IntelOrca 34128dc262
Add new .park save format
Co-authored-by: Gymnasiast <>
Co-authored-by: duncanspumpkin <>
Co-authored-by: ZehMatt <>
Co-authored-by: Broxzier <>
2021-11-21 22:43:22 +01:00

6.5 KiB


All strings are null terminated UTF-8.

Array32: length: uint32 element-size: uint32 data: blob

An element-size of 0 indicates varying. E.g. for strings.

string-table: [] lcode: string (E.g. "en-GB") value: string


Header: magic: uint32 target-version: uint32 min-version: uint32 num-chunks: uint32 uncompressed-size: uint64 compression: uint32 sha1: byte[20]

Chunks: id: uint32 offset: uint64 length: uint64


Authoring: engine: string E.g. "openrct2 v0.1.2 (Linux)" authors: string[] notes: string date-started: timestamp date-modified: timestamp

Objects: object[] type: uint16 id: string version: string

Scenario: category: uint32 name: string-table park-name: string-table details: string-table objective-type: uint32 objective-year: uint16 objective-guests: uint32 objective-rating: uint16 objective-ride-excitement: uint16 objective-ride-length: uint16 objective-park-value: money32 objective-ride-profit: money32 objective-shop-profit: money32 completed-company-value: money32 completed-name: string

General: ticks: uint32 elapsed-months: uint32 current-day: uint16 rand: uint32[2] initial-cash: money32 guest-initial-cash: money16 guest-initial-hunger: uint8 guest-initial-thirst: uint8 guest-spawns: xyzd32 land-price: money32 construction-rights-price: money32

Interface: main-viewport: x: uint16 y: uint16 zoom: uint8 rotation: uint8 last-entrance-style: uint32

Climate: climate: uint8 climate-update-timer: uint16 current: weather: uint8 temperature: uint8 effect: uint8 gloom: uint8 rain-level: uint8 next: (same as above)

Park: name: string-id cash: money32 loan: money32 loan-max: money32 interest: uint16 flags: uint64 entrance-fee: money32 rating: uint16 rating-casualty-penalty: uint16 current-expenditure: money32 current-profit: money32 total-admissions: uint32 income-from-admissions: money32 handyman-colour: uint8 mechanic-colour: uint8 security-colour: uint8 campaigns: weeks-left: uint16 ride-index: uint32 research-funding: uint8 research-enabled: uint32 research-progress-stage: uint8 research-progress: uint16 research-last-item: uint32 research-next-item: uint32

rating-warning-days: uint16 peep-warning-throttle: uint8[16] awards:

History: rating-history: uint16[] guests-history: uint32[] cash-history: money32[] weekly-profit-history: money32[] park-value-history: money32[] expenditure-history: money32[][]


Tiles: map-size: xy32 tile-elements: tile-element[]






Strings: string[]

Editor: step: uint8

Derived: park-size: uint32 guests-in-park: uint32 guests-heading-for-park: uint32 company-value: money32 park-value: money32

Tile Element

tile-element-base: type: uint8 flags: uint8 base-z: uint8 clear-z: uint8

surface-element: slope: uint8 water-height: uint8 ownership: uint8 grass-length: uint8 surface-object-id: uint8 edge-object-id: uint8 (spare: 6)

footpath-element: object-id: uint16 edges: uint8 flags2: uint8 addition: uint16 addition-status: uint8 station-index: uint8 ride-index: uint32 (spare: -2)

track-element: type: uint16 (straight, 25 deg up, brakes etc.) sequence: uint8 style: uint8 (wooden, intamin, b&m etc.) station-index: uint8 colour: uint8 flags: uint8 (station / on-ride) (spare: 5)

track-element (maze): type: uint16 maze-entry: uint16 (spare: 8)

entrance-element: object-id: uint16 footpath-object-id: uint16 ride-index: uint32 station-index: uint8 type: uint8 (spare: 2)

scenery-element: object-id: uint32 age: uint8 colours: uint8[2] (spare: 5)

scenery-large-element: object-id: uint32 colour: uint8[3]

wall-element: object-id: uint32 colours: uint8[3] animation: uint8 banner-index: uint32 (spare: 0)

banner-element: object-id: uint16 index: uint32 flags: uint8 position: uint8 (spare: 4)


Ride index: uint32 Banner index: uint32 Station index: uint8

Ride object index: uint16 Terrain (surface) object index: uint8 Terrain (edge) object index: uint8 Entrance object index: uint16 (can be for each type if necessary) Footpath object index: uint16 Footpath addition object index: uint16 Scenery object index: uint32 Scenery (large) object index: uint32 Wall object index: uint32 Banner object index: uint16