import collections import contextlib import json import os import subprocess import tempfile import urllib.parse from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, Popen, check_executable, format_field, get_exe_version, is_outdated_version, shell_quote, ) def cookie_to_dict(cookie): cookie_dict = { 'name':, 'value': cookie.value, } if cookie.port_specified: cookie_dict['port'] = cookie.port if cookie.domain_specified: cookie_dict['domain'] = cookie.domain if cookie.path_specified: cookie_dict['path'] = cookie.path if cookie.expires is not None: cookie_dict['expires'] = cookie.expires if is not None: cookie_dict['secure'] = if cookie.discard is not None: cookie_dict['discard'] = cookie.discard with contextlib.suppress(TypeError): if (cookie.has_nonstandard_attr('httpOnly') or cookie.has_nonstandard_attr('httponly') or cookie.has_nonstandard_attr('HttpOnly')): cookie_dict['httponly'] = True return cookie_dict def cookie_jar_to_list(cookie_jar): return [cookie_to_dict(cookie) for cookie in cookie_jar] class PhantomJSwrapper: """PhantomJS wrapper class This class is experimental. """ INSTALL_HINT = 'Please download it from' _BASE_JS = R''' phantom.onError = function(msg, trace) {{ var msgStack = ['PHANTOM ERROR: ' + msg]; if(trace && trace.length) {{ msgStack.push('TRACE:'); trace.forEach(function(t) {{ msgStack.push(' -> ' + (t.file || t.sourceURL) + ': ' + t.line + (t.function ? ' (in function ' + t.function +')' : '')); }}); }} console.error(msgStack.join('\n')); phantom.exit(1); }}; ''' _TEMPLATE = R''' var page = require('webpage').create(); var fs = require('fs'); var read = {{ mode: 'r', charset: 'utf-8' }}; var write = {{ mode: 'w', charset: 'utf-8' }}; JSON.parse("{cookies}", read)).forEach(function(x) {{ phantom.addCookie(x); }}); page.settings.resourceTimeout = {timeout}; page.settings.userAgent = "{ua}"; page.onLoadStarted = function() {{ page.evaluate(function() {{ delete window._phantom; delete window.callPhantom; }}); }}; var saveAndExit = function() {{ fs.write("{html}", page.content, write); fs.write("{cookies}", JSON.stringify(phantom.cookies), write); phantom.exit(); }}; page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {{ if(page.url === "") {{ page.setContent("{html}", read), "{url}"); }} else {{ {jscode} }} }};""); ''' _TMP_FILE_NAMES = ['script', 'html', 'cookies'] @staticmethod def _version(): return get_exe_version('phantomjs', version_re=r'([0-9.]+)') def __init__(self, extractor, required_version=None, timeout=10000): self._TMP_FILES = {} self.exe = check_executable('phantomjs', ['-v']) if not self.exe: raise ExtractorError(f'PhantomJS not found, {self.INSTALL_HINT}', expected=True) self.extractor = extractor if required_version: version = self._version() if is_outdated_version(version, required_version): self.extractor._downloader.report_warning( 'Your copy of PhantomJS is outdated, update it to version ' f'{required_version} or newer if you encounter any errors.') for name in self._TMP_FILE_NAMES: tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tmp.close() self._TMP_FILES[name] = tmp self.options = collections.ChainMap({ 'timeout': timeout, }, { x: self._TMP_FILES[x].name.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') for x in self._TMP_FILE_NAMES }) def __del__(self): for name in self._TMP_FILE_NAMES: with contextlib.suppress(OSError, KeyError): os.remove(self._TMP_FILES[name].name) def _save_cookies(self, url): cookies = cookie_jar_to_list(self.extractor.cookiejar) for cookie in cookies: if 'path' not in cookie: cookie['path'] = '/' if 'domain' not in cookie: cookie['domain'] = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).netloc with open(self._TMP_FILES['cookies'].name, 'wb') as f: f.write(json.dumps(cookies).encode()) def _load_cookies(self): with open(self._TMP_FILES['cookies'].name, 'rb') as f: cookies = json.loads('utf-8')) for cookie in cookies: if cookie['httponly'] is True: cookie['rest'] = {'httpOnly': None} if 'expiry' in cookie: cookie['expire_time'] = cookie['expiry'] self.extractor._set_cookie(**cookie) def get(self, url, html=None, video_id=None, note=None, note2='Executing JS on webpage', headers={}, jscode='saveAndExit();'): """ Downloads webpage (if needed) and executes JS Params: url: website url html: optional, html code of website video_id: video id note: optional, displayed when downloading webpage note2: optional, displayed when executing JS headers: custom http headers jscode: code to be executed when page is loaded Returns tuple with: * downloaded website (after JS execution) * anything you print with `console.log` (but not inside `page.execute`!) In most cases you don't need to add any `jscode`. It is executed in `page.onLoadFinished`. `saveAndExit();` is mandatory, use it instead of `phantom.exit()` It is possible to wait for some element on the webpage, e.g. var check = function() { var elementFound = page.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('#b.done') !== null; }); if(elementFound) saveAndExit(); else window.setTimeout(check, 500); } page.evaluate(function(){ document.querySelector('#a').click(); }); check(); """ if 'saveAndExit();' not in jscode: raise ExtractorError('`saveAndExit();` not found in `jscode`') if not html: html = self.extractor._download_webpage(url, video_id, note=note, headers=headers) with open(self._TMP_FILES['html'].name, 'wb') as f: f.write(html.encode()) self._save_cookies(url) user_agent = headers.get('User-Agent') or self.extractor.get_param('http_headers')['User-Agent'] jscode = self._TEMPLATE.format_map(self.options.new_child({ 'url': url, 'ua': user_agent.replace('"', '\\"'), 'jscode': jscode, })) stdout = self.execute(jscode, video_id, note=note2) with open(self._TMP_FILES['html'].name, 'rb') as f: html ='utf-8') self._load_cookies() return html, stdout def execute(self, jscode, video_id=None, *, note='Executing JS'): """Execute JS and return stdout""" if 'phantom.exit();' not in jscode: jscode += ';\nphantom.exit();' jscode = self._BASE_JS + jscode with open(self._TMP_FILES['script'].name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(jscode) self.extractor.to_screen(f'{format_field(video_id, None, "%s: ")}{note}') cmd = [self.exe, '--ssl-protocol=any', self._TMP_FILES['script'].name] self.extractor.write_debug(f'PhantomJS command line: {shell_quote(cmd)}') try: stdout, stderr, returncode =, timeout=self.options['timeout'] / 1000, text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except Exception as e: raise ExtractorError(f'{note} failed: Unable to run PhantomJS binary', cause=e) if returncode: raise ExtractorError(f'{note} failed with returncode {returncode}:\n{stderr.strip()}') return stdout