
435 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file 32bpp_optimized.cpp Implementation of the optimized 32 bpp blitter. */
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../zoom_func.h"
#include "../settings_type.h"
#include "32bpp_optimized.hpp"
#include "../safeguards.h"
/** Instantiation of the optimized 32bpp blitter factory. */
static FBlitter_32bppOptimized iFBlitter_32bppOptimized;
* Draws a sprite to a (screen) buffer. It is templated to allow faster operation.
* @tparam mode blitter mode
* @param bp further blitting parameters
* @param zoom zoom level at which we are drawing
template <BlitterMode mode, bool Tpal_to_rgb>
inline void Blitter_32bppOptimized::Draw(const Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom)
const SpriteData *src = (const SpriteData *)bp->sprite;
/* src_px : each line begins with uint32_t n = 'number of bytes in this line',
* then n times is the Colour struct for this line */
const Colour *src_px = (const Colour *)(src->data + src->offset[zoom][0]);
/* src_n : each line begins with uint32_t n = 'number of bytes in this line',
* then interleaved stream of 'm' and 'n' channels. 'm' is remap,
* 'n' is number of bytes with the same alpha channel class */
const uint16_t *src_n = (const uint16_t *)(src->data + src->offset[zoom][1]);
/* skip upper lines in src_px and src_n */
for (uint i = bp->skip_top; i != 0; i--) {
src_px = (const Colour *)((const byte *)src_px + *(const uint32_t *)src_px);
src_n = (const uint16_t *)((const byte *)src_n + *(const uint32_t *)src_n);
/* skip lines in dst */
Colour *dst = (Colour *)bp->dst + bp->top * bp->pitch + bp->left;
2019-09-29 22:27:32 +02:00
/* store so we don't have to access it via bp every time (compiler assumes pointer aliasing) */
const byte *remap = bp->remap;
for (int y = 0; y < bp->height; y++) {
/* next dst line begins here */
Colour *dst_ln = dst + bp->pitch;
/* next src line begins here */
const Colour *src_px_ln = (const Colour *)((const byte *)src_px + *(const uint32_t *)src_px);
/* next src_n line begins here */
const uint16_t *src_n_ln = (const uint16_t *)((const byte *)src_n + *(const uint32_t *)src_n);
src_n += 2;
/* we will end this line when we reach this point */
Colour *dst_end = dst + bp->skip_left;
2019-09-29 22:27:32 +02:00
/* number of pixels with the same alpha channel class */
uint n;
while (dst < dst_end) {
n = *src_n++;
if (src_px->a == 0) {
dst += n;
src_px ++;
} else {
if (dst + n > dst_end) {
uint d = dst_end - dst;
src_px += d;
src_n += d;
dst = dst_end - bp->skip_left;
dst_end = dst + bp->width;
n = std::min(n - d, (uint)bp->width);
goto draw;
dst += n;
src_px += n;
src_n += n;
dst -= bp->skip_left;
dst_end -= bp->skip_left;
dst_end += bp->width;
while (dst < dst_end) {
n = std::min<uint>(*src_n++, dst_end - dst);
if (src_px->a == 0) {
dst += n;
switch (mode) {
if (src_px->a == 255) {
do {
uint m = *src_n;
/* In case the m-channel is zero, do not remap this pixel in any way */
if (m == 0) {
*dst = src_px->data;
} else {
uint r = remap[GB(m, 0, 8)];
if (r != 0) *dst = this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), GB(m, 8, 8));
} while (--n != 0);
} else {
do {
uint m = *src_n;
if (m == 0) {
*dst = ComposeColourRGBANoCheck(src_px->r, src_px->g, src_px->b, src_px->a, *dst);
} else {
uint r = remap[GB(m, 0, 8)];
if (r != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPANoCheck(this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), GB(m, 8, 8)), src_px->a, *dst);
} while (--n != 0);
if (src_px->a == 255) {
do {
uint m = *src_n;
if (m == 0) {
uint8_t g = MakeDark(src_px->r, src_px->g, src_px->b);
*dst = ComposeColourRGBA(g, g, g, src_px->a, *dst);
} else {
uint r = remap[GB(m, 0, 8)];
if (r != 0) *dst = this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), GB(m, 8, 8));
} while (--n != 0);
} else {
do {
uint m = *src_n;
if (m == 0) {
if (src_px->a != 0) {
uint8_t g = MakeDark(src_px->r, src_px->g, src_px->b);
*dst = ComposeColourRGBA(g, g, g, src_px->a, *dst);
} else {
uint r = remap[GB(m, 0, 8)];
if (r != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPANoCheck(this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(r), GB(m, 8, 8)), src_px->a, *dst);
} while (--n != 0);
do {
*dst = Colour(0, 0, 0);
} while (--n != 0);
/* TODO -- We make an assumption here that the remap in fact is transparency, not some colour.
* This is never a problem with the code we produce, but newgrfs can make it fail... or at least:
* we produce a result the newgrf maker didn't expect ;) */
/* Make the current colour a bit more black, so it looks like this image is transparent */
src_n += n;
if (src_px->a == 255) {
src_px += n;
do {
*dst = MakeTransparent(*dst, 3, 4);
} while (--n != 0);
} else {
do {
*dst = MakeTransparent(*dst, (256 * 4 - src_px->a), 256 * 4);
} while (--n != 0);
if (src_px->a == 255) {
/* faster than memcpy(), n is usually low */
do {
if (Tpal_to_rgb && *src_n != 0) {
/* Convert the mapping channel to a RGB value */
*dst = this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(GB(*src_n, 0, 8)), GB(*src_n, 8, 8)).data;
} else {
*dst = src_px->data;
} while (--n != 0);
} else {
do {
if (Tpal_to_rgb && *src_n != 0) {
/* Convert the mapping channel to a RGB value */
Colour colour = this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(GB(*src_n, 0, 8)), GB(*src_n, 8, 8));
*dst = ComposeColourRGBANoCheck(colour.r, colour.g, colour.b, src_px->a, *dst);
} else {
*dst = ComposeColourRGBANoCheck(src_px->r, src_px->g, src_px->b, src_px->a, *dst);
} while (--n != 0);
dst = dst_ln;
src_px = src_px_ln;
src_n = src_n_ln;
template <bool Tpal_to_rgb>
void Blitter_32bppOptimized::Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom)
switch (mode) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case BM_NORMAL: Draw<BM_NORMAL, Tpal_to_rgb>(bp, zoom); return;
case BM_COLOUR_REMAP: Draw<BM_COLOUR_REMAP, Tpal_to_rgb>(bp, zoom); return;
case BM_TRANSPARENT: Draw<BM_TRANSPARENT, Tpal_to_rgb>(bp, zoom); return;
case BM_CRASH_REMAP: Draw<BM_CRASH_REMAP, Tpal_to_rgb>(bp, zoom); return;
case BM_BLACK_REMAP: Draw<BM_BLACK_REMAP, Tpal_to_rgb>(bp, zoom); return;
template void Blitter_32bppOptimized::Draw<true>(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom);
template void Blitter_32bppOptimized::Draw<false>(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom);
* Draws a sprite to a (screen) buffer. Calls adequate templated function.
* @param bp further blitting parameters
* @param mode blitter mode
* @param zoom zoom level at which we are drawing
void Blitter_32bppOptimized::Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom)
this->Draw<false>(bp, mode, zoom);
template <bool Tpal_to_rgb> Sprite *Blitter_32bppOptimized::EncodeInternal(const SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, AllocatorProc *allocator)
/* streams of pixels (a, r, g, b channels)
* stored in separated stream so data are always aligned on 4B boundary */
Colour *dst_px_orig[ZOOM_LVL_COUNT];
/* interleaved stream of 'm' channel and 'n' channel
2012-02-25 18:22:57 +01:00
* 'n' is number of following pixels with the same alpha channel class
* there are 3 classes: 0, 255, others
* it has to be stored in one stream so fewer registers are used -
* x86 has problems with register allocation even with this solution */
uint16_t *dst_n_orig[ZOOM_LVL_COUNT];
/* lengths of streams */
uint32_t lengths[ZOOM_LVL_COUNT][2];
ZoomLevel zoom_min;
ZoomLevel zoom_max;
if (sprite->type == SpriteType::Font) {
zoom_min = ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL;
zoom_max = ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL;
} else {
zoom_min = _settings_client.gui.zoom_min;
zoom_max = _settings_client.gui.zoom_max;
if (zoom_max == zoom_min) zoom_max = ZOOM_LVL_MAX;
for (ZoomLevel z = zoom_min; z <= zoom_max; z++) {
const SpriteLoader::Sprite *src_orig = &sprite[z];
uint size = src_orig->height * src_orig->width;
dst_px_orig[z] = CallocT<Colour>(size + src_orig->height * 2);
dst_n_orig[z] = CallocT<uint16_t>(size * 2 + src_orig->height * 4 * 2);
uint32_t *dst_px_ln = (uint32_t *)dst_px_orig[z];
uint32_t *dst_n_ln = (uint32_t *)dst_n_orig[z];
const SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src = (const SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *)src_orig->data;
for (uint y = src_orig->height; y > 0; y--) {
/* Index 0 of dst_px and dst_n is left as space to save the length of the row to be filled later. */
Colour *dst_px = (Colour *)&dst_px_ln[1];
uint16_t *dst_n = (uint16_t *)&dst_n_ln[1];
uint16_t *dst_len = dst_n++;
uint last = 3;
int len = 0;
for (uint x = src_orig->width; x > 0; x--) {
uint8_t a = src->a;
uint t = a > 0 && a < 255 ? 1 : a;
if (last != t || len == 65535) {
if (last != 3) {
*dst_len = len;
dst_len = dst_n++;
len = 0;
last = t;
if (a != 0) {
dst_px->a = a;
*dst_n = src->m;
if (src->m != 0) {
/* Get brightest value */
uint8_t rgb_max = std::max({ src->r, src->g, src->b });
/* Black pixel (8bpp or old 32bpp image), so use default value */
if (rgb_max == 0) rgb_max = DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS;
*dst_n |= rgb_max << 8;
if (Tpal_to_rgb) {
/* Pre-convert the mapping channel to a RGB value */
Colour colour = this->AdjustBrightness(this->LookupColourInPalette(src->m), rgb_max);
dst_px->r = colour.r;
dst_px->g = colour.g;
dst_px->b = colour.b;
} else {
dst_px->r = src->r;
dst_px->g = src->g;
dst_px->b = src->b;
} else {
dst_px->r = src->r;
dst_px->g = src->g;
dst_px->b = src->b;
} else if (len == 1) {
*dst_n = src->m;
if (last != 3) {
*dst_len = len;
dst_px = (Colour *)AlignPtr(dst_px, 4);
dst_n = (uint16_t *)AlignPtr(dst_n, 4);
*dst_px_ln = (uint8_t *)dst_px - (uint8_t *)dst_px_ln;
*dst_n_ln = (uint8_t *)dst_n - (uint8_t *)dst_n_ln;
dst_px_ln = (uint32_t *)dst_px;
dst_n_ln = (uint32_t *)dst_n;
lengths[z][0] = (byte *)dst_px_ln - (byte *)dst_px_orig[z]; // all are aligned to 4B boundary
lengths[z][1] = (byte *)dst_n_ln - (byte *)dst_n_orig[z];
uint len = 0; // total length of data
for (ZoomLevel z = zoom_min; z <= zoom_max; z++) {
len += lengths[z][0] + lengths[z][1];
Sprite *dest_sprite = (Sprite *)allocator(sizeof(*dest_sprite) + sizeof(SpriteData) + len);
dest_sprite->height = sprite->height;
dest_sprite->width = sprite->width;
dest_sprite->x_offs = sprite->x_offs;
dest_sprite->y_offs = sprite->y_offs;
SpriteData *dst = (SpriteData *)dest_sprite->data;
memset(dst, 0, sizeof(*dst));
for (ZoomLevel z = zoom_min; z <= zoom_max; z++) {
dst->offset[z][0] = z == zoom_min ? 0 : lengths[z - 1][1] + dst->offset[z - 1][1];
dst->offset[z][1] = lengths[z][0] + dst->offset[z][0];
memcpy(dst->data + dst->offset[z][0], dst_px_orig[z], lengths[z][0]);
memcpy(dst->data + dst->offset[z][1], dst_n_orig[z], lengths[z][1]);
return dest_sprite;
template Sprite *Blitter_32bppOptimized::EncodeInternal<true>(const SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, AllocatorProc *allocator);
template Sprite *Blitter_32bppOptimized::EncodeInternal<false>(const SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, AllocatorProc *allocator);
Sprite *Blitter_32bppOptimized::Encode(const SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, AllocatorProc *allocator)
return this->EncodeInternal<true>(sprite, allocator);