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package req_test
import (
. ""
. ""
func TestUtils(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "Request Helpers Suite")
var _ = Describe("Request Helpers", func() {
var r *req.Values
Describe("ParamString", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?a=123", nil))
It("returns param as string", func() {
It("returns empty string if param does not exist", func() {
v, err := r.String("NON_EXISTENT_PARAM")
Describe("ParamStringDefault", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?a=123", nil))
It("returns param as string", func() {
Expect(r.StringOr("a", "default_value")).To(Equal("123"))
It("returns default string if param does not exist", func() {
Expect(r.StringOr("xx", "default_value")).To(Equal("default_value"))
Describe("ParamStrings", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?a=123&a=456", nil))
It("returns all param occurrences as []string", func() {
Expect(r.Strings("a")).To(Equal([]string{"123", "456"}))
It("returns empty array if param does not exist", func() {
v, err := r.Strings("xx")
Describe("ParamTime", func() {
d := time.Date(2002, 8, 9, 12, 11, 13, 1000000, time.Local)
t := d.UnixMilli()
now := time.Now()
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/ping?t=%d&inv=abc", t), nil))
It("returns parsed time", func() {
Expect(r.TimeOr("t", now)).To(Equal(d))
It("returns default time if param does not exist", func() {
Expect(r.TimeOr("xx", now)).To(Equal(now))
It("returns default time if param is an invalid timestamp", func() {
Expect(r.TimeOr("inv", now)).To(Equal(now))
Describe("ParamTimes", func() {
d1 := time.Date(2002, 8, 9, 12, 11, 13, 1000000, time.Local)
d2 := time.Date(2002, 8, 9, 12, 13, 56, 0000000, time.Local)
t1 := d1.UnixMilli()
t2 := d2.UnixMilli()
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/ping?t=%d&t=%d", t1, t2), nil))
It("returns all param occurrences as []time.Time", func() {
Expect(r.Times("t")).To(Equal([]time.Time{d1, d2}))
It("returns empty string if param does not exist", func() {
v, err := r.Times("xx")
It("returns current time as default if param is invalid", func() {
now := time.Now()
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?t=null", nil))
times, err := r.Times("t")
Expect(times[0]).To(BeTemporally(">=", now))
Describe("ParamInt", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?i=123&inv=123.45", nil))
Context("int", func() {
It("returns parsed int", func() {
Expect(r.IntOr("i", 999)).To(Equal(123))
It("returns default value if param does not exist", func() {
Expect(r.IntOr("xx", 999)).To(Equal(999))
It("returns default value if param is an invalid int", func() {
Expect(r.IntOr("inv", 999)).To(Equal(999))
It("returns error if param is an invalid int", func() {
_, err := r.Int("inv")
Context("int64", func() {
It("returns parsed int64", func() {
Expect(r.Int64Or("i", 999)).To(Equal(int64(123)))
It("returns default value if param does not exist", func() {
Expect(r.Int64Or("xx", 999)).To(Equal(int64(999)))
It("returns default value if param is an invalid int", func() {
Expect(r.Int64Or("inv", 999)).To(Equal(int64(999)))
It("returns error if param is an invalid int", func() {
_, err := r.Int64("inv")
Describe("ParamInts", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?i=123&i=456", nil))
It("returns array of occurrences found", func() {
Expect(r.Ints("i")).To(Equal([]int{123, 456}))
It("returns empty array if param does not exist", func() {
v, err := r.Ints("xx")
Describe("ParamBool", func() {
Context("value is true", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?b=true&c=on&d=1&e=True", nil))
It("parses 'true'", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("b", false)).To(BeTrue())
It("parses 'on'", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("c", false)).To(BeTrue())
It("parses '1'", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("d", false)).To(BeTrue())
It("parses 'True'", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("e", false)).To(BeTrue())
Context("value is false", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
r = req.Params(httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/ping?b=false&c=off&d=0", nil))
It("parses 'false'", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("b", true)).To(BeFalse())
It("parses 'off'", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("c", true)).To(BeFalse())
It("parses '0'", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("d", true)).To(BeFalse())
It("returns default value if param does not exist", func() {
Expect(r.BoolOr("xx", true)).To(BeTrue())