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package engine
import (
type MediaStreamer interface {
NewFileSystem(ctx context.Context, maxBitRate int, format string) (http.FileSystem, error)
func NewMediaStreamer(ds model.DataStore, ffm ffmpeg.FFmpeg, cache fscache.Cache) MediaStreamer {
return &mediaStreamer{ds: ds, ffm: ffm, cache: cache}
type mediaStreamer struct {
ds model.DataStore
ffm ffmpeg.FFmpeg
cache fscache.Cache
func (ms *mediaStreamer) NewFileSystem(ctx context.Context, maxBitRate int, format string) (http.FileSystem, error) {
return &mediaFileSystem{ctx: ctx, ds: ms.ds, ffm: ms.ffm, cache: ms.cache, maxBitRate: maxBitRate, format: format}, nil
type mediaFileSystem struct {
ctx context.Context
ds model.DataStore
maxBitRate int
format string
ffm ffmpeg.FFmpeg
cache fscache.Cache
func (fs *mediaFileSystem) selectTranscodingOptions(mf *model.MediaFile) (string, int) {
var bitRate int
var format string
if fs.format == "raw" || !conf.Server.EnableDownsampling {
return "raw", bitRate
} else {
if fs.maxBitRate == 0 {
bitRate = mf.BitRate
} else {
bitRate = utils.MinInt(mf.BitRate, fs.maxBitRate)
format = "mp3" //mf.Suffix
if conf.Server.MaxBitRate != 0 {
bitRate = utils.MinInt(bitRate, conf.Server.MaxBitRate)
if bitRate == mf.BitRate {
return "raw", bitRate
return format, bitRate
func (fs *mediaFileSystem) Open(name string) (http.File, error) {
id := strings.Trim(name, "/")
mf, err := fs.ds.MediaFile(fs.ctx).Get(id)
if err == model.ErrNotFound {
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error opening mediaFile", "id", id, err)
return nil, os.ErrInvalid
format, bitRate := fs.selectTranscodingOptions(mf)
if format == "raw" {
log.Debug(fs.ctx, "Streaming raw file", "id", mf.ID, "path", mf.Path,
"requestBitrate", bitRate, "requestFormat", format,
"originalBitrate", mf.BitRate, "originalFormat", mf.Suffix)
return os.Open(mf.Path)
log.Debug(fs.ctx, "Streaming transcoded file", "id", mf.ID, "path", mf.Path,
"requestBitrate", bitRate, "requestFormat", format,
"originalBitrate", mf.BitRate, "originalFormat", mf.Suffix)
return fs.transcodeFile(mf, bitRate, format)
func (fs *mediaFileSystem) transcodeFile(mf *model.MediaFile, bitRate int, format string) (*transcodingFile, error) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.%s", mf.ID, bitRate, format)
r, w, err := fs.cache.Get(key)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error creating stream caching buffer", "id", mf.ID, err)
return nil, os.ErrInvalid
// If it is a new file (not found in the cached), start a new transcoding session
if w != nil {
log.Debug("File not found in cache. Starting new transcoding session", "id", mf.ID)
out, err := fs.ffm.StartTranscoding(fs.ctx, mf.Path, bitRate, format)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error starting transcoder", "id", mf.ID, err)
return nil, os.ErrInvalid
go func() {
io.Copy(w, out)
} else {
log.Debug("Reading transcoded file from cache", "id", mf.ID)
return newTranscodingFile(fs.ctx, r, mf, bitRate), nil
// transcodingFile Implements http.File interface, required for the FileSystem. It needs a Closer, a Reader and
// a Seeker for the same stream. Because the fscache package only provides a ReaderAtCloser (without the Seek()
// method), we wrap that reader with a SectionReader, which provides a Seek(). But we still need the original
// reader, as we need to close the stream when the transfer is complete
func newTranscodingFile(ctx context.Context, reader fscache.ReadAtCloser,
mf *model.MediaFile, bitRate int) *transcodingFile {
size := int64(mf.Duration*float32(bitRate*1000)) / 8
return &transcodingFile{
ctx: ctx,
mf: mf,
bitRate: bitRate,
size: size,
closer: reader,
ReadSeeker: io.NewSectionReader(reader, 0, size),
type transcodingFile struct {
ctx context.Context
mf *model.MediaFile
bitRate int
size int64
closer io.Closer
func (tf *transcodingFile) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) {
return &streamHandlerFileInfo{f: tf}, nil
func (tf *transcodingFile) Close() error {
return tf.closer.Close()
func (tf *transcodingFile) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
return nil, nil
type streamHandlerFileInfo struct {
f *transcodingFile
func (fi *streamHandlerFileInfo) Name() string { return }
func (fi *streamHandlerFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { return }
func (fi *streamHandlerFileInfo) Size() int64 { return fi.f.size }
func (fi *streamHandlerFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode { return os.FileMode(0777) }
func (fi *streamHandlerFileInfo) IsDir() bool { return false }
func (fi *streamHandlerFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return nil }