
141 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers
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* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#pragma warning(disable : 4706) // assignment within conditional expression
#include "WaterObject.h"
#include "../OpenRCT2.h"
#include "../core/IStream.hpp"
#include "../core/Json.hpp"
#include "../localisation/Language.h"
#include "../localisation/StringIds.h"
#include "../world/Location.hpp"
#include <memory>
void WaterObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectContext* context, OpenRCT2::IStream* stream)
stream->Seek(14, OpenRCT2::STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
_legacyType.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, ObjectStringID::NAME);
GetImageTable().Read(context, stream);
void WaterObject::Load()
_legacyType.string_idx = language_allocate_object_string(GetName());
_legacyType.image_id = gfx_object_allocate_images(GetImageTable().GetImages(), GetImageTable().GetCount());
_legacyType.palette_index_1 = _legacyType.image_id + 1;
_legacyType.palette_index_2 = _legacyType.image_id + 4;
void WaterObject::Unload()
gfx_object_free_images(_legacyType.image_id, GetImageTable().GetCount());
_legacyType.string_idx = 0;
_legacyType.image_id = 0;
void WaterObject::DrawPreview(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, int32_t width, int32_t height) const
// Write (no image)
auto screenCoords = ScreenCoordsXY{ width / 2, height / 2 };
DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenCoords, STR_WINDOW_NO_IMAGE, {}, { TextAlignment::CENTRE });
void WaterObject::ReadJson([[maybe_unused]] IReadObjectContext* context, json_t& root)
Guard::Assert(root.is_object(), "WaterObject::ReadJson expects parameter root to be object");
auto properties = root["properties"];
PopulateTablesFromJson(context, root);
if (properties.is_object())
_legacyType.flags = Json::GetFlags<uint16_t>(
{ "allowDucks", WATER_FLAGS_ALLOW_DUCKS },
auto jPalettes = properties["palettes"];
if (jPalettes.is_object())
// Images which are actually palette data
static const char* paletteNames[] = {
"general", "waves-0", "waves-1", "waves-2", "sparkles-0", "sparkles-1", "sparkles-2",
for (auto paletteName : paletteNames)
auto jPalette = jPalettes[paletteName];
if (jPalette.is_object())
void WaterObject::ReadJsonPalette(json_t& jPalette)
Guard::Assert(jPalette.is_object(), "WaterObject::ReadJsonPalette expects parameter jPalette to be object");
auto jColours = jPalette["colours"];
auto numColours = jColours.size();
// This pointer gets memcopied in ImageTable::AddImage so it's fine for the unique_ptr to go out of scope
auto data = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(numColours * 3);
size_t dataIndex = 0;
for (auto& jColour : jColours)
if (jColour.is_string())
auto colour = ParseColour(Json::GetString(jColour));
data[dataIndex + 0] = (colour >> 16) & 0xFF;
data[dataIndex + 1] = (colour >> 8) & 0xFF;
data[dataIndex + 2] = colour & 0xFF;
dataIndex += 3;
rct_g1_element g1 = {};
g1.offset = data.get();
g1.width = static_cast<int16_t>(numColours);
g1.x_offset = Json::GetNumber<int16_t>(jPalette["index"]);
g1.flags = G1_FLAG_PALETTE;
auto& imageTable = GetImageTable();
uint32_t WaterObject::ParseColour(const std::string& s) const
uint8_t r = 0;
uint8_t g = 0;
uint8_t b = 0;
if (s[0] == '#' && s.size() == 7)
// Expect #RRGGBB
r = std::stoul(s.substr(1, 2), nullptr, 16) & 0xFF;
g = std::stoul(s.substr(3, 2), nullptr, 16) & 0xFF;
b = std::stoul(s.substr(5, 2), nullptr, 16) & 0xFF;
return (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;