LoopManager : add 5 seconds to timestamp last reading + tracing

- add 5 seconds to last Readings timestamp, because due to the way timestamp for libre readings is calculated, it may happen that the same reading shifts 1 or 2 seconds in next reading cycle
- add tracing, can be deleted later on
This commit is contained in:
Johan Degraeve 2022-05-19 22:27:21 +02:00
parent 24a7e2b1f4
commit 5fdf6b5117
2 changed files with 33 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -161,7 +161,10 @@ enum ConstantsLog {
static let categoryAppDelegate = "AppDelegate "
/// for use in DataExporter
static let dataExporter = "DataExporter "
static let categoryDataExporter = "DataExporter "
// for use in LoopManager
static let categoryLoopManager = "LoopManager "

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import Foundation
import OSLog
public class LoopManager:NSObject {
@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ public class LoopManager:NSObject {
/// shared UserDefaults to publish data
private let sharedUserDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: Bundle.main.appGroupSuiteName)
// for trace,
private let log = OSLog(subsystem: ConstantsLog.subSystem, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager)
// MARK: - initializer
init(coreDataManager:CoreDataManager) {
@ -43,14 +46,32 @@ public class LoopManager:NSObject {
// unwrap sharedUserDefaults
guard let sharedUserDefaults = sharedUserDefaults else {return}
trace("in share", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryBlueToothTransmitter, type: .info)
// get last readings with calculated value
var lastReadings = bgReadingsAccessor.getLatestBgReadings(limit: ConstantsShareWithLoop.maxReadingsToShareWithLoop, fromDate: UserDefaults.standard.timeStampLatestLoopSharedBgReading, forSensor: nil, ignoreRawData: true, ignoreCalculatedValue: false)
trace(" list of readings before applying delay:",log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info)
for reading in lastReadings {
trace(" timestamp %{public}@", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info, reading.timeStamp.toString(timeStyle: .long, dateStyle: .long))
trace(" value %{public}@", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info, reading.calculatedValue.description)
trace("", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info)
// if needed, remove readings less than loopDelay minutes old
if UserDefaults.standard.loopDelay > 0 {
trace(" loopDelay > 0. Deleting readings",log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info)
while lastReadings.count > 0 && lastReadings[0].timeStamp.addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval(minutes: Double(UserDefaults.standard.loopDelay))) > Date() {
trace(" removing reading with timestamp %{public}@", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info, lastReadings[0].timeStamp.toString(timeStyle: .long, dateStyle: .long))
trace(" value %{public}@", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info, lastReadings[0].calculatedValue.description)
trace("", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info)
lastReadings.remove(at: 0)
@ -112,6 +133,10 @@ public class LoopManager:NSObject {
trace(" adding reading with timestamp %{public}@", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info, newReadingTimeStamp.toString(timeStyle: .long, dateStyle: .long))
trace(" value %{public}@", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info, value.description)
trace("", log: log, category: ConstantsLog.categoryLoopManager, type: .info)
@ -149,9 +174,11 @@ public class LoopManager:NSObject {
sharedUserDefaults.set(data, forKey: "latestReadings")
UserDefaults.standard.timeStampLatestLoopSharedBgReading = lastReadings.first!.timeStamp
// add 5 seconds to last Readings timestamp, because due to the way timestamp for libre readings is calculated, it may happen that the same reading shifts 1 or 2 seconds in next reading cycle
UserDefaults.standard.timeStampLatestLoopSharedBgReading = lastReadings.first!.timeStamp.addingTimeInterval(5.0)
UserDefaults.standard.readingsStoredInSharedUserDefaultsAsDictionary = dictionary
private func parseTimestamp(_ timestamp: String) throws -> Date? {