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GitLab Runner [](https://travis-ci.org/riemers/ansible-gitlab-runner) [](https://galaxy.ansible.com/riemers/gitlab-runner/)
This role will install the [official GitLab Runner](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner)
(fork from haroldb) with updates. Needed something simple and working, this did the trick for me. Open for changes though.
This role requires Ansible 2.7 or higher.
Role Variables
- `gitlab_runner_package_name` - **Since Gitlab 10.x** The package name of `gitlab-ci-multi-runner` has been renamed to `gitlab-runner`. In order to install a version < 10.x you will need to define this variable `gitlab_runner_package_name: gitlab-ci-multi-runner`.
- `gitlab_runner_wanted_version` or `gitlab_runner_package_version` - To install a specific version of the gitlab runner (by default it installs the latest).
On Mac OSX and Windows, use e.g. `gitlab_runner_wanted_version: 12.4.1`.
On Linux, use `gitlab_runner_package_version` instead.
- `gitlab_runner_concurrent` - The maximum number of global jobs to run concurrently. Defaults to the number of processor cores.
- `gitlab_runner_registration_token` - The GitLab registration token. If this is specified, a runner will be registered to a GitLab server.
- `gitlab_runner_coordinator_url` - The GitLab coordinator URL. Defaults to `https://gitlab.com`.
- `gitlab_runner_sentry_dsn` - Enable tracking of all system level errors to Sentry
- `gitlab_runner_listen_address` - Enable `/metrics` endpoint for Prometheus scraping.
- `gitlab_runner_runners` - A list of gitlab runners to register & configure. Defaults to a single shell executor.
- `gitlab_runner_skip_package_repo_install`- Skip the APT or YUM repository installation (by default, false). You should provide a repository containing the needed packages before running this role.
See the [`defaults/main.yml`](https://github.com/riemers/ansible-gitlab-runner/blob/master/defaults/main.yml) file listing all possible options which you can be passed to a runner registration command.
### Gitlab Runners cache
For each gitlab runner in gitlab_runner_runners you can set cache options. At the moment role support s3 or gcs types.
Example configurration for s3 can be:
cache_type: "s3"
cache_path: "cache"
cache_shared: true
cache_s3_server_address: "s3.amazonaws.com"
cache_s3_access_key: "<access_key>"
cache_s3_secret_key: "<secret_key>"
cache_s3_bucket_name: "<bucket_name>
cache_s3_bucket_location: "eu-west-1"
cache_s3_insecure: false
## Autoscale Runner Machine vars for AWS (optional)
- `gitlab_runner_machine_options: []` - Foremost you need to pass an array of dedicated vars in the machine_options to configure your scaling runner:
+ `amazonec2-access-key` and `amazonec2-secret-key` the keys of the dedicated IAM user with permission for EC2
+ `amazonec2-zone`
+ `amazonec2-region`
+ `amazonec2-vpc-id`
+ `amazonec2-subnet-id`
+ `amazonec2-use-private-address=true`
+ `amazonec2-security-group`
+ `amazonec2-instance-type`
+ you can also set `amazonec2-tags` to identify you instance more easily via aws-cli or the console.
- `MachineDriver` - which should be set to `amzonec2` when working on AWS
- `MachineName` - Name of the machine. It **must** contain `%s`, which will be replaced with a unique machine identifier.
- `IdleCount` - Number of machines, that need to be created and waiting in Idle state.
- `IdleTime` - Time (in seconds) for machine to be in Idle state before it is removed.
In addition you could set *off peak* settings. This lets you select a regular time periods when no work is done. For example most of commercial companies are working from Monday to Friday in a fixed hours, eg. from 10am to 6pm. In the rest of the week - from Monday to Friday at 12am-9am and 6pm-11pm and whole Saturday and Sunday - no one is working. These time periods we’re naming here as Off Peak.
- `gitlab_runner_machine_off_peak_periods`
- `gitlab_runner_machine_off_peak_idle_time`
- `gitlab_runner_machine_off_peak_idle_count`
### Read Sources
For details follow these links:
- [gitlab-docs/runner: advanced configuration: runners.machine section](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnersmachine-section)
- [gitlab-docs/runner: autoscale: supported cloud-providers](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/autoscale.html#supported-cloud-providers)
- [gitlab-docs/runner: autoscale_aws: runners.machine section](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/runner_autoscale_aws/#the-runnersmachine-section)
See the [config for more options](https://github.com/riemers/ansible-gitlab-runner/blob/master/tasks/register-runner.yml)
Example Playbook
- hosts: all
become: true
- vars/main.yml
- { role: riemers.gitlab-runner }
Inside `vars/main.yml`
gitlab_runner_coordinator_url: https://gitlab.com
gitlab_runner_registration_token: '12341234'
- name: 'Example Docker GitLab Runner'
# token is an optional override to the global gitlab_runner_registration_token
token: 'abcd'
# url is an optional override to the global gitlab_runner_coordinator_url
url: 'https://my-own-gitlab.mydomain.com'
executor: docker
docker_image: 'alpine'
- node
- ruby
- mysql
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
- "/cache"
memory: 512m
allowed_images: ["ruby:*", "python:*", "php:*"]
net.ipv4.ip_forward: "1"
## autoscale setup on AWS
how `vars/main.yml` would look like, if you setup an autoscaling GitLab-Runner on AWS:
gitlab_runner_registration_token: 'HUzTMgnxk17YV8Rj8ucQ'
gitlab_runner_coordinator_url: 'https://gitlab.com'
- name: 'Example autoscaling GitLab Runner'
state: present
# token is an optional override to the global gitlab_runner_registration_token
token: 'HUzTMgnxk17YV8Rj8ucQ'
executor: 'docker+machine'
# Maximum number of jobs to run concurrently on this specific runner.
# Defaults to 0, simply means don't limit.
concurrent_specific: '0'
docker_image: 'alpine'
# Indicates whether this runner can pick jobs without tags.
run_untagged: true
IdleCount: 1
IdleTime: 1800
MaxBuilds: 10
MachineDriver: 'amazonec2'
MachineName: 'git-runner-%s'
MachineOptions: ["amazonec2-access-key={{ lookup('env','AWS_IAM_ACCESS_KEY') }}", "amazonec2-secret-key={{ lookup('env','AWS_IAM_SECRET_KEY') }}", "amazonec2-zone={{ lookup('env','AWS_EC2_ZONE') }}", "amazonec2-region={{ lookup('env','AWS_EC2_REGION') }}", "amazonec2-vpc-id={{ lookup('env','AWS_VPC_ID') }}", "amazonec2-subnet-id={{ lookup('env','AWS_SUBNET_ID') }}", "amazonec2-use-private-address=true", "amazonec2-tags=gitlab-runner", "amazonec2-security-group={{ lookup('env','AWS_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP') }}", "amazonec2-instance-type={{ lookup('env','AWS_EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE') }}"]
### NOTE
from https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/docker_machine.html:
>The **first time** you’re using Docker Machine, it’s best to execute **manually** `docker-machine create...` with your chosen driver and **all options from the MachineOptions** section. This will set up the Docker Machine environment properly and will also be a good validation of the specified options. After this, you *can destroy the machine* with `docker-machine rm [machine_name]` and start the Runner.
`docker-machine create -d amazonec2 --amazonec2-zone=a --amazonec2-region=us-east-1 --amazonec2-vpc-id=vpc-11111111 --amazonec2-subnet-id=subnet-1111111 --amazonec2-use-private-address=true --amazonec2-tags=gitlab-runner --amazonec2-instance-type=t3.medium test
docker-machine rm test
Feel free to add your name to the readme if you make a PR. A full list of people from the PR's is [here](https://github.com/riemers/ansible-gitlab-runner/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed)
- Gastrofix for adding Mac Support
- Matthias Schmieder for adding Windows Support
- dniwdeus & rosenstrauch for adding AWS autoscale option