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///// Translation needed - remove this header after translation /////
/// when Bluetooth Peripheral list is shown, title of the view
"screenTitle" = "Bluetooth";
/// when clicking add button in screen with list of bluetoothperipherals, title of pop up where user needs to select bluetooth peripheral category
"selectCategory" = "Select Device Type";
/// title of the cell where transmitter battery level is shown in detailed screen
"batteryLevel" = "Battery Level";
/// when clicking add button in screen with list of bluetoothperipherals, after having selected the category, a new pop up appears, this is the title of pop up where user needs to select bluetooth peripheral type
"selectType" = "Select Transmitter Type";
/// When adding a new cgm transmitter, but the user has another one already which is either connected or trying to connect
"noMultipleActiveCGMsAllowed" = "You already have one CGM transmitter connected.\n\nVerify your other CGM transmitters and click 'Stop Scanning', 'Disconnect' or just delete them if needed.";