
330 lines
11 KiB

import asyncio
import base64
import json
import logging
import re
import time
import aiohttp
from ..config import Config
from ..exceptions import NonStreamableError
from .client import Client
from .downloadable import TidalDownloadable
logger = logging.getLogger("streamrip")
BASE = ""
CLIENT_ID = base64.b64decode("elU0WEhWVmtjMnREUG80dA==").decode("iso-8859-1")
CLIENT_SECRET = base64.b64decode(
AUTH = aiohttp.BasicAuth(login=CLIENT_ID, password=CLIENT_SECRET)
STREAM_URL_REGEX = re.compile(
0: "LOW", # AAC
1: "HIGH", # AAC
2: "LOSSLESS", # CD Quality
3: "HI_RES", # MQA
class TidalClient(Client):
source = "tidal"
max_quality = 3
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self.logged_in = False
self.global_config = config
self.config = config.session.tidal
self.rate_limiter = self.get_rate_limiter(
async def login(self):
self.session = await self.get_session()
c = self.config
if not c.access_token:
raise Exception("Access token not found in config.")
self.token_expiry = float(c.token_expiry)
self.refresh_token = c.refresh_token
if self.token_expiry - time.time() < 86400: # 1 day
await self._refresh_access_token()
await self._login_by_access_token(c.access_token, c.user_id)
self.logged_in = True
async def get_metadata(self, item_id: str, media_type: str) -> dict:
"""Send a request to the api for information.
:param item_id:
:type item_id: str
:param media_type: track, album, playlist, or video.
:type media_type: str
:rtype: dict
assert media_type in ("track", "playlist", "album", "artist"), media_type
url = f"{media_type}s/{item_id}"
item = await self._api_request(url)
if media_type in ("playlist", "album"):
# TODO: move into new method and make concurrent
resp = await self._api_request(f"{url}/items")
tracks_left = item["numberOfTracks"]
if tracks_left > 100:
offset = 0
while tracks_left > 0:
offset += 100
tracks_left -= 100
items_resp = await self._api_request(
f"{url}/items", {"offset": offset}
item["tracks"] = [item["item"] for item in resp["items"]]
elif media_type == "artist":
logger.debug("filtering eps")
album_resp, ep_resp = await asyncio.gather(
self._api_request(f"{url}/albums", params={"filter": "EPSANDSINGLES"}),
item["albums"] = album_resp["items"]
return item
async def search(self, media_type: str, query: str, limit: int = 100) -> list[dict]:
"""Search for a query.
:param query:
:type query: str
:param media_type: track, album, playlist, or video.
:type media_type: str
:param limit: max is 100
:type limit: int
:rtype: dict
params = {
"query": query,
"limit": limit,
assert media_type in ("album", "track", "playlist", "video", "artist")
resp = await self._api_request(f"search/{media_type}s", params=params)
if len(resp["items"]) > 1:
return [resp]
return []
async def get_downloadable(self, track_id: str, quality: int):
params = {
"audioquality": QUALITY_MAP[quality],
"playbackmode": "STREAM",
"assetpresentation": "FULL",
resp = await self._api_request(
f"tracks/{track_id}/playbackinfopostpaywall", params
manifest = json.loads(base64.b64decode(resp["manifest"]).decode("utf-8"))
except KeyError:
raise Exception(resp["userMessage"])
enc_key = manifest.get("keyId")
if manifest.get("encryptionType") == "NONE":
enc_key = None
return TidalDownloadable(
async def get_video_file_url(self, video_id: str) -> str:
"""Get the HLS video stream url.
The stream is downloaded using ffmpeg for now.
:param video_id:
:type video_id: str
:rtype: str
params = {
"videoquality": "HIGH",
"playbackmode": "STREAM",
"assetpresentation": "FULL",
resp = await self._api_request(
f"videos/{video_id}/playbackinfopostpaywall", params=params
manifest = json.loads(base64.b64decode(resp["manifest"]).decode("utf-8"))
async with self.session.get(manifest["urls"][0]) as resp:
available_urls = await resp.json()
available_urls.encoding = "utf-8"
# Highest resolution is last
*_, last_match = STREAM_URL_REGEX.finditer(available_urls.text)
# ---------- Login Utilities ---------------
async def _login_by_access_token(self, token: str, user_id: str):
"""Login using the access token.
Used after the initial authorization.
:param token: access token
:param user_id: To verify that the user is correct
headers = {"authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} # temporary
async with self.session.get(
) as _resp:
resp = await _resp.json()
if resp.get("status", 200) != 200:
raise Exception(f"Login failed {resp}")
if str(resp.get("userId")) != str(user_id):
raise Exception(f"User id mismatch {resp['userId']} v {user_id}")
c = self.config
c.user_id = resp["userId"]
c.country_code = resp["countryCode"]
c.access_token = token
async def _get_login_link(self) -> str:
data = {
"client_id": CLIENT_ID,
"scope": "r_usr+w_usr+w_sub",
resp = await self._api_post(f"{AUTH_URL}/device_authorization", data)
if resp.get("status", 200) != 200:
raise Exception(f"Device authorization failed {resp}")
device_code = resp["deviceCode"]
return f"https://{device_code}"
def _update_authorization_from_config(self):
{"authorization": f"Bearer {self.config.access_token}"},
async def _get_auth_status(self, device_code) -> tuple[int, dict[str, int | str]]:
"""Check if the user has logged in inside the browser.
returns (status, authentication info)
data = {
"client_id": CLIENT_ID,
"device_code": device_code,
"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code",
"scope": "r_usr+w_usr+w_sub",
logger.debug("Checking with %s", data)
resp = await self._api_post(f"{AUTH_URL}/token", data, AUTH)
if "status" in resp and resp["status"] != 200:
if resp["status"] == 400 and resp["sub_status"] == 1002:
return 2, {}
return 1, {}
ret = {}
ret["user_id"] = resp["user"]["userId"]
ret["country_code"] = resp["user"]["countryCode"]
ret["access_token"] = resp["access_token"]
ret["refresh_token"] = resp["refresh_token"]
ret["token_expiry"] = resp["expires_in"] + time.time()
return 0, ret
async def _refresh_access_token(self):
"""Refresh the access token given a refresh token.
The access token expires in a week, so it must be refreshed.
Requires a refresh token.
data = {
"client_id": CLIENT_ID,
"refresh_token": self.refresh_token,
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"scope": "r_usr+w_usr+w_sub",
resp = await self._api_post(f"{AUTH_URL}/token", data, AUTH)
if resp.get("status", 200) != 200:
raise Exception("Refresh failed")
c = self.config
c.access_token = resp["access_token"]
c.token_expiry = resp["expires_in"] + time.time()
async def _get_device_code(self) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Get the device code that will be used to log in on the browser."""
if not hasattr(self, "session"):
self.session = await self.get_session()
data = {
"client_id": CLIENT_ID,
"scope": "r_usr+w_usr+w_sub",
resp = await self._api_post(f"{AUTH_URL}/device_authorization", data)
if resp.get("status", 200) != 200:
raise Exception(f"Device authorization failed {resp}")
return resp["deviceCode"], resp["verificationUriComplete"]
# ---------- API Request Utilities ---------------
async def _api_post(self, url, data, auth: aiohttp.BasicAuth | None = None) -> dict:
"""Post to the Tidal API. Status not checked!
:param url:
:param data:
:param auth:
async with self.rate_limiter:
async with, data=data, auth=auth) as resp:
return await resp.json()
async def _api_request(self, path: str, params=None) -> dict:
"""Handle Tidal API requests.
:param path:
:type path: str
:param params:
:rtype: dict
if params is None:
params = {}
params["countryCode"] = self.config.country_code
params["limit"] = 100
async with self.rate_limiter:
async with self.session.get(f"{BASE}/{path}", params=params) as resp:
if resp.status == 404:
logger.warning("TIDAL: track not found", resp)
raise NonStreamableError("TIDAL: Track not found")
return await resp.json()