fix for iphone 10 devices and crash during reading batteryinfo

This commit is contained in:
Johan Degraeve 2019-05-28 23:43:44 +02:00
parent e117e2d207
commit 59ea845462
2 changed files with 66 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -106,20 +106,20 @@
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View File

@ -28,35 +28,71 @@ enum TransmitterBatteryInfo {
/// used to store TransmitterBatteryInfo as NSData in UserDefaults
/// would need to be extended if new cases are added to TransmitterBatteryInfo
init(data:Data) {
if data.count < 1 {fatalError("in TransmitterBatteryInfo init with data, length < 1")}
init?(data:Data) {
if data.count < 1 {return nil}
let type = data.uint8(position: 0)
let uint64size = 8
switch type {
case 0:// percentage
if data.count < 5 {fatalError("in TransmitterBatteryInfo init with data, type is percentage but length < 5")}
let percentage = Int(data.uint64(position: 1))
self = .percentage(percentage: percentage)
case 0,2:// percentage or DexcomG4
// get value,
var percentageOrLevel:Int?
switch data.count {// check total length 5 or 9, if values are stored with 4 bytes, then it will be 5 otherwise 9
case 5:
percentageOrLevel = Int(data.uint32(position: 1))
case 9:
percentageOrLevel = Int(data.uint64(position: 1))
// if percentageOrLevel found, return it as percentage or DexcomG4 batterylevel
if let percentageOrLevel = percentageOrLevel {
if type == 0 {//percentage
self = .percentage(percentage: percentageOrLevel)
} else {//dexcomG4
self = .DexcomG4(level: percentageOrLevel)
} else {
return nil
case 1://dexcomg5
if data.count < 21 {fatalError("in TransmitterBatteryInfo init with data, type is dexcomg5 but length < 21")}
let voltageA = Int(data.uint64(position: 1))
let voltageB = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + uint64size * 1))
let resist = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + uint64size * 2))
let runtime = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + uint64size * 3))
let temperature = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + uint64size * 4))
self = .DexcomG5(voltageA: voltageA, voltageB: voltageB, resist: resist, runtime: runtime, temperature: temperature)
case 2://dexcomG4
if data.count < 5 {fatalError("in TransmitterBatteryInfo init with data, type is dexcomG4 but length < 5")}
let level = Int(data.uint64(position: 1))
self = .DexcomG4(level: level)
// intialize values as nil
var voltageA:Int?
var voltageB:Int?
var resist:Int?
var runtime:Int?
var temperature:Int?
switch data.count {// check total length 5 or 9, if values are stored with 4 bytes, then it will be 5 otherwise 9
case 21:// if values are stored with 4 bytes per it
voltageA = Int(data.uint32(position: 1))
voltageB = Int(data.uint32(position: 1 + 4))
resist = Int(data.uint32(position: 1 + 8))
runtime = Int(data.uint32(position: 1 + 12))
temperature = Int(data.uint32(position: 1 + 16))
case 41:// if values are stored with 8 bytes per it
voltageA = Int(data.uint64(position: 1))
voltageB = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + 8))
resist = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + 16))
runtime = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + 24))
temperature = Int(data.uint64(position: 1 + 32))
default://assume percentage
if data.count < 5 {fatalError("in TransmitterBatteryInfo init with data, type is percentage but length < 5")}
let percentage = Int(data.uint64(position: 1))
self = .percentage(percentage: percentage)
if let voltageA = voltageA, let voltageB = voltageB, let resist = resist, let runtime = runtime, let temperature = temperature {
self = .DexcomG5(voltageA: voltageA, voltageB: voltageB, resist: resist, runtime: runtime, temperature: temperature)
} else {
return nil
return nil