import datetime import hashlib import logging import os import time from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Generator, Sequence, Tuple, Union import requests import tidalapi from dogpile.cache import make_region from .constants import ( AGENT, CACHE_DIR, DEEZER_MAX_Q, DEEZER_Q_IDS, QOBUZ_FEATURED_KEYS, TIDAL_MAX_Q, TIDAL_Q_IDS, ) from .exceptions import ( AuthenticationError, IneligibleError, InvalidAppIdError, InvalidAppSecretError, InvalidQuality, ) from .spoofbuz import Spoofer os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True) region = make_region().configure( "dogpile.cache.dbm", arguments={"filename": os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "clients.db")}, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TRACK_CACHE_TIME = datetime.timedelta(weeks=2).total_seconds() RELEASE_CACHE_TIME = datetime.timedelta(days=1).total_seconds() # Qobuz QOBUZ_BASE = "" # Deezer DEEZER_BASE = "" DEEZER_DL = "" # ----------- Abstract Classes ----------------- class ClientInterface(ABC): """Common API for clients of all platforms. This is an Abstract Base Class. It cannot be instantiated; it is merely a template. """ @abstractmethod def login(self, **kwargs): """Authenticate the client. :param kwargs: """ pass @abstractmethod def search(self, query: str, media_type="album"): """Search API for query. :param query: :type query: str :param type_: """ pass @abstractmethod def get(self, item_id, media_type="album"): """Get metadata. :param meta_id: :param type_: """ pass @abstractmethod def get_file_url(self, track_id, quality=6) -> Union[dict]: """Get the direct download url dict for a file. :param track_id: id of the track """ pass @property @abstractmethod def source(self): pass # ------------- Clients ----------------- class QobuzClient(ClientInterface): # ------- Public Methods ------------- def __init__(self): self.logged_in = False def login(self, email: str, pwd: str, **kwargs): """Authenticate the QobuzClient. Must have a paid membership. If `app_id` and `secrets` are not provided, this will run the Spoofer script, which retrieves them. This will take some time, so it is recommended to cache them somewhere for reuse. :param email: email for the qobuz account :type email: str :param pwd: password for the qobuz account :type pwd: str :param kwargs: app_id: str, secrets: list, return_secrets: bool """ if self.logged_in: logger.debug("Already logged in") return if (kwargs.get("app_id") or kwargs.get("secrets")) in (None, [], ""):"Fetching tokens from Qobuz") spoofer = Spoofer() kwargs["app_id"] = spoofer.get_app_id() kwargs["secrets"] = spoofer.get_secrets() self.app_id = str(kwargs["app_id"]) # Ensure it is a string self.secrets = kwargs["secrets"] self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers.update( { "User-Agent": AGENT, "X-App-Id": self.app_id, } ) self._api_login(email, pwd) logger.debug("Logged into Qobuz") self._validate_secrets() logger.debug("Qobuz client is ready to use") self.logged_in = True def get_tokens(self) -> Tuple[str, Sequence[str]]: return self.app_id, self.secrets def search( self, query: str, media_type: str = "album", limit: int = 500 ) -> Generator: """Search the qobuz API. If 'featured' is given as media type, this will retrieve results from the featured albums in qobuz. The queries available with this type are: * most-streamed * recent-releases * best-sellers * press-awards * ideal-discography * editor-picks * most-featured * qobuzissims * new-releases * new-releases-full * harmonia-mundi * universal-classic * universal-jazz * universal-jeunesse * universal-chanson :param query: :type query: str :param media_type: :type media_type: str :param limit: :type limit: int :rtype: Generator """ return self._api_search(query, media_type, limit) @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=RELEASE_CACHE_TIME) def get(self, item_id: Union[str, int], media_type: str = "album") -> dict: return self._api_get(media_type, item_id=item_id) def get_file_url(self, item_id, quality=6) -> dict: return self._api_get_file_url(item_id, quality=quality) @property def source(self): return "qobuz" # ---------- Private Methods --------------- # Credit to Sorrow446 for the original methods def _gen_pages(self, epoint: str, params: dict) -> dict: page, status_code = self._api_request(epoint, params) logger.debug("Keys returned from _gen_pages: %s", ", ".join(page.keys())) key = epoint.split("/")[0] + "s" total = page.get(key, {}) total = total.get("total") or total.get("items") if not total: logger.debug("Nothing found from %s epoint", epoint) return limit = page.get(key, {}).get("limit", 500) offset = page.get(key, {}).get("offset", 0) params.update({"limit": limit}) yield page while (offset + limit) < total: offset += limit params.update({"offset": offset}) page, status_code = self._api_request(epoint, params) yield page def _validate_secrets(self): for secret in self.secrets: if self._test_secret(secret): self.sec = secret logger.debug("Working secret and app_id: %s - %s", secret, self.app_id) break if not hasattr(self, "sec"): raise InvalidAppSecretError(f"Invalid secrets: {self.secrets}") def _api_get(self, media_type: str, **kwargs) -> dict: item_id = kwargs.get("item_id") params = { "app_id": self.app_id, f"{media_type}_id": item_id, "limit": kwargs.get("limit", 500), "offset": kwargs.get("offset", 0), } extras = { "artist": "albums", "playlist": "tracks", "label": "albums", # not tested } if media_type in extras: params.update({"extra": extras[media_type]}) epoint = f"{media_type}/get" response, status_code = self._api_request(epoint, params) return response def _api_search(self, query, media_type, limit=500) -> Generator: params = { "query": query, "limit": limit, } # TODO: move featured, favorites, and playlists into _api_get later if media_type == "featured": assert query in QOBUZ_FEATURED_KEYS, f'query "{query}" is invalid.' params.update({"type": query}) del params["query"] epoint = "album/getFeatured" elif query == "user-favorites": assert query in ("track", "artist", "album") params.update({"type": f"{media_type}s"}) epoint = "favorite/getUserFavorites" elif query == "user-playlists": epoint = "playlist/getUserPlaylists" else: epoint = f"{media_type}/search" return self._gen_pages(epoint, params) def _api_login(self, email: str, pwd: str): # usr_info = self._api_call("user/login", email=email, pwd=pwd) params = { "email": email, "password": pwd, "app_id": self.app_id, } epoint = "user/login" resp, status_code = self._api_request(epoint, params) if status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(f"Invalid credentials from params {params}") elif status_code == 400: raise InvalidAppIdError(f"Invalid app id from params {params}") else:"Logged in to Qobuz") if not resp["user"]["credential"]["parameters"]: raise IneligibleError("Free accounts are not eligible to download tracks.") self.uat = resp["user_auth_token"] self.session.headers.update({"X-User-Auth-Token": self.uat}) self.label = resp["user"]["credential"]["parameters"]["short_label"] def _api_get_file_url( self, track_id: Union[str, int], quality: int = 6, sec: str = None ) -> dict: unix_ts = time.time() if int(quality) not in (5, 6, 7, 27): # Needed? raise InvalidQuality(f"Invalid quality id {quality}. Choose 5, 6, 7 or 27") if sec is not None: secret = sec elif hasattr(self, "sec"): secret = self.sec else: raise InvalidAppSecretError("Cannot find app secret") r_sig = f"trackgetFileUrlformat_id{quality}intentstreamtrack_id{track_id}{unix_ts}{secret}" logger.debug("Raw request signature: %s", r_sig) r_sig_hashed = hashlib.md5(r_sig.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() logger.debug("Hashed request signature: %s", r_sig_hashed) params = { "request_ts": unix_ts, "request_sig": r_sig_hashed, "track_id": track_id, "format_id": quality, "intent": "stream", } response, status_code = self._api_request("track/getFileUrl", params) if status_code == 400: raise InvalidAppSecretError("Invalid app secret from params %s" % params) return response def _api_request(self, epoint: str, params: dict) -> Tuple[dict, int]: logging.debug(f"Calling API with endpoint {epoint} params {params}") r = self.session.get(f"{QOBUZ_BASE}/{epoint}", params=params) try: return r.json(), r.status_code except Exception: logger.error("Problem getting JSON. Status code: %s", r.status_code) raise def _test_secret(self, secret: str) -> bool: try: self._api_get_file_url("19512574", sec=secret) return True except InvalidAppSecretError as error: logger.debug("Test for %s secret didn't work: %s", secret, error) return False class DeezerClient(ClientInterface): def __init__(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.logged_in = True def search(self, query: str, media_type: str = "album", limit: int = 200) -> dict: """Search API for query. :param query: :type query: str :param media_type: :type media_type: str :param limit: :type limit: int """ # TODO: more robust url sanitize query = query.replace(" ", "+") if media_type.endswith("s"): media_type = media_type[:-1] # TODO: use limit parameter response = self.session.get(f"{DEEZER_BASE}/search/{media_type}?q={query}") response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def login(self, **kwargs): logger.debug("Deezer does not require login call, returning") @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=RELEASE_CACHE_TIME) def get(self, meta_id: Union[str, int], media_type: str = "album"): """Get metadata. :param meta_id: :type meta_id: Union[str, int] :param type_: :type type_: str """ url = f"{DEEZER_BASE}/{media_type}/{meta_id}" item = self.session.get(url).json() if media_type in ("album", "playlist"): tracks = self.session.get(f"{url}/tracks").json() item["tracks"] = tracks["data"] item["track_total"] = len(tracks["data"]) elif media_type == "artist": albums = self.session.get(f"{url}/albums").json() item["albums"] = albums["data"] return item @staticmethod def get_file_url(meta_id: Union[str, int], quality: int = 6): quality = min(DEEZER_MAX_Q, quality) url = f"{DEEZER_DL}/{DEEZER_Q_IDS[quality]}/{DEEZER_BASE}/track/{meta_id}" logger.debug(f"Download url {url}") return url @property def source(self): return "deezer" class TidalClient(ClientInterface): def __init__(self): self.logged_in = False def login(self, email: str, pwd: str): if self.logged_in: return config = tidalapi.Config() self.session = tidalapi.Session(config=config) self.session.login(email, pwd)"Logged into Tidal") self.logged_in = True @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=RELEASE_CACHE_TIME) def search(self, query: str, media_type: str = "album", limit: int = 50): """ :param query: :type query: str :param media_type: artist, album, playlist, or track :type media_type: str :param limit: :type limit: int :raises ValueError: if field value is invalid """ return self._search(query, media_type, limit=limit) @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=RELEASE_CACHE_TIME) def get(self, meta_id: Union[str, int], media_type: str = "album"): """Get metadata. :param meta_id: :type meta_id: Union[str, int] :param media_type: :type media_type: str """ return self._get(meta_id, media_type) def get_file_url(self, meta_id: Union[str, int], quality: int = 6): """ :param meta_id: :type meta_id: Union[str, int] :param quality: :type quality: int """ logger.debug(f"Fetching file url with quality {quality}") return self._get_file_url(meta_id, quality=min(TIDAL_MAX_Q, quality)) @property def source(self): return "tidal" def _search(self, query, media_type="album", **kwargs): params = { "query": query, "limit": kwargs.get("limit", 50), } return self.session.request("GET", f"search/{media_type}s", params).json() def _get(self, media_id, media_type="album"): if media_type == "album": info = self.session.request("GET", f"albums/{media_id}") tracklist = self.session.request("GET", f"albums/{media_id}/tracks") album = info.json() album["tracks"] = tracklist.json() return album elif media_type == "track": return self.session.request("GET", f"tracks/{media_id}").json() elif media_type == "playlist": return self.session.request("GET", f"playlists/{media_id}/tracks").json() elif media_type == "artist": return self.session.request("GET", f"artists/{media_id}/albums").json() else: raise ValueError def _get_file_url(self, track_id, quality=6): params = {"soundQuality": TIDAL_Q_IDS[quality]} resp = self.session.request("GET", f"tracks/{track_id}/streamUrl", params) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()