
307 lines
16 KiB

#pragma region Copyright (c) 2014-2017 OpenRCT2 Developers
* OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2.
* OpenRCT2 is the work of many authors, a full list can be found in
* For more information, visit
* OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in licence.txt
#pragma endregion
#ifndef _RCT2_H_
#define _RCT2_H_
#include "ride/ride_ratings.h"
#include "ride/vehicle.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "rct12.h"
#define RCT2_MAX_RIDES_IN_PARK 255
#define RCT2_MAX_STAFF 200
#define RCT2_MAX_SPRITES 10000
#define RCT2_MAX_MAP_ELEMENTS 0x30000
typedef struct rct2_install_info {
uint32 installLevel;
char title[260];
char path[260];
uint32 var_20C;
uint8 pad_210[256];
char expansionPackNames[16][128];
uint32 activeExpansionPacks; //0xB10
} rct2_install_info;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
* Ride structure.
* size: 0x0260
typedef struct rct2_ride {
uint8 type; // 0x000
// pointer to static info. for example, wild mouse type is 0x36, subtype is
// 0x4c.
uint8 subtype; // 0x001
uint16 pad_002; // 0x002
uint8 mode; // 0x004
uint8 colour_scheme_type; // 0x005
rct_vehicle_colour vehicle_colours[RCT2_MAX_CARS_PER_TRAIN]; // 0x006
uint8 pad_046[0x03]; // 0x046, Used to be track colours in RCT1 without expansions
// 0 = closed, 1 = open, 2 = test
uint8 status; // 0x049
rct_string_id name; // 0x04A
union {
uint32 name_arguments; // 0x04C
struct {
rct_string_id name_arguments_type_name; // 0x04C
uint16 name_arguments_number; // 0x04E
LocationXY8 overall_view; // 0x050
LocationXY8 station_starts[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x052
uint8 station_heights[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x05A
uint8 station_length[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x05E
uint8 station_depart[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x062
// ride->vehicle index for current train waiting for passengers
// at station
uint8 train_at_station[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x066
LocationXY8 entrances[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x06A
LocationXY8 exits[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x072
uint16 last_peep_in_queue[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x07A
uint8 pad_082[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x082, Used to be number of peeps in queue in RCT1, but this has moved.
uint16 vehicles[RCT2_MAX_VEHICLES_PER_RIDE]; // 0x086, Points to the first car in the train
uint8 depart_flags; // 0x0C6
// Not sure if these should be uint or sint.
uint8 num_stations; // 0x0C7
uint8 num_vehicles; // 0x0C8
uint8 num_cars_per_train; // 0x0C9
uint8 proposed_num_vehicles; // 0x0CA
uint8 proposed_num_cars_per_train; // 0x0CB
uint8 max_trains; // 0x0CC
uint8 min_max_cars_per_train; // 0x0CD
uint8 min_waiting_time; // 0x0CE
uint8 max_waiting_time; // 0x0CF
union {
uint8 operation_option; // 0x0D0
uint8 time_limit; // 0x0D0
uint8 num_laps; // 0x0D0
uint8 launch_speed; // 0x0D0
uint8 speed; // 0x0D0
uint8 rotations; // 0x0D0
uint8 boat_hire_return_direction; // 0x0D1
LocationXY8 boat_hire_return_position; // 0x0D2
uint8 measurement_index; // 0x0D4
// bits 0 through 4 are the number of helix sections
// bit 5: spinning tunnel, water splash, or rapids
// bit 6: log reverser, waterfall
// bit 7: whirlpool
uint8 special_track_elements; // 0x0D5
uint8 pad_0D6[2]; // 0x0D6
// Divide this value by 29127 to get the human-readable max speed
// (in RCT2, display_speed = (max_speed * 9) >> 18)
sint32 max_speed; // 0x0D8
sint32 average_speed; // 0x0DC
uint8 current_test_segment; // 0x0E0
uint8 average_speed_test_timeout; // 0x0E1
uint8 pad_0E2[0x2]; // 0x0E2
sint32 length[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x0E4
uint16 time[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x0F4
fixed16_2dp max_positive_vertical_g; // 0x0FC
fixed16_2dp max_negative_vertical_g; // 0x0FE
fixed16_2dp max_lateral_g; // 0x100
fixed16_2dp previous_vertical_g; // 0x102
fixed16_2dp previous_lateral_g; // 0x104
uint8 pad_106[0x2]; // 0x106
uint32 testing_flags; // 0x108
// x y map location of the current track piece during a test
// this is to prevent counting special tracks multiple times
LocationXY8 cur_test_track_location; // 0x10C
// Next 3 variables are related (XXXX XYYY ZZZa aaaa)
uint16 turn_count_default; // 0x10E X = current turn count
uint16 turn_count_banked; // 0x110
uint16 turn_count_sloped; // 0x112 X = number turns > 3 elements
union {
uint8 inversions; // 0x114 (???X XXXX)
uint8 holes; // 0x114 (???X XXXX)
// This is a very rough approximation of how much of the ride is undercover.
// It reaches the maximum value of 7 at about 50% undercover and doesn't increase beyond that.
uint8 sheltered_eighths; // 0x114 (XXX?-????)
// Y is number of powered lifts, X is drops
uint8 drops; // 0x115 (YYXX XXXX)
uint8 start_drop_height; // 0x116
uint8 highest_drop_height; // 0x117
sint32 sheltered_length; // 0x118
// Unused always 0? Should affect nausea
uint16 var_11C; // 0x11C
uint8 num_sheltered_sections; // 0x11E (?abY YYYY)
// see cur_test_track_location
uint8 cur_test_track_z; // 0x11F
// Customer counter in the current 960 game tick (about 30 seconds) interval
uint16 cur_num_customers; // 0x120
// Counts ticks to update customer intervals, resets each 960 game ticks.
uint16 num_customers_timeout; // 0x122
// Customer count in the last 10 * 960 game ticks (sliding window)
uint16 num_customers[RCT2_CUSTOMER_HISTORY_SIZE]; // 0x124
money16 price; // 0x138
LocationXY8 chairlift_bullwheel_location[2]; // 0x13A
uint8 chairlift_bullwheel_z[2]; // 0x13E
union {
rating_tuple ratings; // 0x140
struct {
ride_rating excitement; // 0x140
ride_rating intensity; // 0x142
ride_rating nausea; // 0x144
uint16 value; // 0x146
uint16 chairlift_bullwheel_rotation; // 0x148
uint8 satisfaction; // 0x14A
uint8 satisfaction_time_out; // 0x14B
uint8 satisfaction_next; // 0x14C
// Various flags stating whether a window needs to be refreshed
uint8 window_invalidate_flags; // 0x14D
uint8 pad_14E[0x02]; // 0x14E
uint32 total_customers; // 0x150
money32 total_profit; // 0x154
uint8 popularity; // 0x158
uint8 popularity_time_out; // 0x159 Updated every purchase and ?possibly by time?
uint8 popularity_next; // 0x15A When timeout reached this will be the next popularity
uint8 num_riders; // 0x15B
uint8 music_tune_id; // 0x15C
uint8 slide_in_use; // 0x15D
union {
uint16 slide_peep; // 0x15E
uint16 maze_tiles; // 0x15E
uint8 pad_160[0xE]; // 0x160
uint8 slide_peep_t_shirt_colour; // 0x16E
uint8 pad_16F[0x7]; // 0x16F
uint8 spiral_slide_progress; // 0x176
uint8 pad_177[0x9]; // 0x177
sint16 build_date; // 0x180
money16 upkeep_cost; // 0x182
uint16 race_winner; // 0x184
uint8 pad_186[0x02]; // 0x186
uint32 music_position; // 0x188
uint8 breakdown_reason_pending; // 0x18C
uint8 mechanic_status; // 0x18D
uint16 mechanic; // 0x18E
uint8 inspection_station; // 0x190
uint8 broken_vehicle; // 0x191
uint8 broken_car; // 0x192
uint8 breakdown_reason; // 0x193
money16 price_secondary; // 0x194
uint8 reliability_subvalue; // 0x196, 0 - 255, acts like the decimals for reliability_percentage
uint8 reliability_percentage; // 0x197, Starts at 100 and decreases from there.
uint16 reliability; // 0x196
// Small constant used to increase the unreliability as the game continues,
// making breakdowns more and more likely.
uint8 unreliability_factor; // 0x198
// Range from [0, 100]
uint8 downtime; // 0x199
uint8 inspection_interval; // 0x19A
uint8 last_inspection; // 0x19B
uint8 downtime_history[RCT2_DOWNTIME_HISTORY_SIZE]; // 0x19C
uint32 no_primary_items_sold; // 0x1A4
uint32 no_secondary_items_sold; // 0x1A8
uint8 breakdown_sound_modifier; // 0x1AC
// Used to oscillate the sound when ride breaks down.
// 0 = no change, 255 = max change
uint8 not_fixed_timeout; // 0x1AD
uint8 last_crash_type; // 0x1AE
uint8 connected_message_throttle; // 0x1AF
money32 income_per_hour; // 0x1B0
money32 profit; // 0x1B4
uint8 queue_time[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x1B8
uint8 track_colour_main[RCT12_NUM_COLOUR_SCHEMES]; // 0x1BC
uint8 track_colour_additional[RCT12_NUM_COLOUR_SCHEMES]; // 0x1C0
uint8 track_colour_supports[RCT12_NUM_COLOUR_SCHEMES]; // 0x1C4
uint8 music; // 0x1C8
uint8 entrance_style; // 0x1C9
uint16 vehicle_change_timeout; // 0x1CA
uint8 num_block_brakes; // 0x1CC
uint8 lift_hill_speed; // 0x1CD
uint16 guests_favourite; // 0x1CE
uint32 lifecycle_flags; // 0x1D0
uint8 vehicle_colours_extended[RCT2_MAX_CARS_PER_TRAIN]; // 0x1D4
uint16 total_air_time; // 0x1F4
uint8 current_test_station; // 0x1F6
uint8 num_circuits; // 0x1F7
sint16 cable_lift_x; // 0x1F8
sint16 cable_lift_y; // 0x1FA
uint8 cable_lift_z; // 0x1FC
uint8 pad_1FD; // 0x1FD
uint16 cable_lift; // 0x1FE
uint16 queue_length[RCT12_MAX_STATIONS_PER_RIDE]; // 0x200
uint8 pad_208[0x58]; // 0x208
} rct2_ride;
assert_struct_size(rct2_ride, 0x260);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* scores.dat file header.
* size: 0x10
struct rct_scores_header
uint32 var_0;
uint32 var_4;
uint32 var_8;
uint32 ScenarioCount;
assert_struct_size(rct_scores_header, 0x10);
* An entry of scores.dat
* size: 0x02B0
struct rct_scores_entry
char Path[256];
uint8 Category;
uint8 pad_0101[0x1F];
sint8 ObjectiveType;
sint8 ObjectiveArg1;
sint32 objectiveArg2;
sint16 objectiveArg3;
char Name[64];
char Details[256];
sint32 Flags;
money32 CompanyValue;
char CompletedBy[64];
assert_struct_size(rct_scores_entry, 0x02B0);
#endif // __cplusplus
#pragma pack(pop)