import asyncio import base64 import functools import hashlib import itertools import json import logging import os import re import shutil import tempfile import time from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Callable, Optional import aiofiles import aiohttp import m3u8 import requests from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES, Blowfish from Cryptodome.Util import Counter from .. import converter from ..exceptions import NonStreamableError logger = logging.getLogger("streamrip") BLOWFISH_SECRET = "g4el58wc0zvf9na1" def generate_temp_path(url: str): return os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), f"__streamrip_{hash(url)}_{time.time()}.download", ) @dataclass(slots=True) class Downloadable(ABC): session: aiohttp.ClientSession url: str extension: str chunk_size = 2**17 _size: Optional[int] = None async def download(self, path: str, callback: Callable[[int], Any]): await self._download(path, callback) async def size(self) -> int: if hasattr(self, "_size") and self._size is not None: return self._size async with self.session.head(self.url) as response: response.raise_for_status() content_length = response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0) self._size = int(content_length) return self._size @abstractmethod async def _download(self, path: str, callback: Callable[[int], None]): raise NotImplementedError class BasicDownloadable(Downloadable): """Just downloads a URL.""" def __init__(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str, extension: str): self.session = session self.url = url self.extension = extension self._size = None async def _download(self, path: str, callback): # Attempt to fix async performance issues by manually and infrequently # yielding to event loop selector counter = 0 yield_every = 16 with open(path, "wb") as file: with requests.get(self.url, allow_redirects=True, stream=True) as resp: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=self.chunk_size): file.write(chunk) callback(len(chunk)) if counter % yield_every == 0: await asyncio.sleep(0) counter += 1 class DeezerDownloadable(Downloadable): is_encrypted = re.compile("/m(?:obile|edia)/") # chunk_size = 2048 * 3 def __init__(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, info: dict): logger.debug("Deezer info for downloadable: %s", info) self.session = session self.url = info["url"] max_quality_available = max( i for i, size in enumerate(info["quality_to_size"]) if size > 0 ) self.quality = min(info["quality"], max_quality_available) self._size = info["quality_to_size"][self.quality] if self.quality <= 1: self.extension = "mp3" else: self.extension = "flac" = str(info["id"]) async def _download(self, path: str, callback): # with requests.Session().get(self.url, allow_redirects=True) as resp: async with self.session.get(self.url, allow_redirects=True) as resp: resp.raise_for_status() self._size = int(resp.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) if self._size < 20000 and not self.url.endswith(".jpg"): try: info = await resp.json() try: # Usually happens with deezloader downloads raise NonStreamableError(f"{info['error']} - {info['message']}") except KeyError: raise NonStreamableError(info) except json.JSONDecodeError: raise NonStreamableError("File not found.") if is None: logger.debug(f"Deezer file at {self.url} not encrypted.") async with, "wb") as file: async for chunk in resp.content.iter_chunked(self.chunk_size): await file.write(chunk) # typically a bar.update() callback(len(chunk)) else: blowfish_key = self._generate_blowfish_key( logger.debug( "Deezer file (id %s) at %s is encrypted. Decrypting with %s",, self.url, blowfish_key, ) buf = bytearray() async for data, _ in resp.content.iter_chunks(): buf += data callback(len(data)) async with, "wb") as audio: buflen = len(buf) for i in range(0, buflen, self.chunk_size): data = buf[i : min(i + self.chunk_size, buflen)] if len(data) >= 2048: decrypted_chunk = ( self._decrypt_chunk(blowfish_key, data[:2048]) + data[2048:] ) else: decrypted_chunk = data await audio.write(decrypted_chunk) @staticmethod def _decrypt_chunk(key, data): """Decrypt a chunk of a Deezer stream. :param key: :param data: """ return key, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, b"\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07", ).decrypt(data) @staticmethod def _generate_blowfish_key(track_id: str) -> bytes: """Generate the blowfish key for Deezer downloads. :param track_id: :type track_id: str """ md5_hash = hashlib.md5(track_id.encode()).hexdigest() # good luck :) return "".join( chr(functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x ^ y, map(ord, t))) for t in zip(md5_hash[:16], md5_hash[16:], BLOWFISH_SECRET) ).encode() class TidalDownloadable(Downloadable): """A wrapper around BasicDownloadable that includes Tidal-specific error messages. """ def __init__( self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str | None, codec: str, encryption_key: str | None, restrictions, ): self.session = session codec = codec.lower() if codec in ("flac", "mqa"): self.extension = "flac" else: self.extension = "m4a" if url is None: # Turn CamelCase code into a readable sentence if restrictions: words = re.findall(r"([A-Z][a-z]+)", restrictions[0]["code"]) raise NonStreamableError( words[0] + " " + " ".join(map(str.lower, words[1:])), ) raise NonStreamableError( f"Tidal download: dl_info = {url, codec, encryption_key}" ) self.url = url self.enc_key = encryption_key self.downloadable = BasicDownloadable(session, url, self.extension) async def _download(self, path: str, callback): await self.downloadable._download(path, callback) if self.enc_key is not None: dec_bytes = await self._decrypt_mqa_file(path, self.enc_key) async with, "wb") as audio: await audio.write(dec_bytes) @property def _size(self): return self.downloadable._size @_size.setter def _size(self, v): self.downloadable._size = v @staticmethod async def _decrypt_mqa_file(in_path, encryption_key): """Decrypt an MQA file. :param in_path: :param out_path: :param encryption_key: """ # Do not change this master_key = "UIlTTEMmmLfGowo/UC60x2H45W6MdGgTRfo/umg4754=" # Decode the base64 strings to ascii strings master_key = base64.b64decode(master_key) security_token = base64.b64decode(encryption_key) # Get the IV from the first 16 bytes of the securityToken iv = security_token[:16] encrypted_st = security_token[16:] # Initialize decryptor decryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) # Decrypt the security token decrypted_st = decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_st) # Get the audio stream decryption key and nonce from the decrypted security token key = decrypted_st[:16] nonce = decrypted_st[16:24] counter =, prefix=nonce, initial_value=0) decryptor =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter) async with, "rb") as enc_file: dec_bytes = decryptor.decrypt(await return dec_bytes class SoundcloudDownloadable(Downloadable): def __init__(self, session, info: dict): self.session = session self.file_type = info["type"] if self.file_type == "mp3": self.extension = "mp3" elif self.file_type == "original": self.extension = "flac" else: raise Exception(f"Invalid file type: {self.file_type}") self.url = info["url"] async def _download(self, path, callback): if self.file_type == "mp3": await self._download_mp3(path, callback) else: await self._download_original(path, callback) async def _download_original(self, path: str, callback): downloader = BasicDownloadable(self.session, self.url, "flac") await, callback) self.size = downloader.size engine = converter.FLAC(path) await engine.convert(path) async def _download_mp3(self, path: str, callback): # TODO: make progress bar reflect bytes async with self.session.get(self.url) as resp: content = await resp.text("utf-8") parsed_m3u = m3u8.loads(content) self._size = len(parsed_m3u.segments) tasks = [ asyncio.create_task(self._download_segment(segment.uri)) for segment in parsed_m3u.segments ] segment_paths = [] for coro in asyncio.as_completed(tasks): segment_paths.append(await coro) callback(1) await concat_audio_files(segment_paths, path, "mp3") async def _download_segment(self, segment_uri: str) -> str: tmp = generate_temp_path(segment_uri) async with self.session.get(segment_uri) as resp: resp.raise_for_status() async with, "wb") as file: content = await await file.write(content) return tmp async def size(self) -> int: if self.file_type == "mp3": async with self.session.get(self.url) as resp: content = await resp.text("utf-8") parsed_m3u = m3u8.loads(content) self._size = len(parsed_m3u.segments) return await super().size() async def concat_audio_files(paths: list[str], out: str, ext: str, max_files_open=128): """Concatenate audio files using FFmpeg. Batched by max files open. Recurses log_{max_file_open}(len(paths)) times. """ if shutil.which("ffmpeg") is None: raise Exception("FFmpeg must be installed.") # Base case if len(paths) == 1: shutil.move(paths[0], out) return it = iter(paths) num_batches = len(paths) // max_files_open + ( 1 if len(paths) % max_files_open != 0 else 0 ) tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() outpaths = [ os.path.join( tempdir, f"__streamrip_ffmpeg_{hash(paths[i*max_files_open])}.{ext}", ) for i in range(num_batches) ] for p in outpaths: try: os.remove(p) # in case of failure except FileNotFoundError: pass proc_futures = [] for i in range(num_batches): command = ( "ffmpeg", "-i", f"concat:{'|'.join(itertools.islice(it, max_files_open))}", "-acodec", "copy", "-loglevel", "warning", outpaths[i], ) fut = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*command, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) proc_futures.append(fut) # Create all processes concurrently processes = await asyncio.gather(*proc_futures) # wait for all of them to finish await asyncio.gather(*[p.communicate() for p in processes]) for proc in processes: if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception( f"FFMPEG returned with status code {proc.returncode} error: {proc.stderr} output: {proc.stdout}", ) # Recurse on remaining batches await concat_audio_files(outpaths, out, ext)