import logging import os import re import shutil import sys from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from pprint import pprint from tempfile import gettempdir from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union import click import requests from mutagen.flac import FLAC, Picture from mutagen.id3 import APIC, ID3, ID3NoHeaderError from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename, sanitize_filepath from . import converter from .clients import ClientInterface from .constants import ( ALBUM_KEYS, EXT, FLAC_MAX_BLOCKSIZE, FOLDER_FORMAT, TRACK_FORMAT, ) from .db import QobuzDB from .exceptions import ( InvalidQuality, InvalidSourceError, NonStreamable, TooLargeCoverArt, ) from .metadata import TrackMetadata from .utils import ( clean_format, quality_id, safe_get, tidal_cover_url, tqdm_download, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO: add the other quality options TIDAL_Q_MAP = { "LOW": 4, "HIGH": 5, "LOSSLESS": 6, "HI_RES": 7, } # used to homogenize cover size keys COVER_SIZES = ("thumbnail", "small", "large") TYPE_REGEXES = { "remaster": re.compile(r"(?i)(re)?master(ed)?"), "extra": re.compile(r"(?i)(anniversary|deluxe|live|collector|demo|expanded)"), } class Track: """Represents a downloadable track. Loading metadata as a single track: >>> t = Track(client, id='20252078') >>> t.load_meta() # load metadata from api Loading metadata as part of an Album: >>> t = Track.from_album_meta(api_track_dict, client) where `api_track_dict` is a track entry in an album tracklist. Downloading and tagging: >>> >>> t.tag() """ def __init__(self, client: ClientInterface, **kwargs): """Create a track object. The only required parameter is client, but passing at an id is highly recommended. Every value in kwargs will be set as an attribute of the object. (TODO: make this safer) :param track_id: track id returned by Qobuz API :type track_id: Optional[Union[str, int]] :param client: qopy client :type client: ClientInterface :param meta: TrackMetadata object :type meta: Optional[TrackMetadata] :param kwargs: id, filepath_format, meta, quality, folder """ self.client = client self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # adjustments after blind attribute sets self.file_format = kwargs.get("track_format", TRACK_FORMAT) self.container = "FLAC" self.sampling_rate = 44100 self.bit_depth = 16 self.__is_downloaded = False self.__is_tagged = False for attr in ("quality", "folder", "meta"): setattr(self, attr, None) if isinstance(kwargs.get("meta"), TrackMetadata): self.meta = kwargs["meta"] else: self.meta = None # `load_meta` must be called at some point logger.debug("Track: meta not provided") if (u := kwargs.get("cover_url")) is not None: logger.debug(f"Cover url: {u}") self.cover_url = u def load_meta(self): """Send a request to the client to get metadata for this Track.""" assert hasattr(self, "id"), "id must be set before loading metadata" track_meta = self.client.get(, media_type="track") self.meta = TrackMetadata( track=track_meta, source=self.client.source ) # meta dict -> TrackMetadata object @staticmethod def _get_tracklist(resp, source): if source in ("qobuz", "tidal"): return resp["tracks"]["items"] elif source == "deezer": return resp["tracks"] raise NotImplementedError(source) def download( self, quality: int = 7, parent_folder: str = "Downloads", progress_bar: bool = True, database: QobuzDB = None, ): """ Download the track. :param quality: (5, 6, 7, 27) :type quality: int :param folder: folder to download the files to :type folder: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] :param progress_bar: turn on/off progress bar :type progress_bar: bool """ self.quality, self.folder = ( quality or self.quality, parent_folder or self.folder, ) self.folder = sanitize_filepath(parent_folder) os.makedirs(self.folder, exist_ok=True) assert database is not None # remove this later if os.path.isfile(self.format_final_path()) or in database: self.__is_downloaded = True self.__is_tagged = True click.secho(f"Track already downloaded: {self.final_path}", fg="green") return False if hasattr(self, "cover_url"): self.download_cover() dl_info = self.client.get_file_url(, quality) # dict temp_file = os.path.join(gettempdir(), f"~{}_{quality}.tmp") logger.debug("Temporary file path: %s", temp_file) if self.client.source == "qobuz": if not (dl_info.get("sampling_rate") and dl_info.get("url")) or dl_info.get( "sample" ): logger.debug("Track is not downloadable: %s", dl_info) return False self.sampling_rate = dl_info.get("sampling_rate") self.bit_depth = dl_info.get("bit_depth") if os.path.isfile(temp_file): logger.debug("Temporary file found: %s", temp_file) self.__is_downloaded = True self.__is_tagged = False if self.client.source in ("qobuz", "tidal"): logger.debug("Downloadable URL found: %s", dl_info.get("url")) tqdm_download(dl_info["url"], temp_file) # downloads file elif isinstance(dl_info, str): # Deezer logger.debug("Downloadable URL found: %s", dl_info) tqdm_download(dl_info, temp_file) # downloads file else: raise InvalidSourceError(self.client.source) shutil.move(temp_file, self.final_path) database.add( logger.debug("Downloaded: %s -> %s", temp_file, self.final_path) self.__is_downloaded = True return True def download_cover(self): """Downloads the cover art, if cover_url is given.""" assert hasattr(self, "cover_url"), "must pass cover_url parameter" self.cover_path = os.path.join(self.folder, f"cover{hash(self.cover_url)}.jpg") logger.debug(f"Downloading cover from {self.cover_url}") if not os.path.exists(self.cover_path): tqdm_download(self.cover_url, self.cover_path) else: logger.debug("Cover already exists, skipping download") self.cover = Tracklist.get_cover_obj(self.cover_path, self.quality) logger.debug(f"Cover obj: {self.cover}") def format_final_path(self) -> str: """Return the final filepath of the downloaded file. This uses the `get_formatter` method of TrackMetadata, which returns a dict with the keys allowed in formatter strings, and their values in the TrackMetadata object. """ formatter = self.meta.get_formatter() # filename = sanitize_filepath(self.file_format.format(**formatter)) filename = clean_format(self.file_format, formatter) self.final_path = ( os.path.join(self.folder, filename)[:250].strip() + EXT[self.quality] # file extension dict ) logger.debug("Formatted path: %s", self.final_path) return self.final_path @classmethod def from_album_meta(cls, album: dict, pos: int, client: ClientInterface): """Return a new Track object initialized with info from the album dicts returned by client.get calls. :param album: album metadata returned by API :param pos: index of the track :param client: qopy client object :type client: ClientInterface :raises IndexError """ track = cls._get_tracklist(album, client.source)[pos] meta = TrackMetadata(album=album, track=track, source=client.source) return cls(client=client, meta=meta, id=track["id"]) @classmethod def from_api(cls, item: dict, client: ClientInterface): meta = TrackMetadata(track=item, source=client.source) try: if client.source == "qobuz": cover_url = item["album"]["image"]["small"] elif client.source == "tidal": cover_url = tidal_cover_url(item["album"]["cover"], 320) elif client.source == "deezer": cover_url = item["album"]["cover_medium"] else: raise InvalidSourceError(client.source) except KeyError: cover_url = None return cls( client=client, meta=meta, id=item["id"], cover_url=cover_url, ) def tag( self, album_meta: dict = None, cover: Union[Picture, APIC] = None, embed_cover: bool = False, ): """Tag the track using the stored metadata. The info stored in the TrackMetadata object (self.meta) can be updated with album metadata if necessary. The cover must be a mutagen cover-type object that already has the bytes loaded. :param album_meta: album metadata to update Track with :type album_meta: dict :param cover: initialized mutagen cover object :type cover: Union[Picture, APIC] """ assert isinstance(self.meta, TrackMetadata), "meta must be TrackMetadata" if not self.__is_downloaded: "Track %s not tagged because it was not downloaded", self["title"] ) return if self.__is_tagged: "Track %s not tagged because it is already tagged", self["title"] ) return if album_meta is not None: self.meta.add_album_meta(album_meta) # extend meta with album info if self.quality in (6, 7, 27): self.container = "FLAC" logger.debug("Tagging file with %s container", self.container) audio = FLAC(self.final_path) elif self.quality == 5: self.container = "MP3" logger.debug("Tagging file with %s container", self.container) try: audio = ID3(self.final_path) except ID3NoHeaderError: audio = ID3() elif self.quality == 4: # tidal and deezer # TODO: add compatibility with MP4 container raise NotImplementedError("Qualities < 320kbps not implemented") else: raise InvalidQuality(f'Invalid quality: "{self.quality}"') # automatically generate key, value pairs based on container for k, v in self.meta.tags(self.container): audio[k] = v if cover is None and embed_cover: assert hasattr(self, "cover") cover = self.cover if isinstance(audio, FLAC): if embed_cover: audio.add_picture(cover) elif isinstance(audio, ID3): if embed_cover: audio.add(cover), "v2_version=3") else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown container type: {audio}") self.__is_tagged = True def convert(self, codec: str = "ALAC", **kwargs): """Converts the track to another codec. Valid values for codec: * FLAC * ALAC * MP3 * OPUS * OGG * VORBIS * AAC * M4A :param codec: the codec to convert the track to :type codec: str :param kwargs: """ assert self.__is_downloaded, "Track must be downloaded before conversion" CONV_CLASS = { "FLAC": converter.FLAC, "ALAC": converter.ALAC, "MP3": converter.LAME, "OPUS": converter.OPUS, "OGG": converter.Vorbis, "VORBIS": converter.Vorbis, "AAC": converter.AAC, "M4A": converter.AAC, } self.container = codec.upper() engine = CONV_CLASS[codec.upper()]( filename=self.final_path, sampling_rate=kwargs.get("sampling_rate"), remove_source=kwargs.get("remove_source", True), ) engine.convert() def get(self, *keys, default=None): """Safe get method that allows for layered access. :param keys: :param default: """ return safe_get(self.meta, *keys, default=default) def set(self, key, val): """Equivalent to __setitem__. Implemented only for consistency. :param key: :param val: """ self.__setitem__(key, val) def __getitem__(self, key): """Dict-like interface for Track metadata. :param key: """ return getattr(self.meta, key) def __setitem__(self, key, val): """Dict-like interface for Track metadata. :param key: :param val: """ setattr(self.meta, key, val) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the track. :rtype: str """ return f"" class Tracklist(list, ABC): """A base class for tracklist-like objects. Implements methods to give it dict-like behavior. If a Tracklist subclass is subscripted with [s: str], it will return an attribute s. If it is subscripted with [i: int] it will return the i'th track in the tracklist. >>> tlist = Tracklist() >>> tlist.tracklistname = 'my tracklist' >>> tlist.append('first track') >>> tlist[0] 'first track' >>> tlist['tracklistname'] 'my tracklist' >>> tlist[2] IndexError """ def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, int]): if isinstance(key, str): return getattr(self, key) if isinstance(key, int): return super().__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key: Union[str, int], val: Any): if isinstance(key, str): setattr(self, key, val) if isinstance(key, int): super().__setitem__(key, val) def get(self, key: Union[str, int], default: Optional[Any]): if isinstance(key, str): if hasattr(self, key): return getattr(self, key) return default if isinstance(key, int): if 0 <= key < len(self): return super().__getitem__(key) return default def set(self, key, val): self.__setitem__(key, val) def convert(self, codec="ALAC", **kwargs): if (sr := kwargs.get("sampling_rate")) : if sr < 44100: logger.warning( "Sampling rate %d is lower than 44.1kHz." "This may cause distortion and ruin the track.", kwargs["sampling_rate"], ) else: logger.debug(f"Downsampling to {sr/1000}kHz") for track in self: track.convert(codec, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_api(cls, item: dict, client: ClientInterface): """Create an Album object from the api response of Qobuz, Tidal, or Deezer. :param resp: response dict :type resp: dict :param source: in ('qobuz', 'deezer', 'tidal') :type source: str """ info = cls._parse_get_resp(item, client=client) # equivalent to Album(client=client, **info) return cls(client=client, **info) @staticmethod def get_cover_obj(cover_path: str, quality: int) -> Union[Picture, APIC]: """Given the path to an image and a quality id, return an initialized cover object that can be used for every track in the album. :param cover_path: :type cover_path: str :param quality: :type quality: int :rtype: Union[Picture, APIC] """ cover_type = {5: APIC, 6: Picture, 7: Picture, 27: Picture} cover = cover_type.get(quality) if cover is Picture: size_ = os.path.getsize(cover_path) if size_ > FLAC_MAX_BLOCKSIZE: raise TooLargeCoverArt( "Not suitable for Picture embed: {size_ * 10 ** 6}MB" ) elif cover is None: raise InvalidQuality(f"Quality {quality} not allowed") cover_obj = cover() cover_obj.type = 3 cover_obj.mime = "image/jpeg" with open(cover_path, "rb") as img: = return cover_obj @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _parse_get_resp(item, client): pass @abstractmethod def download(self, **kwargs): pass @staticmethod def essence(album: str) -> str: """Ignore text in parens/brackets, return all lowercase. Used to group two albums that may be named similarly, but not exactly the same. """ # fixme: compile this first match = re.match(r"([^\(]+)(?:\s*[\(\[][^\)][\)\]])*", album) if match: return return album class Album(Tracklist): """Represents a downloadable Qobuz album. Usage: >>> resp = client.get('fleetwood mac rumours', 'album') >>> album = Album.from_api(resp['items'][0], client) >>> album.load_meta() >>> """ def __init__(self, client: ClientInterface, **kwargs): """Create a new Album object. :param client: a qopy client instance :param album_id: album id returned by qobuz api :type album_id: Union[str, int] :param kwargs: """ self.client = client self.sampling_rate = None self.bit_depth = None self.container = None self.folder_format = kwargs.get("album_format", FOLDER_FORMAT) for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # to improve from_api method speed if kwargs.get("load_on_init"): self.load_meta() self.downloaded = False def load_meta(self): assert hasattr(self, "id"), "id must be set to load metadata" self.meta = self.client.get(, media_type="album") # update attributes based on response for k, v in self._parse_get_resp(self.meta, self.client).items(): setattr(self, k, v) # prefer to __dict__.update for properties if not self.get("streamable", False): # Typing's sake raise NonStreamable(f"This album is not streamable ({} ID)") self._load_tracks() @classmethod def from_api(cls, resp, client): info = cls._parse_get_resp(resp, client) return cls(client, **info) @staticmethod def _parse_get_resp(resp: dict, client: ClientInterface) -> dict: """Parse information from a client.get(query, 'album') call. :param resp: :type resp: dict :rtype: dict """ if client.source == "qobuz": return { "id": resp.get("id"), "title": resp.get("title"), "_artist": resp.get("artist") or resp.get("performer"), "albumartist": resp.get("artist", {}).get("name"), "year": str(resp.get("release_date_original"))[:4], "version": resp.get("version"), "release_type": resp.get("release_type", "album"), "cover_urls": resp.get("image"), "streamable": resp.get("streamable"), "quality": quality_id( resp.get("maximum_bit_depth"), resp.get("maximum_sampling_rate") ), "bit_depth": resp.get("maximum_bit_depth"), "sampling_rate": resp.get("maximum_sampling_rate") * 1000, "tracktotal": resp.get("tracks_count"), } elif client.source == "tidal": return { "id": resp.get("id"), "title": resp.get("title"), "_artist": safe_get(resp, "artist", "name"), "albumartist": safe_get(resp, "artist", "name"), "year": str(resp.get("year"))[:4], "version": resp.get("version"), "cover_urls": { size: tidal_cover_url(resp.get("cover"), x) for size, x in zip(COVER_SIZES, (160, 320, 1280)) }, "streamable": resp.get("allowStreaming"), "quality": TIDAL_Q_MAP[resp.get("audioQuality")], "bit_depth": 16, "sampling_rate": 44100, "tracktotal": resp.get("numberOfTracks"), } elif client.source == "deezer": return { "id": resp.get("id"), "title": resp.get("title"), "_artist": safe_get(resp, "artist", "name"), "albumartist": safe_get(resp, "artist", "name"), "year": str(resp.get("year"))[:4], # version not given by API "cover_urls": { sk: resp.get(rk) # size key, resp key for sk, rk in zip( COVER_SIZES, ("cover", "cover_medium", "cover_xl") ) }, "url": resp.get("link"), "streamable": True, # api only returns streamables "quality": 6, # all tracks are 16/44.1 streamable "bit_depth": 16, "sampling_rate": 44100, "tracktotal": resp.get("track_total"), } raise InvalidSourceError(client.source) def _load_tracks(self): """Given an album metadata dict returned by the API, append all of its tracks to `self`. This uses a classmethod to convert an item into a Track object, which stores the metadata inside a TrackMetadata object. """ logging.debug("Loading tracks to album") for i in range(self.tracktotal): # append method inherited from superclass list self.append( Track.from_album_meta(album=self.meta, pos=i, client=self.client) ) @property def title(self) -> str: """Return the title of the album. It is formatted so that "version" keys are included. :rtype: str """ album_title = self._title if isinstance(self.version, str): if self.version.lower() not in album_title.lower(): album_title = f"{album_title} ({self.version})" return album_title @title.setter def title(self, val): """Sets the internal _title attribute to the given value. :param val: title to set """ self._title = val def download( self, quality: int = 7, parent_folder: Union[str, os.PathLike] = "Downloads", progress_bar: bool = True, tag_tracks: bool = True, cover_key: str = "large", embed_cover: bool = False, database: QobuzDB = None, ): """Download all of the tracks in the album. :param quality: (5, 6, 7, 27) :type quality: int :param parent_folder: the folder to download the album to :type parent_folder: Union[str, os.PathLike] :param progress_bar: turn on/off a tqdm progress bar :type progress_bar: bool """ folder = self._get_formatted_folder(parent_folder) os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) logger.debug("Directory created: %s", folder) # choose optimal cover size and download it cover = None cover_path = os.path.join(folder, "cover.jpg") if os.path.isfile(cover_path): logger.debug("Cover already downloaded: %s. Skipping", cover_path) else: if self.cover_urls: cover_url = self.cover_urls.get(cover_key) img = requests.head(cover_url) if int(img.headers["Content-Length"]) > FLAC_MAX_BLOCKSIZE: # 16.7 MB f"{cover_key} cover size is too large to " "embed. Using small cover instead" ) cover_url = self.cover_urls.get("small") tqdm_download(cover_url, cover_path) if self.client.source != "deezer" and embed_cover: cover = self.get_cover_obj(cover_path, quality) for track in self: logger.debug("Downloading track to %s", folder), folder, progress_bar, database=database) if tag_tracks and self.client.source != "deezer": track.tag(cover=cover, embed_cover=embed_cover) logger.debug("Final album folder: %s", folder) self.downloaded = True def _get_formatter(self) -> dict: dict_ = dict() for key in ALBUM_KEYS: if hasattr(self, key): dict_[key] = getattr(self, key) else: dict_[key] = None dict_["sampling_rate"] /= 1000 # 48.0kHz -> 48kHz, 44.1kHz -> 44.1kHz if dict_["sampling_rate"] % 1 == 0.0: dict_["sampling_rate"] = int(dict_["sampling_rate"]) return dict_ def _get_formatted_folder(self, parent_folder: str) -> str: if self.bit_depth is not None and self.sampling_rate is not None: self.container = "FLAC" elif self.client.source == "qobuz": self.container = "MP3" elif self.client.source == "tidal": self.container = "AAC" else: raise Exception(f"{self.bit_depth=}, {self.sampling_rate=}") formatted_folder = clean_format(self.folder_format, self._get_formatter()) return os.path.join(parent_folder, formatted_folder) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of this Album object. Useful for pprint and json.dumps. :rtype: str """ # Avoid AttributeError if load_on_init key is not set if hasattr(self, "albumartist"): return f"" return f"" class Playlist(Tracklist): """Represents a downloadable Qobuz playlist. Usage: >>> resp = client.get('hip hop', 'playlist') >>> pl = Playlist.from_api(resp['items'][0], client) >>> pl.load_meta() >>> """ def __init__(self, client: ClientInterface, **kwargs): """Create a new Playlist object. :param client: a qopy client instance :param album_id: playlist id returned by qobuz api :type album_id: Union[str, int] :param kwargs: """ self.client = client for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # to improve from_api method speed if kwargs.get("load_on_init"): self.load_meta() @classmethod def from_api(cls, resp: dict, client: ClientInterface): """Return a Playlist object initialized with information from a search result returned by the API. :param resp: a single search result entry of a playlist :type resp: dict :param client: :type client: ClientInterface """ info = cls._parse_get_resp(resp, client) return cls(client, **info) def load_meta(self, **kwargs): """Send a request to fetch the tracklist from the api. :param new_tracknumbers: replace the tracknumber with playlist position :type new_tracknumbers: bool :param kwargs: """ self.meta = self.client.get(, "playlist") = self.meta.get("name") self._load_tracks(**kwargs) def _load_tracks(self, new_tracknumbers: bool = True): """Parses the tracklist returned by the API. :param new_tracknumbers: replace tracknumber tag with playlist position :type new_tracknumbers: bool """ if self.client.source == "qobuz": tracklist = self.meta["tracks"]["items"] def gen_cover(track): # ? return track["album"]["image"]["small"] def meta_args(track): return {"track": track, "album": track["album"]} elif self.client.source == "tidal": tracklist = self.meta["items"] def gen_cover(track): cover_url = tidal_cover_url(track["album"]["cover"], 320) return cover_url def meta_args(track): return { "track": track, "source": self.client.source, } elif self.client.source == "deezer": tracklist = self.meta["tracks"] def gen_cover(track): return track["album"]["cover_medium"] def meta_args(track): return {"track": track, "source": self.client.source} else: raise NotImplementedError for i, track in enumerate(tracklist): # TODO: This should be managed with .m3u files and alike. Arbitrary # tracknumber tags might cause conflicts if the playlist files are # inside of a library folder meta = TrackMetadata(**meta_args(track)) if new_tracknumbers: meta["tracknumber"] = f"{i:02}" self.append( Track( self.client, id=track.get("id"), meta=meta, cover_url=gen_cover(track), ) ) logger.debug(f"Loaded {len(self)} tracks from playlist {}") def download( self, parent_folder: str = "Downloads", quality: int = 6, filters: Callable = None, embed_cover: bool = False, database: QobuzDB = None, ): """Download and tag all of the tracks. :param parent_folder: :type parent_folder: str :param quality: :type quality: int :param filters: :type filters: Callable """ folder = sanitize_filename( folder = os.path.join(parent_folder, folder) for track in self:, quality=quality, database=database) if self.client.source != "deezer": track.tag(embed_cover=embed_cover) @staticmethod def _parse_get_resp(item: dict, client: ClientInterface): """Parses information from a search result returned by a call. :param item: :type item: dict :param client: :type client: ClientInterface """ if client.source == "qobuz": return { "name": item.get("name"), "id": item.get("id"), } elif client.source == "tidal": return { "name": item["title"], "id": item["uuid"], } elif client.source == "deezer": return { "name": item["title"], "id": item["id"], } raise InvalidSourceError(client.source) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of this Playlist object. Useful for pprint and json.dumps. :rtype: str """ return f"" class Artist(Tracklist): """Represents a downloadable artist. Usage: >>> resp = client.get('fleetwood mac', 'artist') >>> artist = Artist.from_api(resp['items'][0], client) >>> artist.load_meta() >>> """ def __init__(self, client: ClientInterface, **kwargs): """Create a new Artist object. :param client: a qopy client instance :param album_id: artist id returned by qobuz api :type album_id: Union[str, int] :param kwargs: """ self.client = client for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # to improve from_api method speed if kwargs.get("load_on_init"): self.load_meta() def load_meta(self): """Send an API call to get album info based on id.""" self.meta = self.client.get(, media_type="artist") self._load_albums() = self.meta.get("name") def _load_albums(self): """From the discography returned by client.get(query, 'artist'), generate album objects and append them to self. """ if self.client.source == "qobuz": albums = self.meta["albums"]["items"] elif self.client.source == "tidal": albums = self.meta["items"] elif self.client.source == "deezer": albums = self.meta["albums"] else: raise InvalidSourceError(self.client.source) for album in albums: logger.debug("Appending album: %s", album.get("title")) self.append(Album.from_api(album, self.client)) def download( self, parent_folder: str = "Downloads", filters: Optional[Tuple] = None, no_repeats: bool = False, quality: int = 6, embed_cover: bool = False, database: QobuzDB = None, ): """Download all albums in the discography. :param filters: Filters to apply to discography, see options below. These only work for Qobuz. :type filters: Optional[Tuple] :param no_repeats: Remove repeats :type no_repeats: bool :param quality: in (4, 5, 6, 7, 27) :type quality: int """ folder = sanitize_filename( folder = os.path.join(parent_folder, folder) logger.debug("Artist folder: %s", folder) logger.debug(f"Length of tracklist {len(self)}") if no_repeats: final = self._remove_repeats(bit_depth=max, sampling_rate=min) else: final = self if isinstance(filters, tuple) and self.client.source == "qobuz": filters = [getattr(self, filter_) for filter_ in filters] logger.debug("Filters: %s", filters) for filter_ in filters: def inter(album): """Intermediate function to pass self into f""" return filter_(self, album) final = filter(inter, final) i = 0 for album in final: i += 1 click.secho(f"Downloading album: {album}", fg="blue") try: album.load_meta() except NonStreamable:"Skipping album, not available to stream.") parent_folder=folder, quality=quality, embed_cover=embed_cover, database=database, ) logger.debug(f"{i} albums downloaded") @classmethod def from_api(cls, item: dict, client: ClientInterface, source: str = "qobuz"): """Create an Artist object from the api response of Qobuz, Tidal, or Deezer. :param resp: response dict :type resp: dict :param source: in ('qobuz', 'deezer', 'tidal') :type source: str """ logging.debug("Loading item from API") info = cls._parse_get_resp(item, client) # equivalent to Artist(client=client, **info) return cls(client=client, **info) def _remove_repeats(self, bit_depth=max, sampling_rate=max): """Remove the repeated albums from self. May remove different versions of the same album. :param bit_depth: either max or min functions :param sampling_rate: either max or min functions """ groups = dict() for album in self: if (t := self.essence(album.title)) not in groups: groups[t] = [] groups[t].append(album) for group in groups.values(): assert bit_depth in (min, max) and sampling_rate in (min, max) best_bd = bit_depth(a["bit_depth"] for a in group) best_sr = sampling_rate(a["sampling_rate"] for a in group) for album in group: if album["bit_depth"] == best_bd and album["sampling_rate"] == best_sr: yield album break @staticmethod def _parse_get_resp(item: dict, client: ClientInterface): """Parse a result from a call. :param item: the item to parse :type item: dict :param client: :type client: ClientInterface """ if client.source in ("qobuz", "deezer"): info = { "name": item.get("name"), "id": item.get("id"), } elif client.source == "tidal": info = { "name": item["name"], "id": item["id"], } else: raise InvalidSourceError(client.source) return info # ----------- Filters -------------- @staticmethod def studio_albums(artist, album: Album) -> bool: """Passed as a parameter by the user. >>> This will download only studio albums. :param artist: usually self :param album: the album to check :type album: Album :rtype: bool """ return ( album["albumartist"] != "Various Artists" and TYPE_REGEXES["extra"].search(album.title) is None ) @staticmethod def no_features(artist, album): """Passed as a parameter by the user. >>> This will download only albums where the requested artist is the album artist. :param artist: usually self :param album: the album to check :type album: Album :rtype: bool """ return artist["name"] == album["albumartist"] @staticmethod def no_extras(artist, album): """Passed as a parameter by the user. >>> This will skip any extras. :param artist: usually self :param album: the album to check :type album: Album :rtype: bool """ return TYPE_REGEXES["extra"].search(album.title) is None @staticmethod def remaster_only(artist, album): """Passed as a parameter by the user. >>> This will download only remasterd albums. :param artist: usually self :param album: the album to check :type album: Album :rtype: bool """ return TYPE_REGEXES["remaster"].search(album.title) is not None @staticmethod def albums_only(artist, album): """This will ignore non-album releases. >>> :param artist: usually self :param album: the album to check :type album: Album :rtype: bool """ # Doesn't work yet return album["release_type"] == "album" # --------- Magic Methods -------- def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of this Artist object. Useful for pprint and json.dumps. :rtype: str """ return f"" class Label(Artist): def load_meta(self): assert self.client.source == "qobuz", "Label source must be qobuz" resp = self.client.get(, "label") = resp["name"] for album in resp["albums"]["items"]: pprint(album) self.append(Album.from_api(album, client=self.client)) def __repr__(self): return f"