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> **Warning**
> ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/](../../../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/
# Module: config
## Variables
### defaultConfig
`Const` **defaultConfig**: `MermaidConfig`
#### Defined in
## Functions
### addDirective
**addDirective**(`directive`): `void`
Pushes in a directive to the configuration
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :---------- | :-------------- | :----------------------- |
| `directive` | `MermaidConfig` | The directive to push in |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getConfig
**getConfig**(): `MermaidConfig`
## getConfig
| Function | Description | Type | Return Values |
| --------- | ------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------ |
| getConfig | Obtains the currentConfig | Get Request | Any Values from current Config |
**Notes**: Returns **any** the currentConfig
#### Returns
The currentConfig
#### Defined in
### getSiteConfig
**getSiteConfig**(): `MermaidConfig`
## getSiteConfig
| Function | Description | Type | Values |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------- |
| setSiteConfig | Returns the current siteConfig base configuration | Get Request | Returns Any Values in siteConfig |
**Notes**: Returns **any** values in siteConfig.
#### Returns
The siteConfig
#### Defined in
### reset
**reset**(`config?`): `void`
## reset
| Function | Description | Type | Required | Values |
| -------- | ---------------------------- | ----------- | -------- | ------ |
| reset | Resets currentConfig to conf | Put Request | Required | None |
## conf
| Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
| --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| conf | base set of values, which currentConfig could be **reset** to. | Dictionary | Required | Any Values, with respect to the secure Array |
**Notes**: (default: current siteConfig ) (optional, default `getSiteConfig()`)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------- | :-------------- | :------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `config` | `MermaidConfig` | `siteConfig` | base set of values, which currentConfig could be **reset** to. Defaults to the current siteConfig (e.g returned by [getSiteConfig]( |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### sanitize
**sanitize**(`options`): `void`
## sanitize
| Function | Description | Type | Values |
| -------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------ |
| sanitize | Sets the siteConfig to desired values. | Put Request | None |
Ensures options parameter does not attempt to override siteConfig secure keys **Notes**: modifies
options in-place
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :-------- | :---- | :-------------------------------- |
| `options` | `any` | The potential setConfig parameter |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### saveConfigFromInitialize
**saveConfigFromInitialize**(`conf`): `void`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :----- | :-------------- |
| `conf` | `MermaidConfig` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### setConfig
**setConfig**(`conf`): `MermaidConfig`
## setConfig
| Function | Description | Type | Values |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- |
| setSiteConfig | Sets the siteConfig to desired values | Put Request | Any Values, except ones in secure array |
**Notes**: Sets the currentConfig. The parameter conf is sanitized based on the
keys. Any values found in conf with key found in will be replaced with the
corresponding siteConfig value.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :----- | :-------------- | :-------------------------- |
| `conf` | `MermaidConfig` | The potential currentConfig |
#### Returns
The currentConfig merged with the sanitized conf
#### Defined in
### setSiteConfig
**setSiteConfig**(`conf`): `MermaidConfig`
## setSiteConfig
| Function | Description | Type | Values |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- |
| setSiteConfig | Sets the siteConfig to desired values | Put Request | Any Values, except ones in secure array |
**Notes:** Sets the siteConfig. The siteConfig is a protected configuration for repeat use. Calls
to reset() will reset the currentConfig to siteConfig. Calls to reset(configApi.defaultConfig)
will reset siteConfig and currentConfig to the defaultConfig Note: currentConfig is set in this
function _Default value: At default, will mirror Global Config_
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :----- | :-------------- | :------------------------------------------ |
| `conf` | `MermaidConfig` | The base currentConfig to use as siteConfig |
#### Returns
The new siteConfig
#### Defined in
### updateCurrentConfig
**updateCurrentConfig**(`siteCfg`, `_directives`): `MermaidConfig`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------------ | :----------------- |
| `siteCfg` | `MermaidConfig` |
| `_directives` | `MermaidConfig`\[] |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### updateSiteConfig
**updateSiteConfig**(`conf`): `MermaidConfig`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :----- | :-------------- |
| `conf` | `MermaidConfig` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in