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/// defines name of the Soundfile and name of the sound shown to the user with an extra function - both are defined in one case, seperated by a backslash - to be used for alerts - all these sounds will be shown
enum ConstantsSounds: String, CaseIterable {
// here using case iso properties because we want to iterate through them
/// name of the sound as shown to the user, and also stored in the alerttype
case batterwakeup = "Better Wake Up/betterwakeup.mp3"
case bruteforce = "Brute Force/bruteforce.mp3"
case modernalarm2 = "Modern Alert 2/modern2.mp3"
case modernalarm = "Modern Alert/modernalarm.mp3"
case shorthigh1 = "Short High 1/shorthigh1.mp3"
case shorthigh2 = "Short High 2/shorthigh2.mp3"
case shorthigh3 = "Short High 3/shorthigh3.mp3"
case shorthigh4 = "Short High 4/shorthigh4.mp3"
case shortlow1 = "Short Low 1/shortlow1.mp3"
case shortlow2 = "Short Low 2/shortlow2.mp3"
case shortlow3 = "Short Low 3/shortlow3.mp3"
case shortlow4 = "Short Low 4/shortlow4.mp3"
case spaceship = "Space Ship/spaceship.mp3"
case xdripalert = "xDrip Alert/xdripalert.aif"
/// gets all sound names in array, ie part of the case before the /
static func allSoundsBySoundNameAndFileName() -> (soundNames:[String], fileNames:[String]) {
var soundNames = [String]()
var soundFileNames = [String]()
soundloop: for sound in ConstantsSounds.allCases {
// ConstantsSounds defines available sounds. Per case there a string which is the soundname as shown in the UI and the filename of the sound in the Resources folder, seperated by backslash
// get array of indexes, of location of "/"
let indexOfBackSlash = sound.rawValue.indexes(of: "/")
// define range to get the soundname (as shown in UI)
let soundNameRange = sound.rawValue.startIndex..<indexOfBackSlash[0]
// now get the soundName in a string
let soundName = String(sound.rawValue[soundNameRange])
// add the soundName to the returnvalue
// define range to get the soundFileName
let languageCodeRange = sound.rawValue.index(after: indexOfBackSlash[0])..<sound.rawValue.endIndex
// now get the language in a string
let fileName = String(sound.rawValue[languageCodeRange])
// add the languageCode to the returnvalue
return (soundNames, soundFileNames)
/// gets the soundname for specific case
static func getSoundName(forSound:ConstantsSounds) -> String {
let indexOfBackSlash = forSound.rawValue.indexes(of: "/")
let soundNameRange = forSound.rawValue.startIndex..<indexOfBackSlash[0]
return String(forSound.rawValue[soundNameRange])
/// gets the soundFie for specific case
static func getSoundFile(forSound:ConstantsSounds) -> String {
let indexOfBackSlash = forSound.rawValue.indexes(of: "/")
let soundNameRange = forSound.rawValue.index(after: indexOfBackSlash[0])..<forSound.rawValue.endIndex
return String(forSound.rawValue[soundNameRange])