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// TreatmentNSResponse.swift
// xdrip
// Created by Eduardo Pietre on 11/01/22.
// Copyright © 2022 Johan Degraeve. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import CoreData
/// Class that represents the Nightscout response for adding a single new treatment.
/// NS API docs states:
/// "The client should not create the identifier, the server automatically assigns it when the document is inserted."
public struct TreatmentNSResponse {
/// id received from NightScout , incusive the extension "-insulin", "-carbs" or "-exercise"
public let id: String
public let createdAt: Date
/// - eventType either insulin, carbs or exercise
/// - only used internally in the app
public let eventType: TreatmentType
/// - eventType received from NightScout (for downloaded treatments) or uploaded to NightScout (for treatments created in xdrip4ios)
public let nightscoutEventType: String?
public let value: Double
/// Takes a NSDictionary from nightscout response and returns an array TreatmentNSResponse. Can be more than one, eg NightScout treatment of type 'Snack Bolus' could contain an insulin value and a carbs value
/// id will be the id retrieved from nightscout + "-insulin", "-carbs", "-exercise", according to treatment type
public static func fromNightscout(dictionary: NSDictionary) -> [TreatmentNSResponse] {
var treatmentNSResponses: [TreatmentNSResponse] = []
// we need this to be optional in case the created_at string cannot be transformed successfully into a valid date
var nightscoutDate: Date?
if let createdAt = dictionary["created_at"] as? String {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
// add the locale and timeZone properties as per dateFromISOString()
dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "GMT")
// let's check which date format is return by Nightscout and deal with it accordingly
// if the date string contains a decimal point, then it must contain milliseconds
// if we don't take this into account, .date(from: string) will be returned as nil if the milliseconds (.SSS) are missing
if createdAt.contains(".") {
// this is the way Loop, FreeAPS (Loop), OpenAPS and FreeAPS X store the created_at date/time
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"
} else {
// and AndroidAPS stores it without milliseconds
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
// assign the date to the optional nightscoutDate
nightscoutDate = dateFormatter.date(from: createdAt)
// first check that _id exists and that created_at was successfully converted into a Date
if let id = dictionary["_id"] as? String, let date = nightscoutDate {
// retrieve nightScoutEventType from the nightscout response
// if not present then it's set to nil (it should be present)
let nightScoutEventType: String? = dictionary["eventType"] as? String
if let carbs = dictionary["carbs"] as? Double {
treatmentNSResponses.append(TreatmentNSResponse(id: id + TreatmentType.Carbs.idExtension(), createdAt: date, eventType: .Carbs, nightscoutEventType: nightScoutEventType, value: carbs))
if let insulin = dictionary["insulin"] as? Double {
treatmentNSResponses.append(TreatmentNSResponse(id: id + TreatmentType.Insulin.idExtension(), createdAt: date, eventType: .Insulin, nightscoutEventType: nightScoutEventType, value: insulin))
if nightScoutEventType == "Exercise", let duration = dictionary["duration"] as? Double {
treatmentNSResponses.append(TreatmentNSResponse(id: id + TreatmentType.Carbs.idExtension(), createdAt: date, eventType: .Exercise, nightscoutEventType: nightScoutEventType, value: duration))
if let glucose = dictionary["glucose"] as? Double, let units = dictionary["units"] as? String {
treatmentNSResponses.append(TreatmentNSResponse(id: id + TreatmentType.BgCheck.idExtension(), createdAt: date, eventType: .BgCheck, nightscoutEventType: nightScoutEventType, value: units == "mg/dl" ? glucose : glucose.mmolToMgdl()))
return treatmentNSResponses
/// Instantiates multiples TreatmentNSResponse from a NSArray of NSDictionary.
public static func arrayFromNSArray(_ array: NSArray) -> [TreatmentNSResponse] {
var responses: [TreatmentNSResponse] = []
for element in array {
if let dictionary = element as? NSDictionary {
responses = responses + TreatmentNSResponse.fromNightscout(dictionary: dictionary)
return responses
/// Instantiates multiples TreatmentNSResponse from Data response.
/// JSONSerialization may throw an exception.
public static func arrayFromData(_ data: Data?) throws -> [TreatmentNSResponse]? {
if let data = data, let array = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? NSArray {
return TreatmentNSResponse.arrayFromNSArray(array)
return nil
/// Compares this TreatmentNSResponse to a given TreatmentEntry
public func matchesTreatmentEntry(_ entry: TreatmentEntry) -> Bool {
return entry.date.toMillisecondsAsInt64() == self.createdAt.toMillisecondsAsInt64() && entry.treatmentType == self.eventType && entry.value == self.value
/// Converts self (TreatmentNSResponse) to TreatmentEntry and creates a TreatmentEntry
/// Be extra carefull when creating new TreatmentEntry, will create the new entry in CoreData but does not save in CoreData
public func asNewTreatmentEntry(nsManagedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) -> TreatmentEntry? {
return TreatmentEntry(id: id, date: createdAt, value: value, treatmentType: eventType, nightscoutEventType: nightscoutEventType, nsManagedObjectContext: nsManagedObjectContext)