Move reading channel data to channel class

This commit is contained in:
Ted John 2017-01-02 14:35:41 +00:00
parent 46b4dbb4cb
commit 8c49bb8590
2 changed files with 220 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ private:
int _group = MIXER_GROUP_SOUND;
double _rate = 0;
unsigned long _offset = 0;
size_t _offset = 0;
int _loop = 0;
int _volume = 1;
@ -428,12 +428,12 @@ public:
unsigned long GetOffset() const override
return _offset;
return (unsigned long)_offset;
bool SetOffset(unsigned long offset)
if (_source && offset < _source->Length())
if (_source != nullptr && offset < _source->Length())
AudioFormat format = _source->Format();
int samplesize = format.channels * format.BytesPerSample();
@ -564,6 +564,53 @@ public:
_oldvolume_l = _volume_l;
_oldvolume_r = _volume_r;
AudioFormat GetFormat() const override
AudioFormat result = { 0 };
if (_source != nullptr)
result = _source->Format();
return result;
size_t Read(void * dst, size_t len) override
size_t bytesRead = 0;
size_t bytesToRead = len;
while (bytesToRead > 0 && !_done)
const uint8 * src = nullptr;
unsigned long someLen = _source->GetSome((unsigned long)_offset, &src, (unsigned long)bytesToRead);
if (someLen > 0)
size_t copyLen = Math::Min((size_t)someLen, bytesToRead);
memcpy(dst, src, copyLen);
dst = (void *)((uintptr_t)dst + copyLen);
bytesToRead -= copyLen;
bytesRead += copyLen;
_offset += copyLen;
if (_offset >= _source->Length())
if (_loop == 0)
_done = true;
else if (_loop == MIXER_LOOP_INFINITE)
_offset = 0;
_offset = 0;
return bytesRead;
class AudioMixer : public IAudioMixer
@ -583,8 +630,11 @@ private:
Source * css1sources[SOUND_MAXID];
Source * musicsources[PATH_ID_END];
void * _channelBuffer = nullptr;
size_t _channelBufferCapacity = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Util::CountOf(css1sources); i++) {
css1sources[i] = 0;
@ -594,6 +644,11 @@ public:
void Init(const char* device) override
@ -649,6 +704,7 @@ public:
delete[] effectbuffer;
effectbuffer = 0;
void Lock() override
@ -729,7 +785,12 @@ private:
while (it != mixer->channels.end())
IAudioChannel * channel = *it;
mixer->MixChannel(channel, stream, length);
int group = channel->GetGroup();
if (group != MIXER_GROUP_SOUND || gConfigSound.sound_enabled)
mixer->MixChannel(channel, stream, length);
if ((channel->IsDone() && channel->DeleteOnDone()) || channel->IsStopping())
delete channel;
@ -742,7 +803,7 @@ private:
void MixChannel(IAudioChannel * channel, uint8* data, int length)
void MixChannel(IAudioChannel * channel, uint8 * data, int length)
// Did the volume level get changed? Recalculate level in this case.
if (setting_sound_vol != gConfigSound.sound_volume)
@ -756,197 +817,159 @@ private:
adjust_music_vol = powf(setting_music_vol / 100.f, 10.f / 6.f);
// Do not mix channel if channel is a sound and sound is disabled
if (channel->GetGroup() == MIXER_GROUP_SOUND && !gConfigSound.sound_enabled) {
Source * source = channel->GetSource();
if (source != nullptr && source->Length() > 0 && !channel->IsDone())
AudioFormat streamformat = channel->GetFormat();
SDL_AudioCVT cvt;
cvt.len_ratio = 1;
int samplesize = format.channels * format.BytesPerSample();
int samples = length / samplesize;
double rate = 1;
if (format.format == AUDIO_S16SYS)
AudioFormat streamformat = source->Format();
int loaded = 0;
SDL_AudioCVT cvt;
cvt.len_ratio = 1;
rate = channel->GetRate();
int samplestoread = (int)(samples * rate);
int lengthloaded = 0;
bool mustconvert = false;
if (MustConvert(&streamformat))
if (SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&cvt, streamformat.format, streamformat.channels, streamformat.freq, format.format, format.channels, format.freq) == -1)
int samplesize = format.channels * format.BytesPerSample();
int samples = length / samplesize;
int samplesloaded = loaded / samplesize;
double rate = 1;
if (format.format == AUDIO_S16SYS)
rate = channel->GetRate();
int samplestoread = (int)((samples - samplesloaded) * rate);
int lengthloaded = 0;
if (channel->GetOffset() < source->Length())
bool mustconvert = false;
if (MustConvert(*source))
if (SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&cvt, streamformat.format, streamformat.channels, streamformat.freq, format.format, format.channels, format.freq) == -1)
mustconvert = true;
const uint8 * datastream = nullptr;
int toread = (int)(samplestoread / cvt.len_ratio) * samplesize;
int readfromstream = source->GetSome(channel->GetOffset(), &datastream, toread);
if (readfromstream == 0)
uint8* dataconverted = 0;
const uint8* tomix = 0;
if (mustconvert)
// tofix: there seems to be an issue with converting audio using SDL_ConvertAudio in the callback vs preconverted, can cause pops and static depending on sample rate and channels
if (Convert(cvt, datastream, readfromstream, &dataconverted))
tomix = dataconverted;
lengthloaded = cvt.len_cvt;
tomix = datastream;
lengthloaded = readfromstream;
bool effectbufferloaded = false;
if (rate != 1 && format.format == AUDIO_S16SYS)
int in_len = (int)((double)lengthloaded / samplesize);
int out_len = samples;
SpeexResamplerState * resampler = channel->GetResampler();
if (resampler == nullptr)
resampler = speex_resampler_init(format.channels, format.freq, format.freq, 0, 0);
if (readfromstream == toread)
// use buffer lengths for conversion ratio so that it fits exactly
speex_resampler_set_rate(resampler, in_len, samples - samplesloaded);
// reached end of stream so we cant use buffer length as resampling ratio
speex_resampler_set_rate(resampler, format.freq, (int)(format.freq * (1 / rate)));
speex_resampler_process_interleaved_int(resampler, (const spx_int16_t*)tomix, (spx_uint32_t*)&in_len, (spx_int16_t*)effectbuffer, (spx_uint32_t*)&out_len);
effectbufferloaded = true;
tomix = effectbuffer;
lengthloaded = (out_len * samplesize);
if (channel->GetPan() != 0.5f && format.channels == 2)
if (!effectbufferloaded)
memcpy(effectbuffer, tomix, lengthloaded);
effectbufferloaded = true;
tomix = effectbuffer;
switch (format.format) {
case AUDIO_S16SYS:
EffectPanS16(channel, (sint16*)effectbuffer, lengthloaded / samplesize);
case AUDIO_U8:
EffectPanU8(channel, (uint8*)effectbuffer, lengthloaded / samplesize);
int mixlength = lengthloaded;
if (loaded + mixlength > length)
mixlength = length - loaded;
float volumeadjust = volume;
volumeadjust *= (gConfigSound.master_volume / 100.0f);
switch (channel->GetGroup()) {
volumeadjust *= adjust_sound_vol;
// Cap sound volume on title screen so music is more audible
if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TITLE_DEMO) {
volumeadjust = Math::Min(volumeadjust, 0.75f);
volumeadjust *= adjust_music_vol;
int startvolume = (int)(channel->GetOldVolume() * volumeadjust);
int endvolume = (int)(channel->GetVolume() * volumeadjust);
if (channel->IsStopping())
endvolume = 0;
int mixvolume = (int)(channel->GetVolume() * volumeadjust);
if (startvolume != endvolume)
// fade between volume levels to smooth out sound and minimize clicks from sudden volume changes
if (!effectbufferloaded)
memcpy(effectbuffer, tomix, lengthloaded);
effectbufferloaded = true;
tomix = effectbuffer;
mixvolume = SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME; // set to max since we are adjusting the volume ourselves
int fadelength = mixlength / format.BytesPerSample();
switch (format.format) {
case AUDIO_S16SYS:
EffectFadeS16((sint16*)effectbuffer, fadelength, startvolume, endvolume);
case AUDIO_U8:
EffectFadeU8((uint8*)effectbuffer, fadelength, startvolume, endvolume);
SDL_MixAudioFormat(&data[loaded], tomix, format.format, mixlength, mixvolume);
if (dataconverted)
delete[] dataconverted;
channel->SetOffset(channel->GetOffset() + readfromstream);
loaded += lengthloaded;
int loop = channel->GetLoop();
if (loop != 0 && channel->GetOffset() >= source->Length())
if (loop != -1)
channel->SetLoop(loop - 1);
// Unable to convert channel data
while (loaded < length && channel->GetLoop() != 0 && !channel->IsStopping());
mustconvert = true;
if (channel->GetLoop() == 0 && channel->GetOffset() >= source->Length())
// Read raw PCM from channel
size_t toread = (size_t)(samplestoread / cvt.len_ratio) * samplesize;
if (_channelBuffer == nullptr || _channelBufferCapacity < toread)
_channelBuffer = realloc(_channelBuffer, toread);
_channelBufferCapacity = toread;
size_t bytesRead = channel->Read(_channelBuffer, toread);
// Convert data to required format if necessary
uint8 * convertedBuffer = nullptr;
const uint8 * buffer = 0;
if (mustconvert)
// tofix: there seems to be an issue with converting audio using SDL_ConvertAudio in the callback vs preconverted, can cause pops and static depending on sample rate and channels
if (Convert(cvt, (const uint8 *)_channelBuffer, (unsigned long)bytesRead, &convertedBuffer))
buffer = convertedBuffer;
lengthloaded = cvt.len_cvt;
buffer = (const uint8 *)_channelBuffer;
lengthloaded = (int)bytesRead;
// Apply effects
bool effectbufferloaded = false;
if (rate != 1 && format.format == AUDIO_S16SYS)
int in_len = (int)((double)lengthloaded / samplesize);
int out_len = samples;
SpeexResamplerState * resampler = channel->GetResampler();
if (resampler == nullptr)
resampler = speex_resampler_init(format.channels, format.freq, format.freq, 0, 0);
if (bytesRead == toread)
// use buffer lengths for conversion ratio so that it fits exactly
speex_resampler_set_rate(resampler, in_len, samples);
// reached end of stream so we cant use buffer length as resampling ratio
speex_resampler_set_rate(resampler, format.freq, (int)(format.freq * (1 / rate)));
speex_resampler_process_interleaved_int(resampler, (const spx_int16_t*)buffer, (spx_uint32_t*)&in_len, (spx_int16_t*)effectbuffer, (spx_uint32_t*)&out_len);
effectbufferloaded = true;
buffer = effectbuffer;
lengthloaded = (out_len * samplesize);
// Pan
if (channel->GetPan() != 0.5f && format.channels == 2)
if (!effectbufferloaded)
memcpy(effectbuffer, buffer, lengthloaded);
effectbufferloaded = true;
buffer = effectbuffer;
switch (format.format) {
case AUDIO_S16SYS:
EffectPanS16(channel, (sint16*)effectbuffer, lengthloaded / samplesize);
case AUDIO_U8:
EffectPanU8(channel, (uint8*)effectbuffer, lengthloaded / samplesize);
int mixlength = Math::Min(lengthloaded, length);
// Volume
float volumeadjust = volume;
volumeadjust *= (gConfigSound.master_volume / 100.0f);
switch (channel->GetGroup()) {
volumeadjust *= adjust_sound_vol;
// Cap sound volume on title screen so music is more audible
if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TITLE_DEMO) {
volumeadjust = Math::Min(volumeadjust, 0.75f);
volumeadjust *= adjust_music_vol;
int startvolume = (int)(channel->GetOldVolume() * volumeadjust);
int endvolume = (int)(channel->GetVolume() * volumeadjust);
if (channel->IsStopping())
endvolume = 0;
int mixvolume = (int)(channel->GetVolume() * volumeadjust);
if (startvolume != endvolume)
// fade between volume levels to smooth out sound and minimize clicks from sudden volume changes
if (!effectbufferloaded)
memcpy(effectbuffer, buffer, lengthloaded);
effectbufferloaded = true;
buffer = effectbuffer;
mixvolume = SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME; // set to max since we are adjusting the volume ourselves
int fadelength = mixlength / format.BytesPerSample();
switch (format.format) {
case AUDIO_S16SYS:
EffectFadeS16((sint16*)effectbuffer, fadelength, startvolume, endvolume);
case AUDIO_U8:
EffectFadeU8((uint8*)effectbuffer, fadelength, startvolume, endvolume);
SDL_MixAudioFormat(data, buffer, format.format, mixlength, mixvolume);
delete[] convertedBuffer;
static void EffectPanS16(const IAudioChannel * channel, sint16 * data, int length)
@ -1003,12 +1026,11 @@ private:
bool MustConvert(Source& source)
bool MustConvert(const AudioFormat * sourceFormat)
const AudioFormat sourceformat = source.Format();
if (sourceformat.format != format.format ||
sourceformat.channels != format.channels ||
sourceformat.freq != format.freq)
if (sourceFormat->format != format.format ||
sourceFormat->channels != format.channels ||
sourceFormat->freq != format.freq)
return true;

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@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ interface IAudioChannel
virtual void Play(Source& source, int loop = MIXER_LOOP_NONE) abstract;
virtual void UpdateOldVolume() abstract;
virtual AudioFormat GetFormat() const abstract;
virtual size_t Read(void * dst, size_t len) abstract;
interface IAudioMixer