xdripswift/xdrip/View Controllers/SettingsNavigationController/SettingsViewController/SettingsViewModels/SettingsViewNotificationsSe...

283 lines
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import UIKit
import OSLog
import ActivityKit
fileprivate enum Setting:Int, CaseIterable {
/// should reading be shown in notification
case showReadingInNotification = 0
/// - minimum time between two readings, for which notification should be created (in minutes)
/// - except if there's been a disconnect, in that case this value is not taken into account
case notificationInterval = 1
/// show live activities
case liveActivityType = 2
/// live activity size
case liveActivitySize = 3
/// show reading in app badge
case showReadingInAppBadge = 4
/// if reading is shown in app badge, should value be multiplied with 10 yes or no
case multipleAppBadgeValueWith10 = 5
/// conforms to SettingsViewModelProtocol for all general settings in the first sections screen
class SettingsViewNotificationsSettingsViewModel: SettingsViewModelProtocol {
/// for trace
private let log = OSLog(subsystem: ConstantsLog.subSystem, category: ConstantsLog.categorySettingsViewDataSourceSettingsViewModel)
func storeRowReloadClosure(rowReloadClosure: ((Int) -> Void)) {}
func storeUIViewController(uIViewController: UIViewController) {}
func storeMessageHandler(messageHandler: ((String, String) -> Void)) {
// this ViewModel does need to send back messages to the viewcontroller asynchronously
func completeSettingsViewRefreshNeeded(index: Int) -> Bool {
return false
func isEnabled(index: Int) -> Bool {
return true
func onRowSelect(index: Int) -> SettingsSelectedRowAction {
guard let setting = Setting(rawValue: index) else { fatalError("Unexpected Section") }
switch setting {
case .showReadingInNotification, .showReadingInAppBadge, .multipleAppBadgeValueWith10:
return .nothing
case .notificationInterval:
return SettingsSelectedRowAction.askText(title: Texts_SettingsView.settingsviews_IntervalTitle, message: Texts_SettingsView.settingsviews_IntervalMessage, keyboardType: .numberPad, text: UserDefaults.standard.notificationInterval.description, placeHolder: "0", actionTitle: nil, cancelTitle: nil, actionHandler: {(interval:String) in if let interval = Int(interval) {UserDefaults.standard.notificationInterval = Int(interval)}}, cancelHandler: nil, inputValidator: nil)
case .liveActivityType:
if #available(iOS 16.2, *) {
// live activities can only be used in master mode as follower mode
// will not allow updates whilst the app is in the background
if UserDefaults.standard.isMaster {
// data to be displayed in list from which user needs to pick a live activity type
var data = [String]()
var selectedRow: Int?
var index = 0
let currentLiveActivityType = UserDefaults.standard.liveActivityType
// get all data source types and add the description to data. Search for the type that matches the FollowerDataSourceType that is currently stored in userdefaults.
for liveActivityType in LiveActivityType.allCases {
if liveActivityType == currentLiveActivityType {
selectedRow = index
index += 1
return SettingsSelectedRowAction.selectFromList(title: Texts_SettingsView.labelLiveActivityType, data: data, selectedRow: selectedRow, actionTitle: nil, cancelTitle: nil, actionHandler: {(index:Int) in
// we'll set this here so that we can use it in the else statement for logging
let oldLiveActivityType = UserDefaults.standard.liveActivityType
if index != selectedRow {
UserDefaults.standard.liveActivityType = LiveActivityType(rawValue: index) ?? .disabled
let newLiveActivityType = UserDefaults.standard.liveActivityType
trace("Live activity type was changed from '%{public}@' to '%{public}@'", log: self.log, category: ConstantsLog.categorySettingsViewNotificationsSettingsViewModel, type: .info, oldLiveActivityType.description, newLiveActivityType.description)
}, cancelHandler: nil, didSelectRowHandler: nil)
} else {
return .showInfoText(title: Texts_SettingsView.labelLiveActivityType, message: Texts_SettingsView.liveActivityDisabledInFollowerModeMessage, actionHandler: {})
} else {
return .nothing
case .liveActivitySize:
if #available(iOS 16.2, *) {
// live activities can only be used in master mode as follower mode
// will not allow updates whilst the app is in the background
if UserDefaults.standard.isMaster {
// data to be displayed in list from which user needs to pick a live activity type
var data = [String]()
var selectedRow: Int?
var index = 0
let currentliveActivitySize = UserDefaults.standard.liveActivitySize
// get all data source types and add the description to data. Search for the type that matches the FollowerDataSourceType that is currently stored in userdefaults.
for liveActivitySize in LiveActivitySize.allCasesForList {
if liveActivitySize == currentliveActivitySize {
selectedRow = index
index += 1
return SettingsSelectedRowAction.selectFromList(title: Texts_SettingsView.labelliveActivitySize, data: data, selectedRow: selectedRow, actionTitle: nil, cancelTitle: nil, actionHandler: {(index:Int) in
// we'll set this here so that we can use it in the else statement for logging
let oldliveActivitySize = UserDefaults.standard.liveActivitySize
if index != selectedRow {
UserDefaults.standard.liveActivitySize = LiveActivitySize(forRowAt: index) ?? .normal
let newliveActivitySize = UserDefaults.standard.liveActivitySize
trace("Live activity notification size was changed from '%{public}@' to '%{public}@'", log: self.log, category: ConstantsLog.categorySettingsViewNotificationsSettingsViewModel, type: .info, oldliveActivitySize.description, newliveActivitySize.description)
}, cancelHandler: nil, didSelectRowHandler: nil)
} else {
return .showInfoText(title: Texts_SettingsView.labelliveActivitySize, message: Texts_SettingsView.liveActivityDisabledInFollowerModeMessage, actionHandler: {})
} else {
return .nothing
func sectionTitle() -> String? {
return Texts_SettingsView.sectionTitleNotifications
func numberOfRows() -> Int {
// if unit is mmol and if show value in app badge is on and if showReadingInNotification is not on, then show also if to be multiplied by 10 yes or no
// (if showReadingInNotification is on, then badge counter will be set via notification, in this case we can use NSNumber so we don't need to multiply by 10)
if !UserDefaults.standard.bloodGlucoseUnitIsMgDl && UserDefaults.standard.showReadingInAppBadge && !UserDefaults.standard.showReadingInNotification {
return Setting.allCases.count
} else {
return Setting.allCases.count - 1
func settingsRowText(index: Int) -> String {
guard let setting = Setting(rawValue: index) else { fatalError("Unexpected Section") }
switch setting {
case .showReadingInNotification:
return Texts_SettingsView.showReadingInNotification
case .notificationInterval:
return Texts_SettingsView.settingsviews_IntervalTitle
case .liveActivityType:
return Texts_SettingsView.labelLiveActivityType
case .liveActivitySize:
return Texts_SettingsView.labelliveActivitySize
case .showReadingInAppBadge:
return Texts_SettingsView.labelShowReadingInAppBadge
case .multipleAppBadgeValueWith10:
return Texts_SettingsView.multipleAppBadgeValueWith10
func accessoryType(index: Int) -> UITableViewCell.AccessoryType {
guard let setting = Setting(rawValue: index) else { fatalError("Unexpected Section") }
switch setting {
case .showReadingInNotification, .showReadingInAppBadge, .multipleAppBadgeValueWith10:
return .none
case .notificationInterval:
return .disclosureIndicator
case .liveActivityType, .liveActivitySize:
if #available(iOS 16.2, *) {
return UserDefaults.standard.isMaster ? .disclosureIndicator : .none
} else {
return .none
func detailedText(index: Int) -> String? {
guard let setting = Setting(rawValue: index) else { fatalError("Unexpected Section") }
switch setting {
case .showReadingInNotification, .showReadingInAppBadge, .multipleAppBadgeValueWith10:
return nil
case .notificationInterval:
return UserDefaults.standard.notificationInterval.description
case .liveActivityType:
if #available(iOS 16.2, *) {
return UserDefaults.standard.isMaster ? UserDefaults.standard.liveActivityType.description : Texts_SettingsView.liveActivityDisabledInFollowerMode
} else {
return "iOS 16.2 needed"
case .liveActivitySize:
if #available(iOS 16.2, *) {
return UserDefaults.standard.isMaster ? UserDefaults.standard.liveActivitySize.description : Texts_SettingsView.liveActivityDisabledInFollowerMode
} else {
return "iOS 16.2 needed"
func uiView(index: Int) -> UIView? {
guard let setting = Setting(rawValue: index) else { fatalError("Unexpected Section") }
switch setting {
case .showReadingInNotification:
return UISwitch(isOn: UserDefaults.standard.showReadingInNotification, action: {(isOn:Bool) in UserDefaults.standard.showReadingInNotification = isOn})
case .showReadingInAppBadge:
return UISwitch(isOn: UserDefaults.standard.showReadingInAppBadge, action: {(isOn:Bool) in UserDefaults.standard.showReadingInAppBadge = isOn})
case .multipleAppBadgeValueWith10:
return UISwitch(isOn: UserDefaults.standard.multipleAppBadgeValueWith10, action: {(isOn:Bool) in UserDefaults.standard.multipleAppBadgeValueWith10 = isOn})
case .notificationInterval, .liveActivityType, .liveActivitySize:
return nil