P\d{9})",app_secret:"\w{32}",base_port:"80",base_url:"https://www\.qobuz\.com",base_method:"/api\.json/0\.2/"},n\.base_url="https://play\.qobuz\.com"' login_page_request = requests.get("") login_page = login_page_request.text bundle_url_match = r'', login_page, ) bundle_url = bundle_req = requests.get("" + bundle_url) self.bundle = bundle_req.text def getAppId(self): return, self.bundle).group("app_id") def getSecrets(self): seed_matches = re.finditer(self.seed_timezone_regex, self.bundle) secrets = OrderedDict() for match in seed_matches: seed, timezone ="seed", "timezone") secrets[timezone] = [seed] """The code that follows switches around the first and second timezone. Why? Read on: Qobuz uses two ternary (a shortened if statement) conditions that should always return false. The way Javascript's ternary syntax works, the second option listed is what runs if the condition returns false. Because of this, we must prioritize the *second* seed/timezone pair captured, not the first. """ keypairs = list(secrets.items()) secrets.move_to_end(keypairs[1][0], last=False) info_extras_regex = self.info_extras_regex.format( timezones="|".join([timezone.capitalize() for timezone in secrets]) ) info_extras_matches = re.finditer(info_extras_regex, self.bundle) for match in info_extras_matches: timezone, info, extras ="timezone", "info", "extras") secrets[timezone.lower()] += [info, extras] for secret_pair in secrets: secrets[secret_pair] = base64.standard_b64decode( "".join(secrets[secret_pair])[:-44] ).decode("utf-8") return secrets