Implement security path finding

This commit is contained in:
duncanspumpkin 2016-02-09 17:53:24 +00:00
parent 0ee75aa7bf
commit 85af786b7f
1 changed files with 116 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -817,40 +817,8 @@ static int staff_path_finding_handyman(rct_peep* peep) {
return 0;
* rct2: 0x006BFF45
static uint8 staff_mechanic_direction_surface(rct_peep* peep) {
uint8 direction = scenario_rand() & 3;
if ((peep->state == PEEP_STATE_ANSWERING || peep->state == PEEP_STATE_HEADING_TO_INSPECTION) &&
scenario_rand() & 1) {
rct_ride* ride = get_ride(peep->current_ride);
uint16 location = ride->exits[peep->current_ride_station];
if (location == 0xFFFF) {
location = ride->entrances[peep->current_ride_station];
rct_xy16 chosenTile = {
.x = (location & 0xFF) * 32,
.y = (location >> 8) * 32
sint16 x_diff = chosenTile.x - peep->x;
sint16 y_diff = chosenTile.y - peep->y;
if (abs(x_diff) <= abs(y_diff)) {
direction = y_diff < 0 ? 3 : 1;
else {
direction = x_diff < 0 ? 0 : 2;
uint8 initialDirection = direction;
uint8 staff_direction_surface(rct_peep* peep, uint8 initialDirection) {
uint8 direction = initialDirection;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// Looks left and right from initial direction
switch (i) {
@ -895,6 +863,42 @@ static uint8 staff_mechanic_direction_surface(rct_peep* peep) {
return initialDirection;
* rct2: 0x006BFF45
static uint8 staff_mechanic_direction_surface(rct_peep* peep) {
uint8 direction = scenario_rand() & 3;
if ((peep->state == PEEP_STATE_ANSWERING || peep->state == PEEP_STATE_HEADING_TO_INSPECTION) &&
scenario_rand() & 1) {
rct_ride* ride = get_ride(peep->current_ride);
uint16 location = ride->exits[peep->current_ride_station];
if (location == 0xFFFF) {
location = ride->entrances[peep->current_ride_station];
rct_xy16 chosenTile = {
.x = (location & 0xFF) * 32,
.y = (location >> 8) * 32
sint16 x_diff = chosenTile.x - peep->x;
sint16 y_diff = chosenTile.y - peep->y;
if (abs(x_diff) <= abs(y_diff)) {
direction = y_diff < 0 ? 3 : 1;
else {
direction = x_diff < 0 ? 0 : 2;
return staff_direction_surface(peep, direction);
* rct2: 0x006C02D1
@ -1053,6 +1057,83 @@ static int staff_path_finding_mechanic(rct_peep* peep) {
return 0;
* rct2: 0x006C050B
static uint8 staff_security_direction_path(rct_peep* peep, uint8 validDirections, rct_map_element* pathElement) {
uint8 direction = 0xFF;
uint8 pathDirections = pathElement->properties.path.edges & 0xF;
if (peep->state != PEEP_STATE_ANSWERING && peep->state != PEEP_STATE_HEADING_TO_INSPECTION) {
pathDirections &= validDirections;
if (pathDirections == 0) {
return staff_direction_surface(peep, scenario_rand() & 3);
pathDirections &= ~(1 << (peep->var_78 ^ (1 << 1)));
if (pathDirections == 0) {
pathDirections |= (1 << (peep->var_78 ^ (1 << 1)));
direction = bitscanforward(pathDirections);
pathDirections &= ~(1 << direction);
if (pathDirections == 0) {
return direction;
pathDirections |= (1 << direction);
direction = scenario_rand() & 3;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++direction) {
direction &= 3;
if (pathDirections & (1 << direction))
return direction;
// This will never happen as pathDirections will always have a bit set
return direction;
* rct2: 0x006C0351
static int staff_path_finding_security(rct_peep* peep) {
uint8 validDirections = staff_get_valid_patrol_directions(peep, peep->next_x, peep->next_y);
uint8 direction = 0xFF;
if (peep->next_var_29 & 0x18) {
direction = staff_direction_surface(peep, scenario_rand() & 3);
else {
rct_map_element* pathElement = map_get_path_element_at(peep->next_x / 32, peep->next_y / 32, peep->next_z);
if (pathElement == NULL)
return 1;
direction = staff_security_direction_path(peep, validDirections, pathElement);
rct_xy16 chosenTile = {
.x = peep->next_x + TileDirectionDelta[direction].x,
.y = peep->next_y + TileDirectionDelta[direction].y
while (chosenTile.x > 0x1FFF || chosenTile.y > 0x1FFF) {
direction = staff_direction_surface(peep, scenario_rand() & 3);
chosenTile.x = peep->next_x + TileDirectionDelta[direction].x;
chosenTile.y = peep->next_y + TileDirectionDelta[direction].y;
peep->var_78 = direction;
peep->destination_x = chosenTile.x + 16;
peep->destination_y = chosenTile.y + 16;
peep->destination_tolerence = (scenario_rand() & 7) + 2;
return 0;
* rct2: 0x006BF926
@ -1064,7 +1145,7 @@ int staff_path_finding(rct_peep* peep) {
return staff_path_finding_mechanic(peep);
return RCT2_CALLPROC_X(0x006C0351, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)peep, 0, 0) & 0x100;
return staff_path_finding_security(peep);
return RCT2_CALLPROC_X(0x006C05AE, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)peep, 0, 0) & 0x100;