
290 lines
9.6 KiB

import asyncio
import hashlib
import logging
import re
import time
from typing import AsyncGenerator, Optional
from .client import Client
from .config import Config
from .downloadable import BasicDownloadable, Downloadable
from .exceptions import (
from .qobuz_spoofer import QobuzSpoofer
logger = logging.getLogger("streamrip")
class QobuzClient(Client):
source = "qobuz"
max_quality = 4
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self.logged_in = False
self.config = config
self.rate_limiter = self.get_rate_limiter(
self.secret: Optional[str] = None
async def login(self):"Logging into qobuz")
self.session = await self.get_session()
c = self.config.session.qobuz
if not c.email_or_userid or not c.password_or_token:
raise MissingCredentials
assert not self.logged_in, "Already logged in"
if not c.app_id or not c.secrets:"App id/secrets not found, fetching")
c.app_id, c.secrets = await self._get_app_id_and_secrets()
# write to file
f = self.config.file
f.qobuz.app_id = c.app_id
f.qobuz.secrets = c.secrets
f.set_modified()"Found {c.app_id = } {c.secrets = }")
self.session.headers.update({"X-App-Id": c.app_id})
self.secret = await self._get_valid_secret(c.secrets)
if c.use_auth_token:
params = {
"user_id": c.email_or_userid,
"user_auth_token": c.password_or_token,
"app_id": c.app_id,
params = {
"email": c.email_or_userid,
"password": c.password_or_token,
"app_id": c.app_id,
logger.debug("Request params %s", params)
status, resp = await self._api_request("user/login", params)
logger.debug("Login resp: %s", resp)
if status == 401:
raise AuthenticationError(f"Invalid credentials from params {params}")
elif status == 400:
raise InvalidAppIdError(f"Invalid app id from params {params}")"Logged in to Qobuz")
if not resp["user"]["credential"]["parameters"]:
raise IneligibleError("Free accounts are not eligible to download tracks.")
uat = resp["user_auth_token"]
self.session.headers.update({"X-User-Auth-Token": uat})
# label = resp_json["user"]["credential"]["parameters"]["short_label"]
self.logged_in = True
async def get_metadata(self, item_id: str, media_type: str):
c = self.config.session.qobuz
params = {
"app_id": c.app_id,
f"{media_type}_id": item_id,
# Do these matter?
"limit": 500,
"offset": 0,
extras = {
"artist": "albums",
"playlist": "tracks",
"label": "albums",
if media_type in extras:
params.update({"extra": extras[media_type]})
logger.debug("request params: %s", params)
epoint = f"{media_type}/get"
status, resp = await self._api_request(epoint, params)
if status != 200:
raise Exception(f'Error fetching metadata. "{resp["message"]}"')
return resp
async def search(
self, query: str, media_type: str, limit: int = 500
) -> AsyncGenerator:
params = {
"query": query,
# "limit": limit,
# TODO: move featured, favorites, and playlists into _api_get later
if media_type == "featured":
assert query in QOBUZ_FEATURED_KEYS, f'query "{query}" is invalid.'
params.update({"type": query})
del params["query"]
epoint = "album/getFeatured"
elif query == "user-favorites":
assert query in ("track", "artist", "album")
params.update({"type": f"{media_type}s"})
epoint = "favorite/getUserFavorites"
elif query == "user-playlists":
epoint = "playlist/getUserPlaylists"
epoint = f"{media_type}/search"
async for status, resp in self._paginate(epoint, params, limit=limit):
assert status == 200
yield resp
async def get_downloadable(self, item_id: str, quality: int) -> Downloadable:
assert self.secret is not None and self.logged_in and 1 <= quality <= 4
status, resp_json = await self._request_file_url(item_id, quality, self.secret)
assert status == 200
stream_url = resp_json.get("url")
if stream_url is None:
restrictions = resp_json["restrictions"]
if restrictions:
# Turn CamelCase code into a readable sentence
words = re.findall(r"([A-Z][a-z]+)", restrictions[0]["code"])
raise NonStreamable(
words[0] + " " + " ".join(map(str.lower, words[1:])) + "."
raise NonStreamable
return BasicDownloadable(
self.session, stream_url, "flac" if quality > 1 else "mp3"
async def _paginate(
self, epoint: str, params: dict, limit: Optional[int] = None
) -> AsyncGenerator[tuple[int, dict], None]:
"""Paginate search results.
limit: If None, all the results are yielded. Otherwise a maximum
of `limit` results are yielded.
Generator that yields (status code, response) tuples
params.update({"limit": limit or 500})
status, page = await self._api_request(epoint, params)
logger.debug("paginate: initial request made with status %d", status)
# albums, tracks, etc.
key = epoint.split("/")[0] + "s"
items = page.get(key, {})
total = items.get("total", 0) or items.get("items", 0)
if limit is not None and limit < total:
total = limit
logger.debug("paginate: %d total items requested", total)
if not total:
logger.debug("Nothing found from %s epoint", epoint)
limit = int(page.get(key, {}).get("limit", 500))
offset = int(page.get(key, {}).get("offset", 0))
logger.debug("paginate: from response: limit=%d, offset=%d", limit, offset)
params.update({"limit": limit})
yield status, page
while (offset + limit) < total:
offset += limit
params.update({"offset": offset})
yield await self._api_request(epoint, params)
async def _get_app_id_and_secrets(self) -> tuple[str, list[str]]:
async with QobuzSpoofer() as spoofer:
return await spoofer.get_app_id_and_secrets()
async def _get_valid_secret(self, secrets: list[str]) -> str:
results = await asyncio.gather(
*[self._test_secret(secret) for secret in secrets]
working_secrets = [r for r in results if r is not None]
if len(working_secrets) == 0:
raise InvalidAppSecretError(secrets)
return working_secrets[0]
async def _test_secret(self, secret: str) -> Optional[str]:
status, _ = await self._request_file_url("19512574", 4, secret)
if status == 400:
return None
if status == 200:
return secret
logger.warning("Got status %d when testing secret", status)
return None
async def _request_file_url(
self, track_id: str, quality: int, secret: str
) -> tuple[int, dict]:
quality = self.get_quality(quality)
unix_ts = time.time()
r_sig = f"trackgetFileUrlformat_id{quality}intentstreamtrack_id{track_id}{unix_ts}{secret}"
logger.debug("Raw request signature: %s", r_sig)
r_sig_hashed = hashlib.md5(r_sig.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
logger.debug("Hashed request signature: %s", r_sig_hashed)
params = {
"request_ts": unix_ts,
"request_sig": r_sig_hashed,
"track_id": track_id,
"format_id": quality,
"intent": "stream",
return await self._api_request("track/getFileUrl", params)
async def _api_request(self, epoint: str, params: dict) -> tuple[int, dict]:
"""Make a request to the API.
returns: status code, json parsed response
url = f"{QOBUZ_BASE_URL}/{epoint}"
logger.debug("api_request: endpoint=%s, params=%s", epoint, params)
if self.rate_limiter is not None:
async with self.rate_limiter:
async with self.session.get(url, params=params) as response:
return response.status, await response.json()
# return await self.session.get(url, params=params)
async with self.session.get(url, params=params) as response:
resp_json = await response.json()
return response.status, resp_json
def get_quality(quality: int):
quality_map = (5, 6, 7, 27)
return quality_map[quality - 1]